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Mark Fell - Multistability


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Id love to know more about how they made this album. What software etc.. Maybe an interview?


Atavism was made with Yamaha FS1R and probably some drum machine samples sequenced with Max/MSP. This sounds pretty similar so I guess it's the same gear.

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Guest David R James



i find it a lot lusher than that album. I wish it had more elements of the final track on this album. difficult to describe so musical and different

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Id love to know more about how they made this album. What software etc.. Maybe an interview?


Atavism was made with Yamaha FS1R and probably some drum machine samples sequenced with Max/MSP. This sounds pretty similar so I guess it's the same gear.


from Mark Fell - UL8 infos on mego page:


Using 32 operator frequency modulation synthesis configured in 16 pairs of operator and modulator. Frequency, modulation ratio and amount determined by linear interpolation between two spatial extremes, with further interpolation over variable temporal divisions. Panned at equal positions around the circumference of a circle using high order ambisonics. <...> The compositions here also feature modified Roland TR707 and Linn kick drum samples.


FS1R has 16 operators (8 Voiced, 8 Unvoiced).

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Id love to know more about how they made this album. What software etc.. Maybe an interview?


Atavism was made with Yamaha FS1R and probably some drum machine samples sequenced with Max/MSP. This sounds pretty similar so I guess it's the same gear.


from Mark Fell - UL8 infos on mego page:


Using 32 operator frequency modulation synthesis configured in 16 pairs of operator and modulator. Frequency, modulation ratio and amount determined by linear interpolation between two spatial extremes, with further interpolation over variable temporal divisions. Panned at equal positions around the circumference of a circle using high order ambisonics. <...> The compositions here also feature modified Roland TR707 and Linn kick drum samples.


FS1R has 16 operators (8 Voiced, 8 Unvoiced).


Thats track 1-5 on UL8.

I think he was talking about this album - Multistability.

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im surprised to hear Atavism was done on an FS1R, do you have any more information about that?


can't remember his exact wording, but mark said all the pitched sounds on atavism were made on fs1r.

you should email him about it. he's the friendliest guy on the planet.



also Multistability CD + ltd 7" only on R-N store available now



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as i haven't a turntable anyone who gets the 7" should pm me . . .dig it. loving the album, might just be his best work yet. and i'm waiting for my copy of head office transformation to show.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Id love to know more about how they made this album. What software etc.. Maybe an interview?


Here are his publicly shared bookmarks http://www.delicious.com/markfell


I've stopped using delicious now, but I did see evidence of him researching some interesting things. If you want his email to ask for an interview you can find it here http://www.markfell.com/wiki/index.php?n=Mf.Contact


I wonder is there anyone here involved in any music sites, he might be a bit more interested in that? Worth a go anyway.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Listened to the first few tracks of this and thought it was pretty interesting then I got sharp stabbing pains in my ears/brain and had to stop. :unsure:

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Listened to the first few tracks of this and thought it was pretty interesting then I got sharp stabbing pains in my ears/brain and had to stop. :unsure:


Yeah, I wonder why it has that effect? I get the same when it's on a bit louder. Maybe there's lots of high-end frequencies (more than usual.)


I don't know. But I love the album regardless

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Guest Lucy Faringold

I think it might be something to do with the speed of the percussive elements and the fact that a lot of the samples have no tails. It's a really unnatural thing to hear - rapid fire sounds with tiny bits of silence in between - particularly with headphones on. I remember Aphex used the same effect to close out one of the banging tracks on Drukqs (St. Michael's Mount?).


Shame really, it sounds lush with the volume way up but my ears cannae take it!

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