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Hey I just got Twitter (@halisray) figured it was an easy way to stay in touch with everything and everyone (lol) - and I am a major noobinous maximus so could someone who is well versed in the art of Tweeting please help a young padawan?

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Guest disparaissant

i only know tumblr, i am lost to the mystical arts of the twitter as well. i did have one, but it was mostly just to see if i could create an internet feedback loop by linking it to my tumblr and facebook accounts and create a never ending circle of "elen favorited something on youtube!" it didn't work.

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Guest disparaissant

http://r-sr.tumblr.com/ is awesome but he posts sporadically at best.


http://circleintosquare.tumblr.com/ small west coast label that puts out some decent stuff (big spider's back for one) and the guy who runs it.


this is my music blog though

http://oomk.tumblr.com/ some okay stuff here

http://jinna-m.tumblr.com/ same here



glitch art


art and other stuff


surprisingly funny


quite insightful



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I plan on just writing a blog about random thoughts that enter my brain and just recounts of my day - I guess I could do that.. I'm not very skilled in music production or art, maybe I will just use this blog to list all the bullshit that I deal with lol


cheers for the blogs


ps: what are some cool themes?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I don't understand how twitter works, I think this must be the first bit of technology that I have spurned and am too bitter to retroactively adopt; thus I am old balls

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I don't understand how twitter works, I think this must be the first bit of technology that I have spurned and am too bitter to retroactively adopt; thus I am old balls


me too - tumblr looks pretty damn cool and I've always wanted to like start a blog but never got round to it

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Guest Sprigg

My friends who have Twitter get tweets practically every five minutes on their phones, it's ridiculous... no way i could stand that, I get enough texts as it is.

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hey guys I just started my blog (see signature) nothing special, just random little entries - if anyone has some feedback or any ideas for me to do, please contact me or tell me here! I am new to the whole blogging ordeal, but I really want to try something new so yeah!



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Twitter is basically one big status update.

I dont have facebook, or any internet presence really, other than messageboards, so I plan to get twitter soon and bug friends back home without being liked and tagged and friended/defreinded and all that.


Also, most of my family is twitter illiterate so I dont have to worry about blood relatives peepin' my creepin'.


I need a cool phone first tho. :cerious:

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