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Look at this fucking SPOT

Guest Gary C

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Did you mention to the doctor about the hard lump of shit in there? It sounds like some sort of granuloma which is just some sort of general muck that your body can't shift so it just leaves it there, but they can sometimes break up or initiate an inflammation for no real reason.


PS eeeeew

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Guest ms-dos

i am so jealous that you get to pop that thing. keep it clean so it doesn't get infected. you don't want your head amputated.

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Guest Gary C

So yeah, it popped by itself on the morning I went to the doctors, and a fair amount of pus came out. But yesterday I was peeling off all the dry skin around it, when I guess I pulled off the thin layer that was holding it all in because it oozed again.

I squeezed it again and a very rigid stream of matter came out between oozes. The thing also exploded with a shot of pus across the mirror.


It's smaller than it was a few days ago, and the anti-biotics are giving me diarrhea.

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Was it satisfying to pop it or was it just, well...



Sometimes pimples being popped can be a relief or just suck. Hopefully it gets better though. Sorry 'bout the diarrhea.

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Guest Gary C

Damn, after xxx's post, I'll stop fucking around with it.


It's certainly smaller, which I'm pleased with. And I've decided to tell people that I went to the doctors and was told I had my unborn twin brother growing in my skull.

I've had a fair amount of alcohol the past two days, which has probably affected the anti-biotics efficiency, so I'll get back to it now and hope I don't need a blade in my face.

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i just read several wikipedia articles in full about stephen king, the shining, etc


king will be respected more than ever before someday




'I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and Fries' - stephen king

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Guest Gary C

I must be excreting bacteria everywhere possible. I have ulcers in my mouth, and a spicy arsehole. Coupled with vile farts/shits and bad breath this kind of sucks now.

I was hoping antibiotics would make super fit.

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Guest Gary C

These pills are making me feel increasingly queezy. They taste worse and are harder to swallow. I think my subconscious is rejecting them.

I'm shitting pure bacteria from every orifice.


Only 3 tablets left, but a lump remains.

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Actually, I have this problem that I've been reluctant to talk about, because I don't have health insurance and there's shit all I can do about it, but maybe xxx or someone can offer some advice?


You know when you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek, and sometimes you'll get a little raised, irritated lump for a day or so? I've basically had one since early March. I don't recall how it showed up, and it's long passed the irritated stage, but there's this little pink raised bump inside my mouth. Not like a canker sore; it looks more like a pimple or a raised mole (but just a little lighter in color than the rest of inner mouth. It's right smack inbetween my upper jaw and lower jaw if I close my mouth, and it's not far from my lips, so it's probably constantly aggravated.


I just don't know what's going on. Obviously in my more panicked moments my thoughts turned to some kind of STD/herpes, but I haven't been sexually active in all of 2010 (:cry::wtf:) and before that I was in a committed relationship with someone who doesn't have any STDs. This thing just showed up one day. It's not painful, it's just a smallish, hardish lump. And it's freaking me out!


And honestly, it's making me reluctant to get out and date, because what the fuck is that?

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Guest Gary C

Took my last pill at lunch. The bump is down, but still bigger than any normal spot.


I'll give it 'til the weekend, and maybe go back to the doctors on Monday.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Damn, after xxx's post, I'll stop fucking around with it.


It's certainly smaller, which I'm pleased with. And I've decided to tell people that I went to the doctors and was told I had my unborn twin brother growing in my skull.

I've had a fair amount of alcohol the past two days, which has probably affected the anti-biotics efficiency, so I'll get back to it now and hope I don't need a blade in my face.

Dude, do not drink on antibiotics. Not only will you get the shitty side effects you speak of but you render the medicine inactive. I would wager that you're taking some kind of "-cilin", likely amoxicilin. That medicine consists of "live" components that would be literally dissolved by the ethanol in your booze. We discovered penicillin because we found that certain fungi growing on trees created a "kill zone" of no bacteria around the tree (symbiotic relation) and could be replicated on a petri dish (fuck me, how many of those have I done! :crazy:). So, your pills are alive and do not like alcohol!!

/father-like rant over :lol:


Not really true. Definitely not alive! As blanket advice I would say don't drink on antibiotics but really it isn't a problem for most of them. Penicillins are associated with hangover-like side effects such as horrible shits and headaches, so you can be doubling up how awful you feel, but unless you take the pills and wash them down with beer you will probably be okay. If you take them on an empty stomach like they tell you and let the antibiotics be absorbed before you get drunk there is no reason it should impede them.


If you are experiencing brown stomach fury I recommend getting some Yakult for the week after you've finished the treatment. It will reduce your chance of getting post-antibiotic diarrhea which is not uncommon.

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Guest Gary C

I actually just had a very consistent shit. My first in weeks. Deathly black and pungent, but consistent.

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  • 11 months later...

Damn, after xxx's post, I'll stop fucking around with it.


It's certainly smaller, which I'm pleased with. And I've decided to tell people that I went to the doctors and was told I had my unborn twin brother growing in my skull.

I've had a fair amount of alcohol the past two days, which has probably affected the anti-biotics efficiency, so I'll get back to it now and hope I don't need a blade in my face.

Dude, do not drink on antibiotics. Not only will you get the shitty side effects you speak of but you render the medicine inactive. I would wager that you're taking some kind of "-cilin", likely amoxicilin. That medicine consists of "live" components that would be literally dissolved by the ethanol in your booze. We discovered penicillin because we found that certain fungi growing on trees created a "kill zone" of no bacteria around the tree (symbiotic relation) and could be replicated on a petri dish (fuck me, how many of those have I done! :crazy:). So, your pills are alive and do not like alcohol!!

/father-like rant over :lol:


Not really true. Definitely not alive! As blanket advice I would say don't drink on antibiotics but really it isn't a problem for most of them. Penicillins are associated with hangover-like side effects such as horrible shits and headaches, so you can be doubling up how awful you feel, but unless you take the pills and wash them down with beer you will probably be okay. If you take them on an empty stomach like they tell you and let the antibiotics be absorbed before you get drunk there is no reason it should impede them.


If you are experiencing brown stomach fury I recommend getting some Yakult for the week after you've finished the treatment. It will reduce your chance of getting post-antibiotic diarrhea which is not uncommon.

Yeah I thought penicillins are generally alright with booze. Metronidazole is the one you need to watch out for.

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