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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

Guest yikes

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Fuck off troon, you tree hugging fuck.


You don't know what you're on about. I'm going to eat a kitten.


meat, dairy and egg production are by far the most environmentally destructive practices engaged in by humans on this planet.


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Guest the anonymous forumite

I don't understand all the troon hate but for what it's worth, I would say to Troon that God is beyond good and evil, and that we do wrong out of fear and that god loves us all, no matter what, and that he should not worry about that. :whistling:

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i was vegetarian for 8 years, now i eat fish, still haven't managed to work up enough of an appetite to try meat yet.



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troon, you realize when you talk about how we are "fallen," how "we are supposed to be the preservers and protectors of life," how we must gain back our "innocence" you're missing a fatal flaw of your biblical rhetoric:


eve ate an apple, dude.


do you think god would have gave a shit if she fried up some lamb chops?


fuck no, he was pissed that she had a fucking garden full of animals to eat and a husband to fuck but instead she's hanging out with skinny ass snakes eating apples like a vegan bitch.

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Guest enxyme

"we are surrounded by addictions - some of them are so embedded in our daly lives that they have ceased to be looked at in this way.

we are being controlled and manipulated in very subtle and advanced ways and the saddest thing is that those powers that perpetuate

these types of lies are winning.


we must take our innocence back - we must take our lives back - we are not cash cows - we are human beings.


awaken the sleepers - subvert!"




I agree with you wholeheartedly Troon...


Meat and dairy products are extremely addictive... Many "Mainstream Diet" people I know won't even eat vegetables or fruit anymore. ...Because it won't GET THEM OFF!!


Eating has become a drug for mainstream culture... It's about the rush and the sick power you feel from eating such strong energy's


Eating should be about balance and nutrition... Mentally, Spiritually and Physically




Here's a little test you can perform...


Go into any Denny's, Cracker Barrel, Western Sizzilin',Fudruckers or Fat Buddy's(Did I leave any out?) Walk up to the first obese man eating a pork steak you see and take his food from him...


He just might try to kill you...


Now go into your local vegetarian restaurant... Walk up to the first slim attractive man with great skin you see and take his food...


This man we'll no doubt have the balance and elevation to discern what is happening to him and certainly make a level headed decision...


Not one based on lower chakra "Fucking and Fighting" / "Flight or Flight" animalistic mentality...


Love yourself...

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