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Airports are becoming frightening.


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"Baird encourages anyone with a medical condition to read the TSA’s website section on assistive devices and mobility aids.


The website says that travelers with disabilities and medical conditions have “the option of requesting a private screening” and that security officers “will not ask nor require you to remove your prosthetic device, cast, or support brace.” from the msnbc article


If this is the case, won't you just then send someone with a prosthetic device packed with explosive, thereby making the whole screening exercise fucking pointless (as if it wasn't already). Again they demonstrate, that this whole thing is about control not terrorism.

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wow shit is getting weird! I just heard Rush limbaugh and sean hannity for the first time ever doing an entire show about civil liberties violations. it's very surreal to see the entire right wing embracing this opposition to the TSA. All these people who stood back and said nothing about the civil liberties erosions of the entire Bush administration all of the sudden being concerned about them.

who created the TSA? Bush. Who created the homeland security administration headed by who the republicans call 'Big Sis'? Bush. Who presented the patriot act to congress? Bush


and it's actually creating a semi left wing media push back effect like this - http://www.thenation.com/article/156647/tsastroturf-washington-lobbyists-and-koch-funded-libertarians-behind-tsa-scandal


i guess anything can be turned into a partisan issue, but i very much disagree that this is some kind of 'astro turf' movement. It makes sense that it took actual sexual privacy violations to make the christian right all of the sudden outraged.


edit: a part of me is still really worried and skeptical that any neoconservative people would be giving this coverage. what are other people's thoughts on this?

for a clue into this strange upside down world see here -



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it is funny how the people who supported bush and these institutions are now against them with obama in office. i feel like this tsa scanner thing would not be the issue it is now if bush were still in office.

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and when the pubs get in again, the hannitys of the world will shut up about it. They aren't trying for pushback, only to smear the dems with enough mud to sink them in the next election cycle.


but we'll see, hopefully it's about more than just that to the christian right. But to control that discontent all you need do is set up another trojan assplosion.

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and when the pubs get in again, the hannitys of the world will shut up about it. They aren't trying for pushback, only to smear the dems with enough mud to sink them in the next election cycle.


but we'll see, hopefully it's about more than just that to the christian right. But to control that discontent all you need do is set up another trojan assplosion.



who gives a shit though? if we were truly trying to knock this out of the way, shouldn't we not give a shit about partisanship and get this legislation out of here?


leave the politicization to the scholars, if you were truly concerned about it, pointing fingers at either party would be a VERY low priority.

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in case nobody saw this yet, ive posted this probably 3 times already to this forum but im going to do it again because im a repetitive bastard


1/2 the way into this speech this guy lays out one of the most eloquent explanations of why these types of violations of privacy are important and how the chilling effect is used. IT's not that security necessarily protects us all better directly, what it does indirectly it create a chilling effect where it's designed to 'scare people' away from wanting to commit crimes. I wish i explain my own thoughts on this matter in this way. His example of cameras on school buses hits the nail on the head..




Jonathan Turley on "The Rapid Decline of Transparency and Privacy in America" at the Future of Freedom Foundation's http://fff.org Restoring the Republic, 2008. Taken from part 2 of a 5 part talk


Wow. I couldn't help but watch the entire speech. Thanks for the link.

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this is really pathetic. yeah, cool underwear, but all airport security will do is laugh at the poor fuck wearing them, maybe throw in an anal probing. it doesn't accomplish anything and even makes the wearer accept the fact that they'll be scanned. we shouldn't accept that.


but we will. as with the bp oil leak, this issue too will fade from our consciousness in about... what, a week or two?

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