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I had a gun pulled on me last night. ..


what an ass. Never had a fight, just once I yelled at a guy who pushed my then girlfriend out of his way for no reason. We then proceeded and a friend told me afterwards he followed me with a knive in his hand, luckily a friend of him noticed it and talked him out of it. I had no idea he was coming after me, probably would have started to run like hell otherwise lol

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I'm totally coming to SF and tracking down Braintree to see if he would get busy with me. I'd be all "COME AT ME, BRO". I'd let him give it to me Tyler Durden style without fighting back and sputter through a mouthful of dislodged teeth and blood "it's me, xxx--buy me drinks and vegan food now" and then I'd ride on the pegs of his back wheel to the nearest wheat grass/whiskey bar whilst drooling and bleeding on his shoulder.


It's a date!

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I had a gun pulled on me last night. ..


what an ass. Never had a fight, just once I yelled at a guy who pushed my then girlfriend out of his way for no reason. We then proceeded and a friend told me afterwards he followed me with a knive in his hand, luckily a friend of him noticed it and talked him out of it. I had no idea he was coming after me, probably would have started to run like hell otherwise lol


That's fucked up. It probably had something to do with you and your girl, though. There are so many fights that start in bars because of women. Just plain sad.


For some reason a lot of guys think that if they beat up some dude, girls will flock to them. These men are idiots, and unfortunately still procreating somehow.

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Personally, if one gets into a verbal argument and they start punching eachother, then I am alright with that. What I am not alright with, is when two people get into a verbal argument and one guy pulls a knife or a gun. That person should be fucking shot.

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Guest hahathhat

this little kid landed one of the hardest kicks to a groin that I had EVER seen or heard.


someone once told me, kicks to the groin are great, but only if you land it like legendary little kid. if you get 'em so it hurts, but doesn't take 'em down, they're going to get a mad rush of adrenaline and promptly go apeshit on you. better to go for the nose, which breaks real easy and hurts a shitload.


(not that i have a clue, really. it just seemed like reasonable advice)

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I´d go for the throat, eyes and shins, since I don´t have any real strength in my arms. (..and my right arm is useless/dislocates too easily :emotawesomepm9: )

Luckily I never had the chance to actually try those spots irl.

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I'm totally coming to SF and tracking down Braintree to see if he would get busy with me. I'd be all "COME AT ME, BRO". I'd let him give it to me Tyler Durden style without fighting back and sputter through a mouthful of dislodged teeth and blood "it's me, xxx--buy me drinks and vegan food now" and then I'd ride on the pegs of his back wheel to the nearest wheat grass/whiskey bar whilst drooling and bleeding on his shoulder.


It's a date!



do it xxx, you're guaranteed to get laid!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest fiznuthian

I'm totally coming to SF and tracking down Braintree to see if he would get busy with me. I'd be all "COME AT ME, BRO". I'd let him give it to me Tyler Durden style without fighting back and sputter through a mouthful of dislodged teeth and blood "it's me, xxx--buy me drinks and vegan food now" and then I'd ride on the pegs of his back wheel to the nearest wheat grass/whiskey bar whilst drooling and bleeding on his shoulder.


It's a date!




Braintree, would you mind detailing the bike accident again?

How did he have a stop sign and you didn't? I'm really curious having read Awepittance say it was awful.

Been reading a lot of cyclist's stories since I started commuting some. I live in a town with a lot of crazies surrounded by rural Virginia, and man there's not a fucking day

I have commuted yet that someone doesn't try to knock me off the road, block my path, cut me off, or beep/yell at me. I'm developing a horrible anxiety about it, anticipating someone throwing shit or actually ramming me.


Some fat driver today flew past me going 45+ mph within a foot of me left shoulder yelling "GET OFF THE ROAD" on a two lane route,

and I was riding as far as I could to the right without being the shoulder, which was rough and full of debris.

I followed him and managed to catch up, meeting his vehicle at a recreation center where he was going to deliver newspaper.

He immediately yelled "WHY DONT YOU SHARE THE ROAD IDIOT" and accused me of running stopsigns.

The weird thing was, at the time he passed me, he was the only driver within a half mile of either of us and could have easily scooted left a few feet to pass me.


I take it you're a fellow cyclist too Bt, are things the same in San Fran even though cycling is popular there?

Fuck I wish we had a critical mass, just once.. :(

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