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Does anyone knows any Interviews with Afx?

Dancing Brain

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Also , i found 20+ interview using google in a few seconds. , you are not looking hard enough







APHEX TWIN: It's up to everyone to make their own interpretation.

DAMION: So rumours of your retirement were greatly exaggerated? What made you change your mind?

APHEX TWIN: The old mind was getting really slow and dull so I thought I'd get a new one.

DAMION: What have you been doing since Windowlicker was released?

APHEX TWIN: Playing around with human embryos that myself and my girlfriend made, before it's illegal.

DAMION: Where/when was the album recorded?

APHEX TWIN: All over the place traveling. In some bank vaults and in the bath.

DAMION: Is all the material new?

APHEX TWIN: It's the newest music available. Actually it's a compilation of all the fake aphex tracks found on the world wide wank, I didn't write any of them.

DAMION: Will there be any singles?

APHEX TWIN: Yes tomorrow, limited to one copy on my hard disk. My friend bought it on ebay which I think is on the Internet.



What does it all mean?


DAMION: The tracks have very bizarre titles, what do they mean?

APHEX TWIN: kwrejgwekrjhwegkwegrkwerjbg

DAMION: Have you worked with anyone else on this album?

APHEX TWIN: Yeah, at the beginning of 1997 I adopted three goats on my farm in scotland and taught them how to write music. I upgraded one of the goats at the end of 98' with a hoof mod and its fucking serious man/woman.

DAMION: Are there going to be any more collaborations with yourself and Chris Cunningham?

APHEX TWIN: Well I think Chris is too skinny at the moment and I can't bear working with skeletons. So he has to put on a considerable amount of weight on first.

DAMION: Where did you get the idea for the cover?

APHEX TWIN: While i was djing at the next rephlex party at 93ft east club end of August 2001.

DAMION: Have you been listening to lots of classical music? Is this a sign that you're mellowing in your old age?

APHEX TWIN: I have actually gone deaf from djing so I can't listen to any music at all. I'm totally gutted, have learned how to lip read and I can still mix records by smelling the grooves.

DAMION: What is your dru(g)kq of choice?

APHEX TWIN: What does dru(g)kq mean? I don't understand the question, sorry.

DAMION: Are you planning any live shows? What surprises have you got in store?

APHEX TWIN: Well I'm playing on the national lottery in December as they offered me the rollover if nobody won it that week, seriously!

DAMION: Napster, do you have an opinion on them?

APHEX TWIN: Well I should do. I actually wrote the code for the precursor to Napster and that bloke knicked it off me. I'm not bitter though, I've managed to download my entire catalogue off it when it worked! Saved myself £'s

DAMION: Is it true that you've written music for adverts under loads of different pseudonyms, can u give?

APHEX TWIN: Yes and other releases, Stockhausen, Mozart, Xenakis, Squarepusher, Painjerk, Parmigiani to name a few.

DAMION: "We'd only ban someone for being boring"…What is the most boring record ever made, in your opinion?

APHEX TWIN: Drukqs by Eric Satie.

DAMION: What is the relationship between Warp and Rephlex?

APHEX TWIN: You don't wanna know man, it's fucking bad.

DAMION: It is widely known that Radiohead's Kid A was widely influenced by your music. In particular 'Come As you Are'…What do you think of their new stuff and other contemporaries?

APHEX TWIN: Well they widely agreed to pay me 70% of the widely royalties so, I'm not complaining.

DAMION: In a recent interview, Grant (Rephlex) pointed out that there are five missing records in the Rephlex catalogue…mostly yours…will you ever release them?

APHEX TWIN: Yes, next week. Who is Grant?



Does this guy know where he is?


DAMION: Do you remember life before the internet?

APHEX TWIN: I haven't actually gone online yet. Is it any good? Who are you anyway?

DAMION: What is your favourite gadget?

APHEX TWIN: Oh it would have to be this endoscope I got from LOOT a couple of years ago. It had a fair bit of use mind you but it's a one off model which can go inside your brain via your nostrils and tickle different regions of your body automatically. It's got a USB connection and came bundled with some MAC software. It's got a neuro receiver on one bit which can directly pick up various thoughts and signals that happen to be flying around whatever region you happen to be poking. It's so cool man.

DAMION: What criterion do you have for releasing someone's records?

APHEX TWIN: Well its usually based on sexual favours 'n' stuff. Best not to go there.

DAMION: You were once quoted as saying you weren't recording any new material because you were 'sick of being ripped off'…Who have you ripped off?

APHEX TWIN: I've never got sick of being sucked off. Don't know what you're on about. What's your name, you're weird?

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can I ask a question


In this archive: http://rdj.moto-coda.org/faq/afxfaq26.txt


Aphex Twin says of Cylob: 'His stuff really freaked me out, because he's made the most violent records I've ever heard: more violent than any gabba, and he's such a mellow guy, really quiet. He's got a little demon inside'.


Does anyone know what records he's referring to?

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can I ask a question


In this archive: http://rdj.moto-coda.org/faq/afxfaq26.txt


Aphex Twin says of Cylob: 'His stuff really freaked me out, because he's made the most violent records I've ever heard: more violent than any gabba, and he's such a mellow guy, really quiet. He's got a little demon inside'.


Does anyone know what records he's referring to?


my guess: industrial folk songs, and cylob's Kinesthesia stuff

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Yes IFS surely was some of the hardest stuff available back then, not really surprising from the guy, such a weirdo. He spent once like 5 hours backstage not telling anything sitting on a couch staring at the ground and eating salt crisps before throwing a shit computer driven set

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