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Do you react or do you ignore?

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About a month ago my girl and I were getting off the train. It was pretty packed, and lots of people were getting off. A fair amount of people were waiting to get on as well, and this one asshole just pushed through everyone getting off, and got on. As he pushed by me I said "This works better if you let everyone get off first". He spun around and shouted "what'd you say? that that to my face!" At this point, I'm already off of the train, and he's blocking more people, hanging out the door of the train. I said "you heard me, I said it less than a foot away from you" and he again said "come back up here and say it to my face!!!" so my girl and I just turn and walk down to the corner. Well, he goes up to the front of the train, and hangs out the front door, and says "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE" and so I said "If you are so worked up about it, YOU get off the train and do something about it" to which he replied ".. but... I need to go somewhere on this train!" and I said "well yeah, obviously, just like I need to go somewhere OFF of this train, which is why I got off." He paused for a second, and then said "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE". I was just like... jesus christ... so we walked away.


The guy obviously was an idiot and upset about something else. But it got me furious. And then I thought about what would have happened if he did indeed get off and attacked me. I've never been in a fight, and even if he got in my face, I wouldn't have touched him... but if he pushed me, or hit me, I think I would have lost my shit. But then I think about the possible outcomes of something like that... let's say he "wins" as obviously he was pretty worked up to start with, so he probably had a lot of fight in him... I could have ended up in the hospital. Let's say I lost my shit, and ended up beating him senseless... then I'd probably go to jail. Let's say no one won... we both just get some bruises... we'd probably both be arrested. There was no good outcome. I try to keep that in mind now... is this really worth seriously fucking shit up for? All because I told some guy to wait for people to get off the train? I hate people.

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Guest hahathhat

if you were on watmm around 2007-8 you might remember my posts about my absolutely terrible asian roommate.


at the end of the year, the gloves came off. it was over soon and we both knew it, so any pretenses of being polite went out the window. he took the fucking toilet paper out of the bathroom, because he'd paid for it. which was fair enough, but he just did it -- gave me no warning. i only noticed when i had to go take a dump. had to run out to the store full of poop !


i got back home, pooped, started making dinner. and getting hammered, because it was a fucking shit situation. he returned home and started being a whiny little prick when i tried to talk about it.


at this point, i genuinely wanted to beat his ass, a feeling i've only felt one other time my whole life. but i knew i couldn't hit first. so i got in his face, and then threw a tater tot at him.


he called security. i was accused of throwing "hot foot"



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Guest hahathhat

I am terrified of confrontation.


there's nothing like being absolutely, blindingly furious to make you forget that. doesn't happen much to me though

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I am terrified of confrontation.


there's nothing like being absolutely, blindingly furious to make you forget that. doesn't happen much to me though


Yeah, I could see it happening, but it really doesn't.

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Guest hahathhat

I am terrified of confrontation.


there's nothing like being absolutely, blindingly furious to make you forget that. doesn't happen much to me though


Yeah, I could see it happening, but it really doesn't.


like i posted before -- it's happened to me twice my whole life... but it has happened. probably a good thing that both times the other party didn't engage; things would have wound up worse.


which is a good conclusion for this thread.

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I am terrified of confrontation.


there's nothing like being absolutely, blindingly furious to make you forget that. doesn't happen much to me though


Yeah, I could see it happening, but it really doesn't.


like i posted before -- it's happened to me twice my whole life... but it has happened. probably a good thing that both times the other party didn't engage; things would have wound up worse.


which is a good conclusion for this thread.


What happened, if you don't mind my asking?

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Guest hahathhat

first i partially explained: i genuinely hated the guy, he was particularly pissing me off that night, and i tried everything i could to get the guy to take a swing at me just so i'd have an excuse to deck him. even pissed as fuck i'm glad i had the sense not to just go for it; i'd have wound up in jail. later, i had my revenge in an appropriate manner: when he wasn't home, i kicked his door in and peed in his laundry basket, then set up spyware on his computer. that's the adult way to handle things


the other time, i felt myself crashing after a particularly epic night. there had been some adderall floating around and we were all up way too late, way too drunk, and were now coming down and feeling pissy. just fucking insane crabby burnout. went to the kitchen and sat in a chair, giving myself a needed time-out. but some dude at the party spotted me and started harassing me (he was even more trashed). go the fuck away. leave me alone dude! but he didn't. so i gave him an epic kick in the family jewels. then stood up like, fucking swing at me you asshole. there was a stare-down. thankfully he had more sense than i and walked off. we'd otherwise been great friends until that! it was fucking retarded; i'm never doing that to myself again.


fighting is such shit. only get into it when i push myself further than i should... if someone tries to start a fight with you, there's a good chance they're either psycho or trashed. don't do it

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Guest Calx Sherbet

I think I've avoided being in any fights partly because I'm so small and even assholes don't want to come off as cowards by beating up on someone half their size, and partly because I'm very non-reactionary. It takes a lot to provoke me. If someone else seems really invested in winning an argument or whatever I tend to just let them have it (the argument, not my fists).


it's REALLY pathetic when people threaten other people who would clearly get their asses kicked

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Guest abusivegeorge

I avoid confrontation now, I mean what's the point?


When I was an active alcoholic however my temperament was VERY different.

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Guest hahathhat

I avoid confrontation now, I mean what's the point?


there is none. it's really about being too much an egotistical dick to rationally deal with the situation

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Guest abusivegeorge

I avoid confrontation now, I mean what's the point?


there is none. it's really about being too much an egotistical dick to rationally deal with the situation


i can't help but yell back and be a complete dick



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About a month ago my girl and I were getting off the train. It was pretty packed, and lots of people were getting off. A fair amount of people were waiting to get on as well, and this one asshole just pushed through everyone getting off, and got on. As he pushed by me I said "This works better if you let everyone get off first". He spun around and shouted "what'd you say? that that to my face!" At this point, I'm already off of the train, and he's blocking more people, hanging out the door of the train. I said "you heard me, I said it less than a foot away from you" and he again said "come back up here and say it to my face!!!" so my girl and I just turn and walk down to the corner. Well, he goes up to the front of the train, and hangs out the front door, and says "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE" and so I said "If you are so worked up about it, YOU get off the train and do something about it" to which he replied ".. but... I need to go somewhere on this train!" and I said "well yeah, obviously, just like I need to go somewhere OFF of this train, which is why I got off." He paused for a second, and then said "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE". I was just like... jesus christ... so we walked away.


The guy obviously was an idiot and upset about something else. But it got me furious. And then I thought about what would have happened if he did indeed get off and attacked me. I've never been in a fight, and even if he got in my face, I wouldn't have touched him... but if he pushed me, or hit me, I think I would have lost my shit. But then I think about the possible outcomes of something like that... let's say he "wins" as obviously he was pretty worked up to start with, so he probably had a lot of fight in him... I could have ended up in the hospital. Let's say I lost my shit, and ended up beating him senseless... then I'd probably go to jail. Let's say no one won... we both just get some bruises... we'd probably both be arrested. There was no good outcome. I try to keep that in mind now... is this really worth seriously fucking shit up for? All because I told some guy to wait for people to get off the train? I hate people.


you have a good point there. trust me, a very good friend of mine fucked up his life a while ago. he beat a guy, who provoked the shit out of him the whole night, with a beer glas. he hit him on the neck with it. next stop: prison. 5 and a half years. the other guy is still an idiot and provokes others. man, there so much too loose over dumb shit like that!

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About a month ago my girl and I were getting off the train. It was pretty packed, and lots of people were getting off. A fair amount of people were waiting to get on as well, and this one asshole just pushed through everyone getting off, and got on. As he pushed by me I said "This works better if you let everyone get off first". He spun around and shouted "what'd you say? that that to my face!" At this point, I'm already off of the train, and he's blocking more people, hanging out the door of the train. I said "you heard me, I said it less than a foot away from you" and he again said "come back up here and say it to my face!!!" so my girl and I just turn and walk down to the corner. Well, he goes up to the front of the train, and hangs out the front door, and says "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE" and so I said "If you are so worked up about it, YOU get off the train and do something about it" to which he replied ".. but... I need to go somewhere on this train!" and I said "well yeah, obviously, just like I need to go somewhere OFF of this train, which is why I got off." He paused for a second, and then said "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE". I was just like... jesus christ... so we walked away.


The guy obviously was an idiot and upset about something else. But it got me furious. And then I thought about what would have happened if he did indeed get off and attacked me. I've never been in a fight, and even if he got in my face, I wouldn't have touched him... but if he pushed me, or hit me, I think I would have lost my shit. But then I think about the possible outcomes of something like that... let's say he "wins" as obviously he was pretty worked up to start with, so he probably had a lot of fight in him... I could have ended up in the hospital. Let's say I lost my shit, and ended up beating him senseless... then I'd probably go to jail. Let's say no one won... we both just get some bruises... we'd probably both be arrested. There was no good outcome. I try to keep that in mind now... is this really worth seriously fucking shit up for? All because I told some guy to wait for people to get off the train? I hate people.


I am quite glad that you didn't rise to this ignorant tosser. A train station is really not a sensible place for a fight. You could imagine the worst that would happen if a proper scuffle emerged.


when he wasn't home, i kicked his door in and peed in his laundry basket, then set up spyware on his computer. that's the adult way to handle things


Like it a lot. The first thing I would do if someone really fucked with me is infect their computer. Especially if it was a Mac :rdjgrin:

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the thing with not-reacting is that you almost always "win". the few times something like that's happened to me i've just stayed really nonchalant about it (not consciously) and it's like... any direct anger to that is a failure if you know what i mean? if you could somehow keep your call if someone threw a punch at you that would be even cooler (i'm sure i couldn't) - imagine how lame you'd feel punching someone and they just essentially ignore it and walk away haha


That's pretty much how I see it too. I'm not sure how I'd react if someone punched me, though I suspect I might kick them in the dick... TO DEATH.

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i rarely get fucked with but on the few occasions i do i weight up how likely it is i am to kill this person, the higher the chance the less ill be likely to bother.

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Guest Iain C

I'm generally a quiet person and not particularly confrontational. When I was very young (early teens) I used to have a big mouth, and I'd always end up getting in trouble with people bigger/older than me because of it... I figured it was better to be a bit cocky and get beaten up than to just stay quiet.


Luckily that instinct has mostly gone now. But people don't normally fuck with me in any meaningful way - I can't remember the last time I got into a fight or was seriously threatened, and I'm not sure how I'd react in that situation.


One thing though, that mouthy tendency does come back sometimes if I've been drinking heavily. I've had some close calls but no beatings. Which is almost miraculously lucky, given how often I get drunk.

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I love a good fight.


"COME ON THEN I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL" -Is a firm favourite quote.


Lucky for you guys most of that anger is let out in violent dreams, so I can be like this :flower:

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I fucking hate cyclists in london, one of them nearly ran me over when I was perfectly legitimately crossing the road, then had the cheek to call me a "turd" as he went past...totally his fault and he was cycling like an asshat, but obviously I shouldn't have been within 50 yards of him in his warped cyclist logic... anyway I was so angry he called me a turd, I fucking ran after him and was proper ready to pull him off his bike, pick up said bike and beat him to death with it. unfortunately I couln't catch the cunt.

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Guest placidburp

One time 4 lads came in the pub where I work, coked up, looked 16-19, so I had to ID them. One of them flipped and took a swing for me which missed by a mile. then they all started shouting and swearing. I stood behind the bar loling while my boss, at the time, threatened them with a pink baseball bat that had 'peace man' engraved on it! There is no way I get paid enough to take on 4 drugged up nut cases! So I just rung the police and some customers charged them out of the pub! I regret not choke slamming one of them through a table now, but its just as well I didnt!

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i've had 2 fights in my life, started and lost both. it's just that i lose the actual anger and the will to fight after the initial provocation, so i just stand up passively defending myself and get beaten.

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