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Guest happycase

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Last night I had the most exciting dream
In it I was surrounded by many asses
I got shitted allover
Diarrhea splattered from every direction
I felt like I was in heaven
My cock ejaculated biggest load of cum I had ever seen
Suddenly I woke up, it was only a dream
But why was I covered with diarrhea?

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Guest pafr


nah, you are not that cool, but cooler than most girls. Rebeca is cool, but she tries too hard sometimes to be cool. Tries too hard to be the real cool kind of cool, not the retarded teenage kids kind of cool. I've learned that trying to be cool is a waste of energy. Similar people attracts, fucktards fall in love with fucktards.


agreed, there's no point trying to live up to other peoples expectations or trying to be someone you are not.


i just try and be myself, and if people don't like that it's their problem.


Trying to be cool isn't not being yourself. You wanted to be cool, and you'll probably attract people who also want to be cool. A person is made up of experiences in life. Growing up means learning from experiences. I'm addicted to new experiences. I've just been too chicken shit to try sex. It involves interacting with people in a way I've never done before. It's not like you can just drop acid by yourself.

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i had the most hilarious dream today:

i ordered a new plasma tv and the delivery got delayed severely (also true irl) which prompted me to argue with the sellers and the suppliers over the phone a lot, after the arguments became more severe i got refereed to the top-of-the chain guy in the firm who takes care of those issues which turned out to be noam chomsky! in my argument with him he sarcastically scolded my petty first world irritation about tv delivery being delayed and contrasted it with the suffering of the oppressed masses in the third world (as a method making me see things in perspective and cool my consumer zeal thus buying time for the firm to deliver the tv, i presume.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i guess cause i was sick last night i remembered every long dream i had in detail when i woke up. one part i found funny is at one point someone was like, you gotta hear this guys remixes, and literally all it was was a humming noise layered over every track

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Radioactive Mind

So there was me and a South Korean gangster (he had a black leather jacket and rodeo jeans on, boots & a bunch of tats that I didn't get to see very well) and we showed up at some 5-star hotel/convention center and went on a drunken rampage. We were destroying sculptures, tearing up paintings, assaulting and harassing these wealthy middle-aged socialites that were gathered for some event. I remember blowing my nose on a fur scarf at least once, drop-kicking some woman's poodle, and a bunch of times where we'd steal someone's cocktail, knock it back and smash the glass in their face, but we didn't kill anyone... directly. Security couldn't do anything to us because they were 3 Stooges-level incompetent, actually made things worse.


I remember the Korean dude spoke not a word of English, but it was like we could understand each other just because we were so roaring drunk, that we clicked in a profound way. Was the greatest.

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a snippet of my dream last night was of mowing a circular lawn outside a supermarket. The general feeling was that of it all taking place on a different planet.


Overall mood was relaxed but sinister. Mostly relaxed.

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I was involved with a criminal gang, just selling dope really. One lad got out of order and another pulled a gun on him, I was outraged, shocked, embarrassed and frightened, this was big do do for us, serious shit, he proceed to shoot him but only after setting fire to and petroling the old warehouse full of paper we were hanging around in. I could not believe it, it must be a dream, so I walked past the warehouse down by the docks this morning and it had indeed been burned out. I recognised the guy going through the rubble as he had looked in through the door last night just as things kicked off, I knew he was a witness, I knew he had seen us there, he was fearful of me but I now feared for him.

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Guest unteleportedman

Sporadically I have dreams that involve opiates/heroin (I have had other drug dreams in the past, i.e. smoking weed in dreams etc). In these dreams I'll either be with an old friend that will mention it or have it or I will be looking for it etc. I am now about sixth months sober and it still isn't easy, I just had one of these dreams last night. :(

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  • 1 month later...

Police came to my house last night & arrested me because details of a recent crime was similar to my post about a dream I had. I am now their number one suspect in an arson & murder case. When I woke up I was in a cell.

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  • 1 month later...

Had my first Richard D. James themed dream last night.


He moved into a duplex in an old subdivision I used to live in. It was sky blue & the architecture was that kind of Southern California stucco faced home. This type of house is not indicative of the home style in my old subdivision. I have no idea why Richard moved in, but a group of people including myself somehow got invited to his home as a "meet-and-greet". Vaguely thinking it had something to do with the Joyrex imminent announcement. He greeted us, hair tied back to ponytail, t-shirt, baggy cargo pants & sandals. Not pretentious by any means & pretty chill. His place was sparsely decorated & I only noticed a massive record collection. We talked wax for a little bit. I don't remember details of the conversation. There were no wife or children?!?

He put on some hip-hop record, where Greenkingdom (old watmm member) & myself started doing the "Kid-N-Play" dance. It was pretty sloppily done & my equilibrium was off. There was a section of more discussion, but I don't recall what was discussed again. It seemed like many of the people I came with had now left.

Richard then setup a series of small crystal like blocks in a straight line. Very much like a row of dominoes. The first & last block were completely clear. The blocks were all wired electronically at the base. He fired a blue-green laser through them which revealed an image on the wall much like the appearance of a topographic map. If you moved a block, it would change the shape of the map. He explained that the laser was vibrating the crystal in a certain way & was recording the frequency. He would then move the blocks to slightly different positions; thus making different sounds & different imagery. I could not hear the sound in my dream.

At this point I was alone & went to the restroom. An old lady came down stairs & was complaining about the noise Richard would make. She was a neighbor in the duplex I thought in my dream. When the lady got closer to complain, it turned out to be Phyllis Diller.


*woke up*

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i was careening helplessly, unclothed, down a seemingly endless ski-slope - mǝ with the brittle popsicle-pǝnis; snowpiercer - slipping forth to the gelid end; eventually shattering against a rather large tree

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How does one remember his dream ?


i've occasionally had dreams that were so real (but incredibly bizarre) that i needed to wake myself up. what i do is i make a conscious effort to tape the back of my hand- this is supposed to alert me that i'm dreaming. a kind of "time out!" unfortunately, when i wake up like this, i'm often paralyzed (because your body paralyzes you so you don't act act your dream) and your brain is flooded with dopamine so you're still dreaming even though you're now conscious.


if i wake up like this, i often have a very good recollection of my entire dream with the exception of being mentally exhausted from all the dream.

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How does one remember his dream ?


i have several audio recording devices within arms reach of the bed. also, i record while i'm sleeping and have captured very curious things, along with the usual grumblings and sleepy talk. i hang the devices from string, directly overhead. it is generally quite important to document the dream as quickly as possible upon waking; that's what i have found to be the case certainly. if i document a dream immediately, i am then able to recall it forever it would seem. very very very significant dreams will automatically be etched in mǝ ˈbrānˌpan without toil, however i am usually inspired to capture them regardless; just to be sure not to misplace the details.


if you are unable to retain dreams at all, or you are unable to remember the slightest thing ongoing, try experiment with variations in yr sleep patterns. set alarms several times in the night, forcing yrslf to fall to sleep again. try sleeping in new locations, or with yr end in the beginning. sleeping in the afternoon or late morning periodically can induce dreaming. soft musics can stimulate dream activity. you can put someone who sleeps with you to the task of whispering sweet things in your ears while you sleep or touching you in sensitive spots very softly - on the ears, eyelids, abdomen, bottoms of the feet or the sex parts. this can be quite effective. you might try to drink large amounts of water or eat large amounts of food before entering the bed, or; attempt the opposite and abstain from food and drink completely.

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He might not be dreaming redruth, in which case he needs more sleep. I find when i've been getting too little sleep i no longer notice that i have dreamed at all (with my job, this is a lot, so i've had plenty of opportunity to certify this concept). Whereas when i've had a few days of the correct amount of sleep, then we start dreaminaeting. Of course scientifically on my low sleep days, i would still be dreaming, because that happens in REM sleep which is still happening. But it's when you get to drift in and out of that lovely half sleep in the hours before waking, where your consciousness is tucked under a light quilt of sleep, that you can analyse and realise that there's a dream happening, hey this is cool, i must remember this. During that state there's a connection between the part of you that makes memories, and the bit that is just existing in the moment and making sense of the patterns of your neuron's firing away in downtime mode.

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That might be that actually. I roughly sleep 6h a night, maybe less. When I do remember my dreams, they seem really... thin. Also they don't have that glue to stick on your memory like any other event. They always fade away eventually, even when I try hard. So yeah, maybe I do have dreams that are too short to be remembered...


That audio recording thing sounds fun but I doubt I'd ever be able to fall asleep at all knowing I'm spying on myself lol. Thanks for the info though.

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It's not that they are short, it's that the part of you that presses record on things is not switched on and because you aren't in a shallow sleep, so won't drop out of the sleep into half wakefulness remembering what went on.


Ironically this evening i woke up about two hours into my sleep from a dream. This doesn't happen usually, must be Murphy's law in effect, "oh so you told watmm that did yer, well we'll see if we can turn you into a liar. Tee diddle dee."

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  • 2 months later...

i had a dream that i went to the cinema and watched james cameron's "new" version of titanic except it was starring me.


the cinema looked almost like a theater (with red curtains that parted from the stage to reveal the screen). immediately the show began- i was now living with the movie world (i.e. i could no longer see myself watching the film but now was rather in first person mode).


my character was me and i was with my girlfriend who looked remarkably similar to nikki reed except her name in this film was that of a previous girlfriend (from high school). our relationship seemed to border towards being obsessed with each other- as an example, as her and i were boarding the ship with my side kicks (played by friends from high school) she had her hand down my pants, and as we bordered, handing our tickets to the ships steward, some of the other passengers got sight of what we were doing and began laughing out of disdain.


at some point, the captain of the ship- played by alfred hitchcock, asked if there was anything out of the ordinary to which the steward alerted him to our vulgar display of affection. immediately hitchcock approached our cabin and said we had to be separated because he worried we'd offend the passengers. i was put on another ship whilst my girlfriend was left on the (titanic?)


the other ship i was put on was extremely boring (full of nerds). i kinda started going crazy and i managed to find a blackberry cell phone in my backpack (don't ask me where this came from) and texted nikki (let's just call her that now) telling her we had to be together. she agreed so i asked her to jump overboard to which she'd manage to smuggle herself onto some of the scout boats that usually scan the waters for people who've gone overboard and i'd rescue her by getting her onto my ship. she was as equally obsessed with being with me that she immediately agreed. alfred hitchcock was keeping an especially close eye on her but my friends helped create a diversion by staging a fight whilst my girlfriend went overboard and snuck onto a boat.


hitchcock realized something was afoot and altered security on both ships to keep an eye out for me (i guess i was notorious for this kind of thing). i implored the nerds to help me and at this point i went back into the cinema audience reality watching things unfolding on screen. at this point i started to wish i was back as that character- but now i was watching things nikki was doing and kept wondering "i wonder what i'm doing"


well, it turns out the nerds were rigging up a mission impossible type of plan to rescue nikki, sabotage hitchcock and his goons and make sure myself and nikki ended up together. i don't know exactly what happened here, but the next thing i knew, i had managed to mutiny my ship, nikki was onboard and i was talking to hitchcock on the radio telling him to man-down if he ever wanted to see his ship again.


at this point i started to question james cameron's authenticity of this version of titanic and even though i liked my performance and the sex-obsessed bonnie & clyde type relationship i had with nikki reed, i felt overall the film didn't hold up to the original and the ending was rushed. i was just about to ask other audience members what they thought when suddenly i heard a voice mumbling in my ear so i forced myself to wake up only to realize-


i was dreaming and even the voice mumbling was a dream, except it was now morning so i was awake

Edited by Nebraska
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  • 2 months later...

Think I wrote a "pop" song in a dream I just had in my late afternoon slumber, called "Grand Am". I guess it's supposed to be "Grand" and "Can Am" put together, I dunno.

I visualized a music video some dude who looked like CeeLo Green in a fancy white shirt and jeans in his signature Coke sunglasses, and he was rappin about his Grand Am. It was semi-annoying to be honest, but there was this cool skipping effect in part of the song.

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just dreamed that some1 stabbed my dog in the throat and tore out its spinal chord complete with that paralysis you get where you cant move, speak or intervene, just as well the wee creature is snoozing & oblivious cos we does all loves our furry friends


fuckin horrible foulness, sort it out brain

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