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Plaid For Sale

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U.N.K.L.E The Time Has Come 2x12" Mint http://www.discogs.com/UNKLE-The-Time-Has-Come-EP/release/22077

Plaid Vs Atom Heart Vs Fibla Mint http://www.discogs.com/Dropshadow-Disease-Lisa-Carbon-Q-Versus-Rather-Interesting/release/71082

Goldfrapp Utopia Remix Mint http://www.discogs.com/Goldfrapp-Utopia-Remixes/release/240278

Alter Ego - Nude Restaurant Black Dog Remix (as 3) http://www.discogs.com/Alter-Ego-Nude-Restaurant/release/18179 Best remix i have heard ; )

Nicolette - No Government Plaid remix Mint http://www.discogs.com/Nicolette-No-Government/release/103444

Leila - Feeling Mixed by plaid Mint http://www.discogs.com/Leila-Feeling/release/197782

Scalaland - Snow White Lies Plaid remixes http://www.discogs.com/Scalaland-Snow-White-Lies/release/34557

It - Era Vulgaris (Ncoded) -rare picture disc with The black dog on it It http://www.discogs.com/It-Era-Vulgaris-Ncoded/release/153674

Funki Porcini - King Ashabanapal - http://www.discogs.com/Funki-Porcini-King-Ashabanapal/release/29266

Nicolette - Wholesome - http://www.discogs.com/Nicolette-Wholesome/release/38849

Mark Broom / Midst Of Tumult / Repeat - Untitled - http://www.discogs.com/Mark-Broom--Midst-Of-Tumult--Repeat-Untitled/release/43449

Irresistible Force, The - Fish Dances - http://www.discogs.com/Irresistible-Force-Fish-Dances/release/25972 In A white sleeve


Tipper - LED Down - http://www.discogs.com/Tipper-LED-Down/release/87876

That will do for now

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Guest sirch

I have A Signed Promo Of Scoobs By Ed And Andy and i have almost every Plaid Remix 12" and a Few 7" To Sell, I'll Have To Do A List : )

DSC00741.jpg It Has T/P On It So It Must Be A Test Pressing


cool photo, Norvum .. Ed's writing there is pretty cool too. so, i assume from that pic that it was him who came up with the plaid letterstyle..

looking at that 'd' at the end of 'Plaid'..

where'd you get that rekkid from?

i have a Bronze edition of Bytes on vinyl, that once belonged to Ken Downie,..so that's pretty special. but that's about it, and i'd never sell it :)

got some old original Black Dog Productions stickers.... and Spanners on cassette tape.. which i got free from Warp :)

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Guest sirch

oh and i've got a rare poster of Plaid's 2002 american tour with Mira Calix, it's got all the dates they played on it....

it's on my wall, just seen it, haha :)

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Guest sirch

The Plaid T shirt I have In My Profile Picture has Both Ed And Andy On It, They Gave It To Me For My Birthday About 3 Years Ago Now.


Ah nice T shirt! :) i like the colours. but what do you mean it has Ed & Andy on it?


where there ever any Plaid tees made like that by Warp? or is that one that Ed & Andy had made themselves?

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