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trained the stumbling clouds

Guest tht tne

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that was really boring. however, here's my tht tne top of the pops:


ring galaxy / the intro.

deep white / nothing to add here.

like regular jungle / pre drums part.

soul star / pre 02:25 part.

anti-daylight mafia / better on the second listen.

black bloc / because it sounds like something from some early 90's 3dfx shooter game.

we deal in dread / also sounds very 90's, some parts remind me of fsol.

broken toy / best drumprogramming thus far.

hypokeimenon / unusually pop'ish for you, i wish you would've left the drums alone though and hadn't gone for the frantic drum solo craze, also, is that windows explorer "change folder" sound effects @ 00:10 and 00:15? some more chord/bassline variation would've been nice aswell.

god portal / i find it interesting that this is just soul star with another name and a couple of glitch effects. still one of the better ones though.


so in conclusion, your best release imo, is "competitive acro ep", and your best track is "deep white". overall i'd like to see more variation within the individual tracks and less glitchy percussions. alot of your tracks tend to start out alright, but as you add more elements to them they often end up all messy.




also, lube is correct about the songtitles.

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Guest tht tne

tht, insulting people is not a good way of getting more feedback on your tracks.


i don't really care for idiots' feedback, plus i only strike when struck

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