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Guest happycase

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i dreamt i was skipping through an old minidisc of my tracks and one was called Prometheus [somthing beginning with B]. hmmmm

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i dreamt i was skipping through an old minidisc of my tracks and one was called Prometheus [somthing beginning with B]. hmmmm


what was it like? the track

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crackling burning building percussion, raging solar storm synthesizer sweeps and a slow thump/rumble of 10,000 people stomping their feet in a dessert, and also golf clapping

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Guest volg4

i woke up, in a dream but i was in the future but it was 2011, some kind of alternate reality.... looked like the movie children of men but more like the forest type areas... lots of wooden house type structures, single storey, smashed windows, really run down and overgrown

i was getting chased, hiding and shit then found myself showing off this box of tiny star wars figures, they were in a white shoe box size container, about half full and they were all individually boxed in smaller white boxes with £15 price tags on each... there were other things in the box that i only half imagined, like pocket watches or brass cogs or something


i opened one tiny box up, i remember not wanting to open them because the value would go down, and it was darth vader, but he had long skinny legs and long white gloves and was really bendy and made of hard plastic, the texture was weird, ribbed and conical, everyone seemed really interested and didnt need to chase/kill me anymore


then i said, 'wait a minute, i was just dreaming about these.... how did they get here?'


dont know what happened after that


also, i dont own any collectibles of any kind so why i would dream them up is the wierdest bit for me, the future/past chase/death alternate reality is run of the mill in my head these days.... 2012

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Had the best dream ever today, it's one of those where context doesn't matter as much as the feelings you feel while in the dream but anyway...


It was about a week from now, I was at my grandma. And sudenly an apocalypse came, hurricanes and shit. The sky started warping like it was a 2d painting. Everyone was panicking, but for some reason I panicked the most and wanted to jump from a cliff to die sooner. So the apocalypse was getting worse and worse and after about 6 hours and the sky warped more and it turned green and orange and I was ready to jump from a cliff, but then a voice spoke. He said that he was from the first civilization in the universe and said to watch our technology, not create AI and don't travel in time and don't extend our lives too much.


And I was very happy because that explained a lot of things to me that I was thinking about. Like why we haven't received any signals from aliens or why the universe isn't already controled by AIs. Yeah, that doesn't make much sense....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Had a WATMM-DREAM™ tonight! No idea why:


I'm at a party, a swimming-pool is next door. The main party is taking place over there, but I don't feel like joining the lot in the pool yet. Sitting in front of a computer screen, I am supposed to be the judge in a fight between two forum members. Apparently, it's about some coins from ancient time, somebody's heritage. There is one user whose name I can't recall, but the ohter one's nickname is "Cal McBlack" or "Cal McDick", and he is indeed a black guy (an obvious reference to Fred McGriff, I guess, but I wasn't aware in the dream) - So Cal tells me it was him who inherited the coins from his father, who got them from his father, whose father brought them over from the old country, and so on. Yet the other one claims them for himself, for similar reasons, and apparently it's all somehow related to birch trees. So somebody posts me a text about birch trees, which is written in braille. It's rather long, all I can recall is the part where it says "Once the roots of a birch tree show up at the surface, there will be another birch tree by next month, and another one the month after that, and that pattern shall continue for the following months" - I don't get it. Some girl sends flirt-messages in between, in poor English. I'm not interested.


I'm off to hit the pool-party. I join the two fighting members in the pool. One is jumping the other's back, trying to hold him under water. It's proper ridiculous. I'm outa here. Off to the bathroom, the third and final room of the party. Also the smallest. Once I set foot in that room, there's a vocie from behind the shower curtain covering the bathtub: "Come here, my boy-toy!" - Fuck that, I'm nobody's boy-toy, who is that anyway. I get it now: It's the one who sent the flirt messages earlier. Fuck her, I think, turn around and get out of there, she hasn't seen me yet and I haven't seen her. But I'm too curious, so I pull back the curtain. She's a dark-eyed girl, short black hair, she's naked, dark-ish skin color, but not the good, healthy looking type, rather grey, as if it were the result from nicotine overconsumption. There's one more thing about her: Her mouth is the mouth of a cicada. No teeth, no tongue, no lips, just several horizontal organic looking strings, strawberry colored. I conclude: Not my type.


Now it's beginning to dawn on me: They set me up, there was no fight in the first place, those guys were pulling my leg, they were trying to get me to screw around with this girl in the tub. I'm not gonna fall for that. She's beginning to tell me her story, I am mildly interested. She has a Russian accent, but her voice is a lot less slimy that you'd expect it to be, coming from a cicada mouth. I don't even know how she does that. "Sooo ... you don't even listen to electronic music then?" - "Not at all" - "Then why'd you sign up for this forum?" - "Seemed like a fun place". This is dumb. I'm off. Some guy takes pictures of my dick on a swingset.






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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

I dreamt that I did a really long poo that refused to fully leave my guts. It just hung on in there like a rubbery monkey's tail. It wouldn't even snap when I was thrusting and shaking my hips about. I should add, too, that I didn't seem to be doing it in a toilet, just sort of half-squating in some woods all naked. Waking up from it I did wonder if I might really need a dump but farted anyway.

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i dreamed that a tiger adopter a kitten and did it's best to look after it and play with it. But eventually it killed it by accident. :sad:

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Dreamt a guy I used to be friends with wrote a book that wasn't very good, but I was still surprised and impressed that he wrote a book. Some other guy I run into occassionally waved to me from a cab. A+ dream.

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i dreamt i was with some girl but on waking i don't know who she was. like she was a bunch of girls i know rolled into one or something.. can't remember the face

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like she was a bunch of girls i know rolled into one or something


been playing any Katamari Damacy lately?>


one of my dreams last night involved this fukkin dog


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Last night I dreamt that I released a hip hop album called "The Nut Touchers". The cover was simply a female's hand with nicely manicured finger nails holding a pair of walnuts. I'm gonna make this happen!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

I dreamt that I was getting driving lessons in car with bizarre game physics. The car would take off if I went too fast and go on two wheels around corners. Every time I drove off from traffic lights the car would shake its rump in a serpentine fashion, slipping all over the road while trumpeting its exhaust quite boastfully. The instructor could not give two fucks about any of this. Didn't crash though, so waddafuck, who cares? At the end of the lesson I pulled up outside a mansion and saw WATMM's own KY standing on its comically large welcome mat. I say standing, he was sort of prowling on the spot, hunched and looking all about. Oblivious to his need for stealth I jumped and rolled over the mansion's chest-height hedge (instead of using the open gate??!?!) and jogged over all "HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON? WHY ARE YOU SNEAKING?!" As I stood on the mat with him the ground fell from beneath us, sort of like a tiger trap, and he called me a "fucking idiot." We fell through a laundry chute or something and landed in some damp basement surrounded by tough guys. NEXT THING we've got our hands tied behind our backs and one tough guy (looked a lot like Daryl from that bloody awful Walking Dead) approached me with a knife "Great!" I thought "He's going to untie me!" but no, he put my face to the ground and carefully slit my throat a few times, all casual. I wasn't so bothered though and thought to myself "Don't worry, it's only a dream." then woke up. You probably died too, KY. I'm sorry for not putting up a fight.

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Guest uptown devil

I dreamt I was in a house that was being overrun by a slew of poisonous chipmunks and I had to fend them off with a sword.

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dreamt that i was walking to my old middle school to play basketball with my friend scott and as i turned the corner into the parking lot , there were hundreds of riot cops lined up in front of the school and there was a huge crow all in blac; a demonstration there in the parking lot. i walked up from the edge and asked a riot cop "is everyone just standing here?" and cop just said "Yep" all civilized like. i then remote viewed my friend scott in the middle of the mass of demonstrators holding the basket ball, determined i couldn't be arsed to wade in and find him, and left. skip to me walking home down this local highway, i dreamt for some bit myself(?) just walking down this road, nothing novel, just walking and observing quite lucidly the familiarites of this local road, it was around sunset, and that's it. /end dream


the novelty came later that day when i was cheelin at home around sunset my friend scott called me to ask for a ride home, and that he was walking down very same road in my dream to get home from work, as he was temporarily without a car. coincidentally, i was also without a car at the time and was willing but unable (fuck i love triangles and rhombuses) to give him a lift. funny thing is didn't make the connection til after we hung up, but told him later. he laughed, mainly just a school string of experiences for myself.


that was last week or something


i should have waded in to find him...

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Guest disparaissant

i just got meds switched up and.every dream is basically a fever dream.

the other day it was soviet mind control and ended with people exploding

and today i just woke up from a dream that i don't remember most of, but the end of it had me vomiting up literally buckets of blood. i am fucking shaking right now. still. and i woke up an hour ago. jesus fucking christ.

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Dreamt I went to some cafe in Vancouver with my girlfriend where she got a gross looking hot dog. I asked the cashier where I could find the best cup of coffee in town. That's it. That's my dream.

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lots of sleep paralysis here.. wonderful. i think i stop breathing (been told i do) which makes it worse. so i was in bed with a girl, head under the duvet, paralysed and then she started suffocating me with the duvet... fuck you, dream girl.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

There was this mature student in my class back in college who suffered from narcolepsy and sleep paralysis. He'd slump over then later tell us about tigers pinning him down, their fangs threatening to pierce his neck. Oddball but great. I saw him in the street recently and should've got some contact details 'cause nobody's heard from him in years. Hngg.


Recent dream 1.) I dreamt that I found a youtube video of a for tv italo-ish opera-ish production. It went on for hours, real big budget affair with some of the best melodies I'd ever heard.

Recent dream 2.) I dreamt that I'd designed the world's best running shoes. Dunno why but they shared one really long shoe lace. Anyway, I was presenting them on stage with a slideshow of graphs and stuff like it was the Apple developer conference. The crowd confirmed they were the best shoes with constant whoops, cheers and OH MY GODs.

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Guest Gary C

I dreamt I was in something like The Lovely Bones. There had been a murder, and the ghost of a young girl helped me to solve it.

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I had a dream where my ex-gf and I were running around the forest and getting naked. We were kissing, and having sex and then wandering around some more. It was really beautiful. Everything around us was green and bright, but our bodies were pale and white. You could distinctly see the contrast between the two. Every time I woke up momentarily and went back to sleep we were in the same place doing the same things. Then she took me to her parents house where this ominous and dark man was at the home. Later she left and her family was there. I watched him kill all of them sort of like I was watching from a cctv feed, but I was actually the camera. Then I spent the rest of the dream trying to find her, warn her, and tell her what happened. I never found her.


I also think (because it literally is that foggy of a memory) I had this dream recently where I was under water and swimming and coming up for air in this dark water like one would see in a river in the woods. I was coming up one time and the water had iced over and I couldn't find a place to get air so I was helplessly drowning. I thought I was going to die and then I woke up.

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