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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

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Guest disparaissant

i genuinely, 90% believe that the meat industry is worse* than any genocide ever committed, perhaps even every genocide combined.



belief fail



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i genuinely, 90% believe that the meat industry is worse* than any genocide ever committed, perhaps even every genocide combined.



belief fail





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Guest disparaissant

i genuinely, 90% believe that the meat industry is worse* than any genocide ever committed, perhaps even every genocide combined.



belief fail







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i think we should start eating people too


round up all the criminals and unleash mobs of naked impovershed citizens to feast on them


solves so many things.

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not eating meat won't solve much in terms of animals saved... sure if everyone did it, then that would be a change, but theres nothing wrong with eating meat in my opinion. what is wrong is the way we treat animals... but the only way one is going to change that is through legislation. being born into a system is not a burden on us, its a burden on those who have control (they are responsible). I have thought about a few unique ideas on how to get political power behind a more humane treatment of animals and an overall promotion of growing your own food, and I plan on tackling these ideas in the coming years. But cooking is an art, and I want to fully appreciate all types of food, being a vegan and doing nothing else (aside from annoying the shit out of people with your hippie philosophies) won't get us anywhere. As demand shrinks, meat becomes cheaper... the poor will always eat meat because of its high protein etc... so essentially meat production won't be affected, and if it is, I don't see how it will change the situation much (we'll just produce less of them)...


the absolute best concept is to have your own farm and do everything yourself... but thats really not affordable for everyone. However just like public libraries, if we had a world wide effort to give the community plenty of resources and land to grow their own food together, it would promote companies to follow our footsteps, just as companies now "compete" to be the most "green" (yes its mostly bullshit, but in time positive changes will come)

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Why do people care so much about animals when people are treated worse every day. Genital mutilation, dismemberment, not to mention severe poverty and lack of shelter, and of course the necessities of adequate nutrition and family care. Animals in fucking feed lots are treated better than this. I'd be much more willing to listen to your misspelled rants Troon if you talked about how humans are being mistreated rather than animals that have survived this long on earth because they are advantageous to humans as food, clothing, and labor.

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I'd prefer to pour billions into research on species uplift for cows. I'd feel a lot better about eating them if they were bipedal, sentient and able to defend themselves. As it is there's little challenge.

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put it this way:


to grasp that eating meat is wrong is to be highly evolved, to be ahead of the game, possibly extremely far ahead of the game.


i would likely not waste my time on anybody who couldn't be convinced of this after a short discussion with me or any other logical person who holds these beliefs.

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Guest disparaissant

put it this way:


to grasp that eating meat is wrong is to be highly evolved, to be ahead of the game, possibly extremely far ahead of the game.


i would likely not waste my time on anybody who couldn't be convinced of this after a short discussion with me or any other logical person who holds these beliefs.



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put it this way:


to grasp that eating meat is wrong is to be highly evolved, to be ahead of the game, possibly extremely far ahead of the game.


i would likely not waste my time on anybody who couldn't be convinced of this after a short discussion with me or any other logical person who holds these beliefs.


so if a cow dies outside your house and your poor and have no food... what do you do?

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i eat meat. you eat meat. most people eat meat. but to hold the knowledge that it is NOT the morally correct thing to do is to be in the superior realm.


meat is addicting, like enxyme said. i'm sick of being laughed at and watching other people be laughed at who take this seriously. you're not a moron, we are not morons, let us be the ones to step up and be TRULY human - advanced - thoughtful.


do you think aliens will come here and stomp on us because we are lesser creatures? no. any being that is that advanced will recognize:


pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is bad. pain is bad. CREATING PAIN IS WRONG. WRONG IS WRONG. PAIN IS WRONG.


you have to understand, putting up with people when it comes to this specific topic... it's really very difficult.

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Unless vegans buy completely local food, then you most likely are supporting the same companies which treat your cute animals so "wonderfully"... Like my roommate, buys a crapload of frozen cheese pizza.. but by doing so he's giving money to a company which obviously buys meat for their meat pizzas... so hows he making a difference? if you buy local only, then thats awesome. But if you go to a grocery store, most of the stuff is owned by a few companies.

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