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how gifted were you as a kid?

vamos scorcho

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got high marks in elementary school. alright marks in highschool.

excelled in sports especially soccer and track, sprinting and sprint hurdles

drew ever since i remember

picked up photography in highschool

piano lessons for about 10 years

i excelled in most things art and some sports too. school i think i only did as well as i did at times because i was pushed very hard from my mom. i'm not an academic type person at all.


pretty average person, i had highs and lows but i made it out of public school with mostly good memories

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Guest happycase

Ages 1-6 : I liked labeling things, knew all my cars by age three, knew english and farsi alphabets by age two, was teaching my sister on a daily basis by age four, really vivid imagination and i liked to role play and entertain adults by dancing. I was also really really violent and liked to wrestle. I had a cousin who was also into it. My dad encouraged it by wrestling with me all the time. Lots of hide and seek.


Elementary school : Over 30 visits to the principle's office in 4 years. Excelled in math, science, and language arts, but wasn't put in the "gifted" program because I made a lot of trouble. Mainly remember fighting (playfully) on the playground, tying up girls to tetherball poles with jump rope, throwing dice at teachers with my black friends, wiping boogers on Chris Yen. Excellent speller, recognized by my teachers as talented and really interested in learning. They'd take me out in the hall to teach me advanced math.


Middle school (5th to 6th grade) - Got made fun of by 3 kids a year older than I was on the bus in 5th grade. Started intense amplification of self-consciousness and insecurity. Decided I was ugly. Confirmed by inability to tap Katie. 6th grade I learned about masturbation. Masturbated up to 6 times in a row some nights.


Junior high - Got made fun of by the same crew of kids. Tried to fit in with popular kids, and was generally accepted and liked, but didn't really find a home there. In 8th grade I tried pot. Still getting mostly A's, maybe my first few B's here.


High school - lol. Started smoking weed a few times a week freshman year. Still drawing a lot, but imagination started manifesting more in concepts, language, etc. Hung out with kids who would go to the pool, sit down, piss in their pants cross-legged and stand up and have a laugh, expose their butts&cox to girls. Consistently top 2-10% of the class in English for the next 4 years. Later freshman year I was picked up by some seniors who thought I was cool. Started playing in bands. Bought lots of effects for my guitar. Well-known by everyone by junior year. Exalted by senior year as a musician and strange, unique person. Dated girl. First sex. First breakup. Ouch. Skipped mad class senior year, smoked more weed, got really creative musically and wrote a lot. GEnerally pretty fucked up, but having all sorts of insights into Life and taking mushrooms mostly to have Weird Experiences. Graduated as an 8/10 kind of guy. Lots to express, but not very happy. Met new girl. Life gets happy. Interested in psychology since trying acid right around my 16th birthday.


College - Did a few years, lots of drugs, addicted to staying inside and getting high. Addicted to girl. Bad relationship for 1.5 years. 3.6 upon dropping out. 1/10 giftedness.


Now - Realized I valued the wrong things. Much happier. Interested in therapy, spiritual openings, still pretty strange and probably fucked up in ways that I haven't understood or released myself from yet, but really pretty confident in myself as someone who is going to make a really important contribution to many people's lives once I get my own shit sorted out, which I'm unceasingly devoted to, making me a psychologist in the future. I'm still a young guy. No idea what life is about yet probably, but have a much better idea than most of the people I meet. Happy to say I'm 8/10 for life. I am vamos's sister.

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I could fly :emotawesomepm9: and then I forgot how to :sad:



i was in hot dog math (THATS ADVANCED MATH!) in second grade we were ttly doing division and shit but i never got it so i got kicked out of hot dog math.

honestly everyones always told me im super smart and i guess my iq is really high (162) but i dont really see it and if it's true i never use that shit so fuck it.

i did start playing piano at 4 tho. thing is, i quit when i was 12 and i suck at it so WHATEVER.


dropped out of high school, dropped out of college. wasted mind.






kidding lady, hope your day has been lovely....

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when I was a young kid, they sent me to the institute because I coudn't see letters, instead I could reason out the meaning of spoken language by paying attention to the sensitive pheromones coming out of people's bodies....I read by looking at the shapes of words and smelling my fingers

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one day, when I was 8, I started noticing how evil everyon'es scents were, So I busted out of da institute and cured my former instructors as I ran through the red taiga. My famclan had let me down, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to get their help. I was on my own. After I reached the coast, I followed it until I found a small village, that of Toukseukhanne. I found myself warmly welcomed there, among the pastoral psionic chitin farmers. I was intent on living here for the rest of my days, but alas, my utopian life ended after a mere 2 years when corporate renegades working for the confederacy just plain dropped a mineral extraction facility in the area and put the toukseukhanneiennes in detainment camps. I was sold into slvaery in the rugged urban industrial hub of APJ-010. My belief in the good of humanity was tarnished. With my years of growing moral depravity, I was able to fight, swindle, and brown-nose my way to a powerful position: a pimp. I don't want to talk about this time of my life. I'll just say that the good Haaqµtk knows of my sins and has implanted in me physically painful handicaps to remind me of my sins. My departure from the venemous trade was facilitated not by choice, but by accident—on a routine trip to the undertunnel slums, I was kidnapped and locked in a desolate room, presumably awaiting execution. What my captors han'dt noticed was the thin baggy of palastic explosive hidden in my second pair of underwear. I found a sealed manhole in the corner and unsealed it. I descended into what seemed an ancient catacomb. What I saw amazed me. I had found a rare relic—a human2.0 teleport station. I had little time to think of the consequences of using it, as I could hear my captors opeing the door above. I presented my barcode to the scanner, and the next thing I knew, I was in a large abadoned megadome. what Ifound later to be a defunct transport hub. I found a small computer and in a fit of randomness bashed "WATMM" aon the keyboard. I found this site. Other stuff I did was:

-repented and followed Haaqµtk

-founded the church of Bbohhrumkhaaqtonedt in the strange suburbs of the Tritonian Polygon

-other cool shit

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Guest disparaissant

I could fly :emotawesomepm9: and then I forgot how to :sad:



i was in hot dog math (THATS ADVANCED MATH!) in second grade we were ttly doing division and shit but i never got it so i got kicked out of hot dog math.

honestly everyones always told me im super smart and i guess my iq is really high (162) but i dont really see it and if it's true i never use that shit so fuck it.

i did start playing piano at 4 tho. thing is, i quit when i was 12 and i suck at it so WHATEVER.


dropped out of high school, dropped out of college. wasted mind.






kidding lady, hope your day has been lovely....


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one day, when I was 8, I started noticing how evil everyon'es scents were, So I busted out of da institute and cured my former instructors as I ran through the red taiga. My famclan had let me down, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to get their help. I was on my own. After I reached the coast, I followed it until I found a small village, that of Toukseukhanne. I found myself warmly welcomed there, among the pastoral psionic chitin farmers. I was intent on living here for the rest of my days, but alas, my utopian life ended after a mere 2 years when corporate renegades working for the confederacy just plain dropped a mineral extraction facility in the area and put the toukseukhanneiennes in detainment camps. I was sold into slvaery in the rugged urban industrial hub of APJ-010. My belief in the good of humanity was tarnished. With my years of growing moral depravity, I was able to fight, swindle, and brown-nose my way to a powerful position: a pimp. I don't want to talk about this time of my life. I'll just say that the good Haaqµtk knows of my sins and has implanted in me physically painful handicaps to remind me of my sins. My departure from the venemous trade was facilitated not by choice, but by accident—on a routine trip to the undertunnel slums, I was kidnapped and locked in a desolate room, presumably awaiting execution. What my captors han'dt noticed was the thin baggy of palastic explosive hidden in my second pair of underwear. I found a sealed manhole in the corner and unsealed it. I descended into what seemed an ancient catacomb. What I saw amazed me. I had found a rare relic—a human2.0 teleport station. I had little time to think of the consequences of using it, as I could hear my captors opeing the door above. I presented my barcode to the scanner, and the next thing I knew, I was in a large abadoned megadome. what Ifound later to be a defunct transport hub. I found a small computer and in a fit of randomness bashed "WATMM" aon the keyboard. I found this site. Other stuff I did was:

-repented and followed Haaqµtk

-founded the church of Bbohhrumkhaaqtonedt in the strange suburbs of the Tritonian Polygon

-other cool shit


this is important everybody look at me I need your attention please

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one day, when I was 8, I started noticing how evil everyon'es scents were, So I busted out of da institute and cured my former instructors as I ran through the red taiga. My famclan had let me down, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to get their help. I was on my own. After I reached the coast, I followed it until I found a small village, that of Toukseukhanne. I found myself warmly welcomed there, among the pastoral psionic chitin farmers. I was intent on living here for the rest of my days, but alas, my utopian life ended after a mere 2 years when corporate renegades working for the confederacy just plain dropped a mineral extraction facility in the area and put the toukseukhanneiennes in detainment camps. I was sold into slvaery in the rugged urban industrial hub of APJ-010. My belief in the good of humanity was tarnished. With my years of growing moral depravity, I was able to fight, swindle, and brown-nose my way to a powerful position: a pimp. I don't want to talk about this time of my life. I'll just say that the good Haaqµtk knows of my sins and has implanted in me physically painful handicaps to remind me of my sins. My departure from the venemous trade was facilitated not by choice, but by accident—on a routine trip to the undertunnel slums, I was kidnapped and locked in a desolate room, presumably awaiting execution. What my captors han'dt noticed was the thin baggy of palastic explosive hidden in my second pair of underwear. I found a sealed manhole in the corner and unsealed it. I descended into what seemed an ancient catacomb. What I saw amazed me. I had found a rare relic—a human2.0 teleport station. I had little time to think of the consequences of using it, as I could hear my captors opeing the door above. I presented my barcode to the scanner, and the next thing I knew, I was in a large abadoned megadome. what Ifound later to be a defunct transport hub. I found a small computer and in a fit of randomness bashed "WATMM" aon the keyboard. I found this site. Other stuff I did was:

-repented and followed Haaqµtk

-founded the church of Bbohhrumkhaaqtonedt in the strange suburbs of the Tritonian Polygon

-other cool shit


this is important everybody look at me I need your attention please


I liked it and am awaiting the film adaptation.

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  • 1 year later...

Why the fuck is this in music discussion.


edit: also undergrad is pretty easy as far as the mental work involved. It's just a lot of work. Can't wait to start grad school where i can focus more on what I like.

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I didn't adjust all that well at any school because I didn't seem to fit in socially. I had my own interests and NO interest in schoolwork. Whenever there was class I was bored to death and my whole studying method was retarded so most of it was forgotten. I was very interested in space and remember when my dad got me a huge astronomy book and I'd read it for hours. Also knew ALL upcoming hollywood movies and the names of actors and artists. It's really only when I got older that I started to appreciate things like history and science while having an actual interest in learning it. I still suck at math though and it just doesn't seem to be something I could ever become good at. Also had huge interest in music since I was a kid; played the piano and also had euphoria from listening to various songs since a young age. I wouldn't call myself gifted but I think due to mental stress and not really understanding wtf was going on I didn't have a proper chance or time to develop myself when I was younger. Now that I'm older I'm a lot more aware of 'everything' which enabled me to focus on my interests and learn my own psychology.

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Guest umop_apisdn

I was probably a 9. In all of the gifted classes, by the end of elementary school I was already doing algebra and trig. Also took art classes when I was really young, not that I would say I'm a fantastic artist, but at the time I was pretty good for my age. Looking back at my art class drawings, I wonder when things changed. Everyone thought I would be a writer when I grew up, but I ended up a biologist/ecologist instead (which, arguably, was my first real interest). A lot of what made me gifted as a kid stays with me to this day, just the time to exercise your gifts is much more limited. It's been a couple of years since I last drew anything or wrote much more than school papers. I moved to NC from CT when I was 10, and I think that may have played a role in why things didn't turn out as sweet as everyone thought they would. I got all straight As until middle school when the peer pressure to be something more than smart kicked in. I remember the school spelling bee in 5th grade, I won the class even though the next-smartest kid battled it out with me (I remember, she lost on "peninsula" of all words). In the first round against all other students in the school, I lost on "allspice" because the school didn't realize having a deeply southern woman read the word to some kid who just moved in from the north would hear it as "owspaas". Fuckin cunt. I took up chess in the 6th grade, and within that first year I became school champ, I remember Jimmy Humphries (the chess "genius" of the school) tipping his king to me in the last round, because he couldn't stand to hear the word checkmate from someone who had been playing for less than a year.


I could go on, but it would only make me sound more bitter than I really am of the loss of my giftedness over time. Once I finish my PhD, though...I might think I STILL GOT IT.

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I recently realized that I had synesthesia when I was younger. I was pretty high out of my mind while listening to music recently, and was experiencing it. I all of a sudden realized that I had colors for several notes and chords, and that music was so much more visual when I was younger.


Now that I'm aware that I did have, it's getting easier for me to see the color again.

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I recently realized that I had synesthesia when I was younger. I was pretty high out of my mind while listening to music recently, and was experiencing it. I all of a sudden realized that I had colors for several notes and chords, and that music was so much more visual when I was younger.


Now that I'm aware that I did have, it's getting easier for me to see the color again.

That's pretty awesome. How do the colors look and feel? Is it real like an hallucination or is it a mental 'colorscape' of sorts? You have one color for each note in the scale, does that mean you can more easily see what pitch a note or chord is in, does it help with such technical things?

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im really gifter the teachers just always got a big grudge on me cuz im smo smart then this year they moved me in a "SPECIAL" school cuz there facists and afraid to think about 9/11 what could of happened really

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