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Look at this fucking SPOT

Guest Gary C

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Guest Gary C



I had a similar spot a couple of years ago. It was right in the centre of my forehead then, so I dipped a needle in boiling water and vodka and pricked the fucker.

It popped and pussed and I squeezed a bagful of clear liquid, followed by blood and then dark grey matter.


Unfortunately, after that initial spot, I'm pretty sure some of the dark grey dirt-matter escaped into two other pockets on my forehead.


So I'd had this little grey lump just under the skin for about two years. It was a hard little nugget, about the size of my little finger-nail. It was nothing really obvious, it didn't stand out and wasn't noticeable to anyone else but me.


Anyway, a whitehead formed on it last week, and I though, aha, now's the time.


I tentatively gave it a little squeeze and all hell broke loose. My forehead swelled, became inflamed and red. It's gradually lessened over the week, and this picture does it no justice, but it's still causing constant pressure on my head and making one side of my face sensitive.


I'm only in my 3rd week of my new job too, so it's a pretty bad time to get a huge spot.


Anyway. I really want to pop it again. I figured I'd do it this Friday afternoon, to give me the longest time between devastation and work again on Monday. But I've just been given some Zineryt by a friend. It's the shit for spots, he says. But I might go to the doctors tomorrow too because I've had a stye recently and have been told that I might need anti-biotics because my body has become shit at fighting infections.


So that's that. Got any bodily nasties to share?

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got to chemist.


buy magnesium sulphate.


apply. put plaster over.



lose second head, or parasitic twin (delete where appropriate)



reap cosmetic rewards.

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I thought of that video, Joyrex.


I have a similar lump at the base of my spine actually. I'm pretty sure it's not a boil or a spot, but some sort of fatty deposit/lump.

I'm gonna have the doctor look at that actually because it freaks me out a bit.












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Guest Gary C

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Incidentally, I'd love to pop the fucker on video. But unfortunately it's on my face, so I don't think I can really live with a massive bloody hole on my face for a few weeks.

I am kind of hoping the doctor might do it though, and I'll demand a full head bandage if he does. LOL.


But God, I hope this Zineryt stuff makes it smaller at least. It's completely sapped my confidence. I'm irritable, tired and stressed.


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Guest pulsewarrior

could possibly be a boil. also possible it's a sebacious cyst (i have a few of them, one on my arm, one on my back - they're benign and don't become inflamed). good idea would be to have it biopsied.

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I had something like that a couple of times a long time ago, both times it just eventually disappeared, i never got it checked but probably i should've.


i did get some saggy skin between my eyebrows (not very noticeable), not sure if it was a consequence of that but very well could be.

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Guest Gary C

It came to a natural head this morning. Well, sort of.


I've managed to drain a fair amount of milky-yellow puss, but it's still pretty huge and I'm not entirely sure it's even a part of the grey dirt-lump that I'd like to get rid of.

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I had an enormous boil on my chin a few years ago. When I popped it a projectile of pus jizzed all over the mirror. Ever since then I've a small circular patch where my stubble never grows anymore. Dull but true.

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Guest Gary C

The doctor said this morning that it's a boil, and he's given me anti-biotics. 4 a day for 5 days.


How do anti-biotics work? Do they promote the production of white blood-cells in the body or something? Because these are strong ones apparently. I'm interested to know whether my immune system will suddenly be kicking arse, because I haven't taken any prescription medication in about 10 years and rarely get ill, but usually feel a bit run-down and irritable.

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Guest Gary C

One particular memory I have from childhood is of a friend diving into the metal goal post during a football tournament. His forehead inflated in a matter of seconds to something that size.

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Wipe the boil and the area around it in alcohol, take a clean empty baby food bottle, throw in a burning wad of paper in the bottle, place it over your boil and make sure it's airtight, you will feel a strong suction but do not remove the bottle until it has sucked out the pus.

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i once saw a guy being hit in the head with a lump hammer in dalry road in edinburgh. he immediately developed a completely square lump on his head about 3/4" in height.



i crossed the road.

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