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Do you react or do you ignore?

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I ignore mostly.


That said I did have this guy try and pick a fight with me about 2 weeks ago. How it almost kicked off was I was literally crossing the road and the light was green and he kept going on his bike and almost knocked me over. After he passed I said something "what the fuck!". Anyways I see him turn around "then I'm thinking okay this dude is angry lol". Anyways as he comes back he gets right in my face and was saying "what did you say etc". I said to him "what, are you gonna attack me is that it?" plus I'm thinking "how fucked up is this person?". I did try to calm him down as I see he needed to vent but he was persistent. In the end I said "look you win ... are you happy?". Then he went off on his bike looking mad as hell lol.


Anyways I'll be straight I was fuckin' angry and I wanted to smash him in the face especially as he was right in my face and clearly wanted to do something to me lol. I did think afterwards that had I been with my friend that I would have loved to have seen him smack that bastard in the face but the truth is these emotions are fleeting and indulgent and I really choose not to react as I gain nothing from it. After all why should I really care?


Does it make you a pussy to back down? Mm maybe but its not as though my life was under threat or a loved one was being hurt so the only thing under attack was my ego and really speaking its not that big a deal right?


Anyways joking aside please be honest because I ain't gonna judge if someone chooses not to get into a fight afterall its bloody common sense and it just don't look cool period!!

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I ignore...never been in a real fight in my life. Luckily I'm tall so most people don't bother picking fights with me.


Dude sounds like a self-righteous douche, like Awepittance said. I hate those fuckers...giving all cyclists a bad name.


You did right though, it does NOT make you a pussy to back down, at least not in that situation. If someone was harassing your girl and you didn't stand up, maybe, but not when it's just man to man. You're the bigger man for not taking the bait.

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hear about the new self driving Google equipped cars? In the official press release for it it said something like 'google cars drove 48 hours on major highways and roads with no major issues, the only time the human passenger had to intervene is when a biker flew out into the middle of an intersection'

ha. I know some people in this forum are mainly bike riders who are very cool people, i think Braintree probably has the most heinous personal bike accident story here (and i think it was indirectly caused by another biker)

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i live in L.A. and there are cyclists everywhere. i'd be one of them if i didn't have to pick up my kids after work. i'm mindful of them and keep a moderate distance from them when i'm driving. but i have seen many who are dicks. but from my experience, the drivers are mostly dicks. i've been hit by cars 2 times and many near misses. and i abide by street rules and such so it wasn't like i ran a stop sign or whatever.

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I ignore mostly.


That said I did have this guy try and pick a fight with me about 2 weeks ago. How it almost kicked off was I was literally crossing the road and the light was green and he kept going on his bike and almost knocked me over. After he passed I said something "what the fuck!". Anyways I see him turn around "then I'm thinking okay this dude is angry lol". Anyways as he comes back he gets right in my face and was saying "what did you say etc". I said to him "what, are you gonna attack me is that it?" plus I'm thinking "how fucked up is this person?". I did try to calm him down as I see he needed to vent but he was persistent. In the end I said "look you win ... are you happy?". Then he went off on his bike looking mad as hell lol.



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  • 6 months later...

yeah ive never been in any kind of major disagreement in my life, im a complete fanny. negotiate my way out of any kind of trouble. i also get along with pretty much everyone too.

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i typically don't have to fight ever as most people see me as too large an obstacle to bother with. i like it.


i have been in a few fights. never by choice.

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Guest hahathhat

i can kind understand why someone would try to run promo over w/ a bike and then pick a fight


I generally hate most cyclists anyway. Next time you see him, throw some drawing pins in front of him before he passes.


the worst are the tools in lance armstrong logo'd out spandex that think they're doing the tour de france during rush hour commute

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I think I've avoided being in any fights partly because I'm so small and even assholes don't want to come off as cowards by beating up on someone half their size, and partly because I'm very non-reactionary. It takes a lot to provoke me. If someone else seems really invested in winning an argument or whatever I tend to just let them have it (the argument, not my fists).

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