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having a baby!


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Guest cuntainer

so the wife and i are having a baby. wow. its super exciting and totally nerve wracking but im really worried. i really think i need to have a boy but i know deep down we are goimg to have a girl. is it wrong to feel like im going to be disappointed when i find out its a girl?


of course when the baby comes i doubt its going to matter but the thoughts of playing soccer and baseball and teaching him to golf will be replaced with ballet classes, dolls and easy bake ovens.


i feel really bad about this at the moment and it sometimes seems to be consuming the joy of knowing we are starting a family.




edit: this came out all wrong :facepalm:



i thought you were gonna ask, is it wrong to have a baby?


my answer..



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My daughter was born early last Friday morning at my house, one month early, right into my hands as I frantically talked to a 911 operator on my cell phone while waiting for the ambulance to get there. It was at the same time the greatest and most terrifying experience of my life.


jesus christ. wow....... speechless...... congrats though!

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Guest abusivegeorge

The best part of having a baby is when you break open the shell and see it for the first time.


Holy fucking lol


i wouldnt want to have a girl bc id be worried about all you scumsuckers getting to her.


You know you'd be high fiving me in 16 years time if I, at the age of 39, really were to scum suck (lick out) your 16 year old daughter


Congratulations to all you baby makers btw :)

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Guest the anonymous forumite
children are a source of joy but they ruin every other source of joy you may have
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Congrats Jules. And don't worry, it's perfectly normal to prefer having one gender over the other. If it is a girl, that feeling will probably go out the window and you'll still be equally thrilled. I have both a boy and a girl now. Fatherhood's great.


My daughter was born early last Friday morning at my house, one month early, right into my hands as I frantically talked to a 911 operator on my cell phone while waiting for the ambulance to get there. It was at the same time the greatest and most terrifying experience of my life. With that in mind, good luck and have fun (and pack your suitcases early)! Expect the unexpected. Now don't you feel better?



wow, that is just insane man! congrats!!!


The best part of having a baby is when you break open the shell and see it for the first time.


Holy fucking lol





the last thing i expected from this thread was a huge source of lols. thanks for turning it around folks! watmm making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. nohomo.

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Maybe I'm late, but regarding the original post: Think of it this way, but if she were to have a boy now, your next child statistically wouldn't be as strong because it's supposed to be more taxing to have a boy first, physically. I'm the smallest of my siblings and myself and I'm the third of three boys. I don't know.


Congratulations on "babby."

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Thank You for further overcrowding this planet and advancing it towards eventual destruction. People need to stop multiplying. Adopting children from under privileged countries would be the eco-friendliest way to continue ones family and it would also be a start to breaking down the artificial construct of race.

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nice post-avator correlation


2 babies or less per family don't really contribute to population growth


Not when bombing Palestine settlements it doesn't. But stepping out from your western frame of mind, how many kids do you think the families in the less developed countries have?

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No, but still doesn't change the fact that it's still overcrowding the earth. Last time I checked we all live on the same rock. And considering the resource hogs developed countries are, adding more people there makes it even worse.

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Guest cuntainer

Thank You for further overcrowding this planet and advancing it towards eventual destruction. People need to stop multiplying. Adopting children from under privileged countries would be the eco-friendliest way to continue ones family and it would also be a start to breaking down the artificial construct of race.


yeah that's pretty much my take on it.



10 billion and counting...


a lot, but is anyone here from a developing country ?



but we are all world citizens...

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but that's what i was saying in the first post, a family with 2 children in a country with low mortality rate doesn't contribute to growth, the 2 children basically replace the 2 parents.

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