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I think he means walk with confidence and purpose and don't make yourself look like an easy target...walk tall, don't look at the floor etc

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if you want to win a fight dont recoil at the initial fear. go in there at peace with death. Accept that u might have your pretty face bent out of shape forever. go for their noses.

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I've only fighted seriously once. Well, I wasn't fighting actually. I got a kick to my face and woke up 5 or 10 mins later with no idea what happened and a bloody napkin in my hand. The guy who beat me was kind enough to give me a napkin. Maybe because I was only 13 or 14 then. He took my phone though.

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Standing up for yourself is something you do to impress chicks... and not even the good ones.




I'd like to clarify that "standing up for yourself" does not require fists, but if it does, and that is the last resort, it is better to fight for oneself than it is to bow down no matter what the circumstance.


Standing tall is all you need to do, and know where you stand and on what grounds you are willing to fight for it. Picking fights is childish; backing down from all confrontation is infantile.

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The following is a story about my cousin, Tom, who lives in St-Albans:


One day, him and his two mates, were walking into the park with a backpack full of Fosters, already slightly pissed from a couple of tequila shots at his house. Whilst sitting in the park, minding their own business, a group of chavs walks by and they shout a couple of slurs at my cousin (and co) of which they completely ignored and just continued doing what they were doing. The group of chavs actually stopped in that same park and were hanging out around 20-30 feet away from Tom. About twenty minutes later, the chavs hurled a couple of glass bottles at my cousin, which missed completely, but there was no reason to throw these bottles. Tom and his friends were like fuck this, and got up and started to walk away. One chav, I believe to be the leader of the pack, threw a bottle which actually hit Tom in the back pretty hard. Tom (who is a pretty big guy, his friends aren't though), turned around and shouted "hey what the fuck is your problem? we didn't do shit to you, minding our own business". The chav leader, left his group of friends, and ran towards Tom saying stuff like "oi mate fuckguasifitiascunttwatfuckasdkaso" trying to start shit. My cousin drops him in one punch, his friends were scared out of their minds. As soon as Tom dropped the chav leader, the chav started yelling from the ground and the rest of the chav pack started to run towards Tom. So Tom and his mates literally ran as fast as they could out of the park and into a cab, thankfully the pack of chavs (around 5) stopped by their "leader" to see if he was alright.

A week later, Tom finds out that the guy he punched in the face has an older brother who was imprisoned for GBH. He gets out in 3 weeks.

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I had a gun pulled on me last night. Kcinsu and Awepittance have heard it already, but here's the story:


Guy was yelling at a friend & I from his car while we were walking to get pizza, so I returned fire, shouting obscenities. Guy gets out of his car, runs at me while fishing something out of his pocket. So I back up with my hand out and keep him at arm's length. Looked like a derringer. While I'm backing up, his buddy comes out of nowhere and clips me across my chin, but it barely hits me, so I unclip my bike helmet from my bag so I have a blunt object to block and parry with. Guy with the weapon asks for my wallet, so I told him to go fuck himself. They got back in their cars [a 4 door sedan and a black SUV] and left. I memorized the license plate and called the police. Biked home and got more drunk.


Never pick a fight with a guy that has a helmet.


I am not a violent person. I usually try to calm things down before anything happens. The reason I let it escalate is because I am SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of people acting tough and they don't back it up. So sure, it was brazen and stupid but I provoked them enough to come and try and hit me. I was ready to beat them down into hell itself.


A strange feeling comes over me when in an emergency. It's like all confusion leaves my head and I see all of the possibilities spread before me. Time slows down and I'm still able to think.


Either I'm really good at pissing people off, or I look like an easy target. Which only works against them, since I'm in really good shape. I ride my bike 10 miles daily and know how to throw a good punch. Fucking pussies. I grew up with my older brother being twice my size, so fighting someone bigger than me doesn't scare me. Next time someone comes at me, fishing something out of their pocket, I'm going to grab their wrist to keep it there and punch him in the throat.


i think Braintree probably has the most heinous personal bike accident story here (and i think it was indirectly caused by another biker)


Yeah, another biker stopped in front of me and I slammed into him. Shit, I didn't even have a stop sign, he did.

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About a month ago my girl and I were getting off the train. It was pretty packed, and lots of people were getting off. A fair amount of people were waiting to get on as well, and this one asshole just pushed through everyone getting off, and got on. As he pushed by me I said "This works better if you let everyone get off first". He spun around and shouted "what'd you say? that that to my face!" At this point, I'm already off of the train, and he's blocking more people, hanging out the door of the train. I said "you heard me, I said it less than a foot away from you" and he again said "come back up here and say it to my face!!!" so my girl and I just turn and walk down to the corner. Well, he goes up to the front of the train, and hangs out the front door, and says "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE" and so I said "If you are so worked up about it, YOU get off the train and do something about it" to which he replied ".. but... I need to go somewhere on this train!" and I said "well yeah, obviously, just like I need to go somewhere OFF of this train, which is why I got off." He paused for a second, and then said "COME SAY IT TO MY FACE". I was just like... jesus christ... so we walked away.


The guy obviously was an idiot and upset about something else. But it got me furious. And then I thought about what would have happened if he did indeed get off and attacked me. I've never been in a fight, and even if he got in my face, I wouldn't have touched him... but if he pushed me, or hit me, I think I would have lost my shit. But then I think about the possible outcomes of something like that... let's say he "wins" as obviously he was pretty worked up to start with, so he probably had a lot of fight in him... I could have ended up in the hospital. Let's say I lost my shit, and ended up beating him senseless... then I'd probably go to jail. Let's say no one won... we both just get some bruises... we'd probably both be arrested. There was no good outcome. I try to keep that in mind now... is this really worth seriously fucking shit up for? All because I told some guy to wait for people to get off the train? I hate people.


Haha. You DID say it to his face! That guy was a moron.


I can't imagine who would want to pick a fight with you dude. You're a really big guy.

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I can't imagine who would want to pick a fight with you dude. You're a really big guy.


which is why Ive never been in a fight! But there are people that do take that as a chance to prove themselves... take down a bigger guy.


also, Braintree's incident was like 4/5 blocks from my house. Glad to know this shit goes down where I live...

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Fuck yeah I got pizza. A slice of cheese and a slice of mushroom.


not a good idea to tell someone pointing a gun at you to go fuck themselves. Maybe IM wrong


He wasn't going to shoot me. I saw him hesitate. He was just trying to intimidate me.

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Guest sirch

Keep your head up and people tend to leave you the fuck alone.


actually people tend to want to fight you more, just because you've made eye contact, especially if you're good looking and confident, ugly people really hate that, lol ......hey it's evolution, cunts, don't balme me that you're ugly..... it's just natural selection 'n all that shite, eh.... lol

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ive been in a few fights, i think i lost more than i won..but i dont do that shit anymore.



but like someone said, sometimes its unavoidable. in those situations, especially if you are outnumbered, dont hesitate to fight dirty/whatever it takes to get some distance and run away.



true story: i was at a bar in college and this really innocent kid (never hurt a fly) was being fucked with by a group of jocky lads (i dunno if they were from the college).


anyway, one of the jocky dudes comes up to punch him, and what followed was astounding/sickening. this little kid landed one of the hardest kicks to a groin that I had EVER seen or heard. Thats right, almost everyone in the bar could HEAR the foot make contact. This jock was down, hard....apparently some people heard a snap and saw blood, at that point the bartender and the chef acted as bouncers/herders to get everyone out for fear that someone had been stabbed or something.


never saw the kid again, but I heard that the jock that was kicked in the crotch lost one of his balls, ruptured on contact or some shit...doesn't even seem biologically possible, but Im betting that kid will never get fucked with in that town again.




i almost want to say if you are in an unavoidable situation in a gang sorta thing, get medieval as possible for a very short fight. even if you lose, people know whats at stake.

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the tougher you look the more people want to challenge you. stay small


i've had this all my life mate.. lol


please post in most recent pix thread for evidence

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Surely its keeping your head down that avoids fights? Depends on your height I suppose.

Well, i am 6.4 with a bit of bulk so i guess that might help :\

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I think he means walk with confidence and purpose and don't make yourself look like an easy target...walk tall, don't look at the floor etc

Yeah that's it.. but not on a cocky one. You don't have to catch their eye, look straight on with confidence.


I hate trouble and walking this way keeps me out of it.

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