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Bioshock Infinite

Rubin Farr

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I'm on the top deck of Cumstock's ship and think I have upgraded the wrong vigors for this battle, keep running out of time to destroy all the zeppelin's arghh, like a n00b.

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Shock jockey is quite useful on that part... Also, focus the bird on the zeppelins, not the gunships. And guard that pillar for all it's worth

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i dont game. haven't played a video game for 20 years and i know why. they all look like slightly better versions of wolfenstein



A positive role model. I have already succumbed the past two decades. Maybe I can still throw off the shackles though.

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Why? Is there something inherently lesser about having your entertainment of choice be interactive? I know if I wasn't playing games I'd be spending the same time watching TV shows or movies, so I feel it's better to at least be having an interactive experience that exercises some hand eye coordination and is fun.

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And makes you dizzy. seriously, you guys dont get dizzy playing these FPS games? Id have to take dramamine...


I was ready the play the game in the first video where he is falling. I thought, oh cool, a falling game. but then i looked up game play vids and its fps aka wolfenstein version 14

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video games?

more like video lames



nah jk this game looks pretty fun & if I owned any electronics that weren't a cheap netbook or some form of synthesizer, I'd probably be playing it too


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And makes you dizzy. seriously, you guys dont get dizzy playing these FPS games? Id have to take dramamine...


I was ready the play the game in the first video where he is falling. I thought, oh cool, a falling game. but then i looked up game play vids and its fps aka wolfenstein version 14

If you're comparing Wolfenstein 3D from 1992 to Bioshock: Infinite of today...well, it's like comparing a 486 PC to any desktop PC with a 3+ GHz processor from the past year.


Cynicism is the cool thing to do for some WATMMers though I guess.

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part of the reason i don't think gaming is comparable to TV or movies is I can't remember many times i spent over 6 hours straight watching television or movies. There have been a few for sure, but I find games to be a huge time suck and based upon the attitude of most of my friends who play them it seems it is for them too. I like older games that only took a few hours to beat in one sitting.

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part of the reason i don't think gaming is comparable to TV or movies is I can't remember many times i spent over 6 hours straight watching television or movies. There have been a few for sure, but I find games to be a huge time suck and based upon the attitude of most of my friends who play them it seems it is for them too. I like older games that only took a few hours to beat in one sitting.


you know, you can save games and play them like two hours at a time or whatever.

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part of the reason i don't think gaming is comparable to TV or movies is I can't remember many times i spent over 6 hours straight watching television or movies. There have been a few for sure, but I find games to be a huge time suck and based upon the attitude of most of my friends who play them it seems it is for them too. I like older games that only took a few hours to beat in one sitting.

you know, you can save games and play them like two hours at a time or whatever.


It still equates to the same amount of hours wasted. Pacing is the least of it.

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part of the reason i don't think gaming is comparable to TV or movies is I can't remember many times i spent over 6 hours straight watching television or movies. There have been a few for sure, but I find games to be a huge time suck and based upon the attitude of most of my friends who play them it seems it is for them too. I like older games that only took a few hours to beat in one sitting.

you know, you can save games and play them like two hours at a time or whatever.


well in theory yeah, but I've never seen people in general waste as much time indoors on a specific non social activity.

I've watched people drop out of school, loose unhealthy amounts of weight and basically ruin their lives over videogames. Not as many as people who've gone MIA on hard drugs, but pretty damn close. I'm not saying videogames are inherently unhealthy I just find them to be a huge fucking time suck, and I'm sure many avid gamers can attest to this.

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part of the reason i don't think gaming is comparable to TV or movies is I can't remember many times i spent over 6 hours straight watching television or movies. There have been a few for sure, but I find games to be a huge time suck and based upon the attitude of most of my friends who play them it seems it is for them too. I like older games that only took a few hours to beat in one sitting.

you know, you can save games and play them like two hours at a time or whatever.


It still equates to the same amount of hours wasted. Pacing is the least of it.



yeah, but you spend the same amount of time watching a season of a television show or a couple of movies. maybe reading a series of fiction books?


i do agree that games can be a timesuck (i have over 120hrs in mass effect 1, lol), but i think it's up to the person. i probably could've finished mass effect 1 in a fourth of that time, but i have played through it about three times, doing all the missions. if you're a completionist, video games will take up a lot of time, yeah. if you just want the meat of the story, it's easy to get through video games quickly.

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I just remember having a roommate that was at one time the #1 Warcraft 2 player globally, and he basically was mentally ill and stayed in his room nearly 24/7. It was so disturbing to me that in a large part it put me off from video-games in general. It would have almost made more sense and been easier to deal with if my roommate was a heroin addict. You cant really have a family intervention about someone who plays too much warcraft. I mean you could in theory but it's just not taken very seriously

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Guest Gary C

Ah, those videos. I think that one (the first one) was genuine, but they ruined it by playing it up and having that kid go nuts in more, more obviously set-up, situations.

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Playing Bioshock: Infinite a third time. Playing on Hard this time. Also picked up a couple of Voxophones I missed on previous runs, not to mention notice something I missed earlier, such as the man leading the Columbia Raffle at the beginning of the game being Jeremiah Fink.

It's also tempting to make a comparison of Columbia to Japan in a way, as odd as that sounds. I'm not in any way berating Japan (which in fact has had a great impact on my life), but it seems like some of the ideology is similar between Columbia's Founders and conservative Japanese ideology, especially prior to the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Seeing how colourful Columbia is even to a cartoonish extent, the belief that the founders are the "supreme race", and the whole vibe that everything looks pristine on the surface but that underneath something is wrong.

A legendary phrase in Japan's history is sounnou joui (尊皇攘夷), meaning "Revere the Emperor and expel the Barbarians". In Columbia's case, Comstock is the Emperor, and the Barbarians are anyone who isn't part of the Founders - that is, the Vox Populi and the "Sodom below", or pretty much anyone who isn't white. Just this whole notion of institutionalized xenophobia.

Maybe I'm being overly analytical on something that's purely coincidence? Just taking a thought dump here.

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There's a lot of subtle references to government oppression and supremacy from many points in history within the game... Duke and Dimwit for example, strongly reference the "Hitler Youth" and how the Nazi patriotism was instilled upon younger generations

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  • 3 months later...

i played bioshock infinite all the way to comstock house, but then it glitched out and refused to save, took me 3 hours back each time so i gave up. what happens in comstock house?

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  • 3 months later...



so with the new Burial at Sea DLC, Elizabeth and Booker are now Rapture residents and it's like a noir detective story? how does this fit in with the alternate universe framework and the ending of Bioshock Infinite?? are they not related in the Burial at Sea universe? confused.com


I found the ending of Infinite both good and disheartening at the same time

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