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$10 mil. to break up Weezer

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Fishtank

this is funny on exactly 2 levels

Whenever Weezer announces a new album, feelings are usually harshly divided. The band's past decade or so inspires in longtime fans everything from guarded enthusiasm to outright derision. And now a guy in Seattle hopes to mobilize an army of disaffected Weezer fans to convince the band to stop making music altogether. The Stranger reports that James Burns is attempting to raise $10 million to convince the band to break up. Thanks to Brian James for the tip.


Using the fundraising site the Point, Burns launched his campaign earlier today-- and, as I'm writing this, he still has $9,999,864 left to go. In the pitch he's written for the campaign, Burns claims that he's never been a Weezer fan: "I think that they are pretty much horrible, and always have been. Even in the early '90s." He writes that he's launching the campaign on behalf of all the Weezer fans out there, the ones who try to muster enthusiasm for new Weezer records: "This is an abusive relationship, and it needs to stop now."


By Burns' calculation, he's hit his fundraising goal if everyone who bought Pinkerton chips in $12. Burns' pitch doesn't say anything about Rivers Cuomo solo albums, or whether Matt Sharp should get a cut.


Posted by Tom Breihan on October 5, 2010 at 5:15 p.m.


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only in America!


the people who've given him money should be shot. and so should he.

greedy twat. who needs more than 2 mil? c'mon now.. reeeeeeally??

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I've started a fundraising campaign to split up the Aphex Twins

It's one person, idiot!


Uh, hello! It says Twins you idiot. That means two people!

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I've started a fundraising campaign to split up the Aphex Twins

It's one person, idiot!


Uh, hello! It says Twins you idiot. That means two people!

Whatever! You don't know anything! It's Aphex Twin, not Aphex Twins! It's just one of them!!!!

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I've started a fundraising campaign to split up the Aphex Twins

It's one person, idiot!


Uh, hello! It says Twins you idiot. That means two people!

Whatever! You don't know anything! It's Aphex Twin, not Aphex Twins! It's just one of them!!!!


lol, noob

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Guest Fishtank

they had a publicity stunt where they infested YouTube for a day which was also pathetic so I'm assuming album sales are already down

but then again some bands just don't know when to quit

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Guest disparaissant

its hilarious that the "abusive relationship" thing is actually catching on. i was a huuuuguugugugge weezer fan back in the blue/pinkerton days (ie when i was in middle school lol) and ive watched a lot of my friends who were in the same boat fall quite literally into something akin to battered wife syndrome. "they'll change, they really will! i believe it! the next album will be just as good as pinkerton was! THEY ONLY RELEASED RADITUDE BECAUSE THEY LOVE ME! I FELL DOWN SOME STAIRS OKAY??!?"

it's kind of sad but honestly quite funny. especially when a new album comes out and they spend a week trying desperately trying to convince themselves and anyone who will listen that the new album is good.

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While I haven't been a fan of Weezer's music since the blue album, save for the occasional decent song, there are far worse offenders out there if this guy wanted to stop a band from making music. And as said, it's only giving them attention. And money, if he were really able to pull it off. Do they really deserve that money or attention? I think not.

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Blue album was the album that got me into guitar music. I used to take pride in the fact that I knew every word and melody perfectly, as well as every note of every guitar solo.


Pretty much the same with Pink.





Since then I've slowly found myself becoming more of a Green/Maladroit/Make Believe fan.


those three albums are all classics, to me.


Red was fascinating, Raditude mostly sucked, and Hurley is forgettable.


the Alone recordings are great.




^ my take on Weezer


I'm pretty much done with them at this point, but I may return to re-evaluate Raditude and Hurley again, someday.


still i would rather listen to Green, Maladroit, or Make Believe than Pinkerton or Blue. I've heard those two albums so much that they don't sound like music to me anymore.

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