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any vegans/vegetarians/raw foodists up in da WATTM?

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Guest disparaissant

bet that small talks lookin pretty good now eh guys?


god yes. how's the weather in your parts?

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i eat meat. you eat meat. most people eat meat. but to hold the knowledge that it is NOT the morally correct thing to do is to be in the superior realm.


meat is addicting, like enxyme said. i'm sick of being laughed at and watching other people be laughed at who take this seriously. you're not a moron, we are not morons, let us be the ones to step up and be TRULY human - advanced - thoughtful.


do you think aliens will come here and stomp on us because we are lesser creatures? no. any being that is that advanced will recognize:


pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is bad. pain is bad. CREATING PAIN IS WRONG. WRONG IS WRONG. PAIN IS WRONG.


you have to understand, putting up with people when it comes to this specific topic... it's really very difficult.

but you kill thousands of living things every time you take a bite of any food! DONT THEY FEEL PAIN TOO??? WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE? MAMMALS? ANIMALS? BACTERIA? And what about vegetables!! They are living too!!! When you pick an orange the mother tree loses one of its babies. fact.

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Shit like this just confuses me...it doesn't even look real. 99% of people I know, and I've met some backwards-ass country folk, would never treat an animal like this..it almost looks fake, to be honest. I know that sounds ignorant, but I just don't see the point in being that much of a dick and nobody I know would ever do that kind of shit. Can someone explain to me why this happens? Does it passify them? Do cows even need to be passified? I just don't get it.

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Guest tht tne

bet that small talks lookin pretty good now eh guys?


god yes. how's the weather in your parts?


i kept that thread in mind today when i went to rite-aid... wanted to talk to the clerk but i restrained myself

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"we are surrounded by addictions - some of them are so embedded in our daly lives that they have ceased to be looked at in this way.

we are being controlled and manipulated in very subtle and advanced ways and the saddest thing is that those powers that perpetuate

these types of lies are winning.


we must take our innocence back - we must take our lives back - we are not cash cows - we are human beings.


awaken the sleepers - subvert!"




I agree with you wholeheartedly Troon...


Meat and dairy products are extremely addictive... Many "Mainstream Diet" people I know won't even eat vegetables or fruit anymore. ...Because it won't GET THEM OFF!!


Eating has become a drug for mainstream culture... It's about the rush and the sick power you feel from eating such strong energy's


Eating should be about balance and nutrition... Mentally, Spiritually and Physically




Here's a little test you can perform...


Go into any Denny's, Cracker Barrel, Western Sizzilin',Fudruckers or Fat Buddy's(Did I leave any out?) Walk up to the first obese man eating a pork steak you see and take his food from him...


He just might try to kill you...


Now go into your local vegetarian restaurant... Walk up to the first slim attractive man with great skin you see and take his food...


This man we'll no doubt have the balance and elevation to discern what is happening to him and certainly make a level headed decision...


Not one based on lower chakra "Fucking and Fighting" / "Flight or Flight" animalistic mentality...


Love yourself...

Oh jesus 4th post and you're already into this bollox. I can appreciate vegans of vegetarians who choose that way of life because of the health benefits. But this shite about it being morally wrong is retarded. Why dont you go off into the wilderness with the bears and live with them? Oh no wait, because they'd kill you. Why dont we all just hold hands a sing songs together. Open your eyes and see the real world. You know people who wont eat veg and fruit? You know some retards then dont you. Its clearly about balance dumb ass.


I assume those names you mentioned were fast food joints? I like how you compared them to vegetarian restaurant, how about comparing it to any regular restaurant, walk up to an ideal weighted man and take his food away. His face with its nice skin would have a perplexed look on his face. But when he realises that youre just being a dickhead he can kick your ass because his he has fully developed muscles from creatine and the energy to do more than smell his own farts.


If youre post count remains on 4 I'll be happy.


put it this way:


to grasp that eating meat is wrong is to be highly evolved, to be ahead of the game, possibly extremely far ahead of the game.


i would likely not waste my time on anybody who couldn't be convinced of this after a short discussion with me or any other logical person who holds these beliefs.


Yes now that you mention it thats exactly what Darwin was talking about. :facepalm:


Go on then. In your next post lets see your whole argument. I don't want any of this God nonsense brought into it either. I believe there are carnivores in the wild too. The lion has his claws and powerful jaws the human has his slaughter house. If you dont agree with it dont eat it but dont condescend towards me because I like to eat more than soya.

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open your mind folks... i know some of you out there have... and there are few of us at this point. it's nice to be on the inside of the "thought" club instead of the "societally dominated" club. you people can get together and play pool and laugh about sports... etc


honestly i'm just going to say fuck it, there is nothing to gain here. people are truly deeply brainwashed on this topic and it's hopeless, it really is. take a look insi- forget it. you're incapable.


you're small. and meaningless. some of us were born to go on and do truly great things. others were born to shit away into the nothingness of time.






the bottom line has absolutely nothing to do with meat, or animals. it has to do with pain. and doing the most we can to lessen the causing of it. and then, there is the next step to actually step outside of our boundaries and take action against those forces of pain. i'm not there yet, i'm the same, but at least i see the fucking light and am not so pathetically socially constricted by these meaningless arguments.


i have experienc-










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Guest tht tne

"we are surrounded by addictions - some of them are so embedded in our daly lives that they have ceased to be looked at in this way.

we are being controlled and manipulated in very subtle and advanced ways and the saddest thing is that those powers that perpetuate

these types of lies are winning.


we must take our innocence back - we must take our lives back - we are not cash cows - we are human beings.


awaken the sleepers - subvert!"




I agree with you wholeheartedly Troon...


Meat and dairy products are extremely addictive... Many "Mainstream Diet" people I know won't even eat vegetables or fruit anymore. ...Because it won't GET THEM OFF!!


Eating has become a drug for mainstream culture... It's about the rush and the sick power you feel from eating such strong energy's


Eating should be about balance and nutrition... Mentally, Spiritually and Physically




Here's a little test you can perform...


Go into any Denny's, Cracker Barrel, Western Sizzilin',Fudruckers or Fat Buddy's(Did I leave any out?) Walk up to the first obese man eating a pork steak you see and take his food from him...


He just might try to kill you...


Now go into your local vegetarian restaurant... Walk up to the first slim attractive man with great skin you see and take his food...


This man we'll no doubt have the balance and elevation to discern what is happening to him and certainly make a level headed decision...


Not one based on lower chakra "Fucking and Fighting" / "Flight or Flight" animalistic mentality...


Love yourself...

Oh jesus 4th post and you're already into this bollox. I can appreciate vegans of vegetarians who choose that why of life because of the health benefits. But this shite about it being morally wrong is retarded. Why dont you go off into the wilderness with the bears and live with them? Oh no wait, because they'd kill you. Why dont we all just hold hands a sing songs together. Open your eyes and see the real world. You know people who wont eat veg and fruit? You know some retards then dont you. Its clearly about balance dumb ass.


I assume those names you mentioned were fast food joints? I like how you compared them to vegetarian restaurant, how about comparing it to any regular restaurant, walk up to an ideal weighted man and take his food away. His face with its nice skin would have a perplexed look on his face. But when he realises that youre just being a dickhead he can kick your ass because his he has fully developed muscles from creatine and the energy to do more than smell his own farts.


If youre post count remains on 4 I'll be happy.


put it this way:


to grasp that eating meat is wrong is to be highly evolved, to be ahead of the game, possibly extremely far ahead of the game.


i would likely not waste my time on anybody who couldn't be convinced of this after a short discussion with me or any other logical person who holds these beliefs.


Yes now that you mention it thats exactly what Darwin was talking about. :facepalm:


Go on then. In your next post lets see your whole argument. I don't want any of this God nonsense brought into it either. I believe there are carnivores in the wild too. The lion has his claws and powerful jaws the human has his slaughter house. If you dont agree with it dont eat it but dont condescend towards me because I like to eat more than soya.


gee whiz i sure am glad we're homeboys and not enemies

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this has ALL to do with existence/god/morality. it is not a question of personal choice. i'm sick of people saying "blah blah i'm fine with vegans being down with themselves but as soon as they try to guilt ME...FAGGOTS!!!!!! MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT!"


just think. please.

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Guest disparaissant

bet that small talks lookin pretty good now eh guys?


god yes. how's the weather in your parts?


i kept that thread in mind today when i went to rite-aid... wanted to talk to the clerk but i restrained myself


see the thing is, and i'm only speaking from personal experience, small talk is not a bad thing in all cases. i mean, when i work retail, i like having a nice casual chat. provided you aren't a gross old person telling me about your various ailments. or a jehovah's witness. but i suppose that's not really small talk.

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Guest disparaissant

ps i'm derailing this thread because it needs it


it is now about pie. not meat pie, just pie. delicious, delicious pie.


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this has ALL to do with existence/god/morality. it is not a question of personal choice. i'm sick of people saying "blah blah i'm fine with vegans being down with themselves but as soon as they try to guilt ME...FAGGOTS!!!!!! MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT!"


just think. please.



I dont necessarily believe in a god so what else you got? I didn't say guilt me because you're argument is bollix, I was talking about thinking you're better or "on to something" because you don't eat meat.

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Guest enxyme

i eat meat. you eat meat. most people eat meat. but to hold the knowledge that it is NOT the morally correct thing to do is to be in the superior realm.


meat is addicting, like enxyme said. i'm sick of being laughed at and watching other people be laughed at who take this seriously. you're not a moron, we are not morons, let us be the ones to step up and be TRULY human - advanced - thoughtful.


do you think aliens will come here and stomp on us because we are lesser creatures? no. any being that is that advanced will recognize:


pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is pain. pain is bad. pain is bad. CREATING PAIN IS WRONG. WRONG IS WRONG. PAIN IS WRONG.


you have to understand, putting up with people when it comes to this specific topic... it's really very difficult.



I totally agree Vamos Scorcho... Do what you have to do... Meat will sustain the body for a while...


In my experience the more I've evolved the less I've had to be concerned with surviving...


Life becomes more effortless... You create patterns and cycles in your life based on life... Not death




Here's a great tip for all you people addicted to conventional meat products...


You don't have to be brainwashed into buying Pepcid® for you nasty case of acid reflux disease...


Yea... That's that problem you've been complaining about where you belch up stomach acid into your mouth...


Meat is the most acidic "Food" in the conventional diet...


But don't worry... You don't have to stop... "They" made a pill that makes that go away...



Also... The reason you smell like dead animal under your arm pit...


That's what's coming out of there...

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i don't have the energy to explain it like the video i posted a few posts back does...it explains it so beautifully really.


1. sorry for getting pissed off, seriously, ... i haven't been that mad in a while about internet interactions.


2. at least watch the first part of that video.

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predatorism sucks when you are the prey - if something was trying to chase you down and eat you then you would agree - i'm sure if it meant that big ugly something would stop trying to

eat you then you would be a vegan in a second

i never saw any eagle turn into a vegan, and yet snakes eat them, so, there

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Can you explain to me for what reason that guy is kicking the shit out of that cow? There's seemingly no reason for it. It can't be good for the business, especially now that it's been filmed. The cow isn't about to pull any shit, it's just gonna sit there and be a fucking cow. Why? I don't want to get all conspiracy theorist on you but from what I've heard about PETA I wouldn't put it too far past them to fake something like this. But don't take that too seriously, I'm not well versed in this shit. So enlighten me, please.

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LOL, a whole post in bold. Sums you up perfectly.


You know whats good for heart burn? Milk.


Meat is the most acidic food in your diet? Have a look here mate.Too BIG


But I'm gonna stop now because I have this horrible feeling Im being trolled, maybe its just my subconscious trying to save my faith in humanity :facepalm:

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Guest tht tne

lot of baloneyheads in this thread, now... back to sweet, delicious pie




(fur pie doesn't sell)

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No pain no gain.


Also can any of you vegans imagine what it must feel like to be eaten from toe to head by a pack of lions... I'd rather be insta killed with the no country gun

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Guest Rabid

I'm going to keep eating meat until my weight lifting days are over. After that I'm doing my research to decide, for myself, whether I should drop meat or not. A lot of vegans say that they feel a lot better physically after making their lifestyle choice, so I may as well give it a shot.

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