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If I ever started balding, I would just shave. Look at the emoticons, they look pretty awesome with no hair.




are you really facepalming or supporting the bald emoticon statement?

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It depends on the type of hair loss pattern. Topical applications of Rogaine can stop the formation of the "helicopter landing pad" as my friend puts it (vertex or crown loss). If you have a receding hairline, Rogaine is powerless. It is also expensive and has rather strict instructions for application. I don't think gels or hairsprays are allowed.


A drug that was initially used to shrink the prostate in men with enlargement called finasteride has been shown to stop existing hair loss and offer some regrowth. The trade name in America is Propecia. If you stop taking it, you'll lose everything you gained within a year. It can have some spooky side effects like impotence, nut pain, and titty swelling.


The gauntlet of hair restoration is the infamous transplant. A surgeon/dermatologist takes a scalpel with about 4 evenly spaced blades and takes four strips of scalp, ear-to-ear, from the back of your head where hair will always grow. Under a dissecting microscope, they identify individual follicle producing bits, chop them up, and punch a concordant number of holes into your area of loss. They drop these bits into the punched out holes and when it all heals, you have eternal hair sprouting from the implant spots.


I know this because....I went through the same crisis at 21. I totally freaked out and thought the world was ending and I was never going to fuck a woman again. If statistics mean anything, I got way more pussy as my hair went away than ever but that could just be a confound with age, bachelor pad, job, youthful vigor, etc.


There was not a satisfactory answer for me. I had both crown and hairline loss. Rogaine was expensive and you had to put it on 2 hours before shampooing and I could not spike my existing hair into awesome late 20th/early 21st styles. Propecia's potential side effects did not sound fun plus I would not have had the money to keep up a prescription. If I had started a prescription, I would probably have worried everyday about the possibility of not being able to afford it and losing locks. I don't have to tell you the spookiness of transplants. 1) you only have so much scalp in the back of your head to harvest from before you start to look frightened all the time (joke: your scalp continuously being pulled back) and 2) transplant does not address the larger issue of total baldness at some point. Imagine complete male pattern loss with a lone, wispy patch at the front of your head--a $10,000 patch at that.


So, for me, I knew the train was already out of the station. Baldness is maternally-linked: look at your mom's brothers or father and what do you see? I had a bald maternal grandfather and one of my maternal uncles was bald before he graduated high school (!) It was inescapable but it was instructive. It made me realize that I didn't have cancer or AIDS or something terminal--just part of being in that unavoidable 25% bracket. I progressively cut my hair shorter and shorter until now at 31, I have total loss so I shave my head entirely.


I can't lie and say I didn't wish I had hair from time to time--I think I was a little more attractive with it. But, I'm in a happy marriage and have some health so why cry? It's like any other male thing (see vamos scorcho thread RE: "I can't get laid"). So much of life, employment, fucking and everything else is about "swagger" and how you "own" yourself. Bruce Willis has quite a bit of stock, Telly Savalas was classically cool--to me, it shows nuts to avoid those desperate things like comb overs, strategic gelling, leaving "islands" of hair disconnected from everything else up front, always wearing some kind of hat, etc.


If you are a woman or have some gross deformity of the cranium or scalp, it's as easy as a weave. They have awesome weave technology now. To me, that's the best option actually. It's expensive to make it look good but if you keep the "sides" of your head nice and grown out, they can stitch in a weave to cover the top. Now, every one of those I've seen in real life have been painfully obvious but if the check is right, you can get into some next level Hollywood shit like John Travolta or Bruce Willis before he made the right move and shaved it. Think about his "piece" in Sixth Sense :facepalm:


Also, sorry, no royal jelly. No injections of wax under the scalp, no animal feces applied to scalp--that's only touching on the highlights of what men have tried in the past. There was a book called Bald! that detailed the different "cures" throughout the ages.




amazing reply

no nonsense reality and well written

good looking out dude :flower:

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It depends on the type of hair loss pattern. Topical applications of Rogaine can stop the formation of the "helicopter landing pad" as my friend puts it (vertex or crown loss). If you have a receding hairline, Rogaine is powerless. It is also expensive and has rather strict instructions for application. I don't think gels or hairsprays are allowed.


A drug that was initially used to shrink the prostate in men with enlargement called finasteride has been shown to stop existing hair loss and offer some regrowth. The trade name in America is Propecia. If you stop taking it, you'll lose everything you gained within a year. It can have some spooky side effects like impotence, nut pain, and titty swelling.


The gauntlet of hair restoration is the infamous transplant. A surgeon/dermatologist takes a scalpel with about 4 evenly spaced blades and takes four strips of scalp, ear-to-ear, from the back of your head where hair will always grow. Under a dissecting microscope, they identify individual follicle producing bits, chop them up, and punch a concordant number of holes into your area of loss. They drop these bits into the punched out holes and when it all heals, you have eternal hair sprouting from the implant spots.


I know this because....I went through the same crisis at 21. I totally freaked out and thought the world was ending and I was never going to fuck a woman again. If statistics mean anything, I got way more pussy as my hair went away than ever but that could just be a confound with age, bachelor pad, job, youthful vigor, etc.


There was not a satisfactory answer for me. I had both crown and hairline loss. Rogaine was expensive and you had to put it on 2 hours before shampooing and I could not spike my existing hair into awesome late 20th/early 21st styles. Propecia's potential side effects did not sound fun plus I would not have had the money to keep up a prescription. If I had started a prescription, I would probably have worried everyday about the possibility of not being able to afford it and losing locks. I don't have to tell you the spookiness of transplants. 1) you only have so much scalp in the back of your head to harvest from before you start to look frightened all the time (joke: your scalp continuously being pulled back) and 2) transplant does not address the larger issue of total baldness at some point. Imagine complete male pattern loss with a lone, wispy patch at the front of your head--a $10,000 patch at that.


So, for me, I knew the train was already out of the station. Baldness is maternally-linked: look at your mom's brothers or father and what do you see? I had a bald maternal grandfather and one of my maternal uncles was bald before he graduated high school (!) It was inescapable but it was instructive. It made me realize that I didn't have cancer or AIDS or something terminal--just part of being in that unavoidable 25% bracket. I progressively cut my hair shorter and shorter until now at 31, I have total loss so I shave my head entirely.


I can't lie and say I didn't wish I had hair from time to time--I think I was a little more attractive with it. But, I'm in a happy marriage and have some health so why cry? It's like any other male thing (see vamos scorcho thread RE: "I can't get laid"). So much of life, employment, fucking and everything else is about "swagger" and how you "own" yourself. Bruce Willis has quite a bit of stock, Telly Savalas was classically cool--to me, it shows nuts to avoid those desperate things like comb overs, strategic gelling, leaving "islands" of hair disconnected from everything else up front, always wearing some kind of hat, etc.


If you are a woman or have some gross deformity of the cranium or scalp, it's as easy as a weave. They have awesome weave technology now. To me, that's the best option actually. It's expensive to make it look good but if you keep the "sides" of your head nice and grown out, they can stitch in a weave to cover the top. Now, every one of those I've seen in real life have been painfully obvious but if the check is right, you can get into some next level Hollywood shit like John Travolta or Bruce Willis before he made the right move and shaved it. Think about his "piece" in Sixth Sense :facepalm:


Also, sorry, no royal jelly. No injections of wax under the scalp, no animal feces applied to scalp--that's only touching on the highlights of what men have tried in the past. There was a book called Bald! that detailed the different "cures" throughout the ages.



Agreed... And on another level... Most women either consciously or unconsciously like their man to be kind of "Ugly"... They don't want a little pretty perfect thing like them... I think women are attracted to baldness because it's manly and gross like us men... So wear baldness with male pride and stride and women will eat it up...

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If I ever started balding, I would just shave. Look at the emoticons, they look pretty awesome with no hair.




are you really facepalming or supporting the bald emoticon statement?


totally on the fence on this one.

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started losing it around 25. I decided to shave it fully. I like having a shadow though. Hard to find a buzzer that doesnt hurt. I bic it usually. Or gellett 5 blade it..

It was hard as fuuuuuck going through it. Took me years to get over it i hate to admit.. Its an identity change. Now its cool. No one gives a fuck. Girls dont give a fuck. I look great. What a waste of fucking time worrying about it. I feel sorry for people considering transplants and all that shit. what a shame. I hate that fear mongering industry. Just own it and become a new person.

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I do wear hats a lot... Especially when I wear work clothes or my exercise outfits. Its a problem. If girls express interest in me im instantly set up for the big reveal. That kind of sucks. So I try not to wear a hat or take any interest from girls serious until they have seen my greezy bald head..I think it hurts younger guys most cause they usually haven't realized yet that there isn't one standard of beauty and people in fact see things their own way. Not how you think everyone sees things. So you will be surprised that girls like you and maybe even prefer bald dudes.

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i started to noticably start losing hair around my late 20s. my early 30s didn't look too bad. 2004 i gave one last horrah and try to grow my hair out. it looked fantastic when i had a hat on. but without the top was totally thin. i take clippers to my head as much as i can (usually once or twice a week). but at times i can't keep up and wear hats when my hair grows in a little too much. the back of my head is like really smoothe... i hate it. the top of my head is patchy when it grows in. i'm going to take clippers to my head tonight.

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If I ever started balding, I would just shave. Look at the emoticons, they look pretty awesome with no hair.




are you really facepalming or supporting the bald emoticon statement?


totally on the fence on this one.



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I'm balding as fuck. There is nothing to do. You grow old and ugly. My tip for you; no comb overs.

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Guest happycase

i started losing around 19, , i used rogaine for a couple years then decided i was causing more anxiety for myself by doing something about it. now i just do new stuff with my facial hair (and i know you have plenty of that as well, so don't worry ... there is lots a man with a good beard can do once his hair starts thinning out. and also, remember, that you'll lose a bunch of it and then it'll slow down for the next 5 years or so, leaving you with a decent head of hair, although not full as it once was, and gradually will disappear, by which time you will be completely adjusted to the Truth.

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