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Incredible String Band


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I got one album and listened to it on the train to work once. God know's what happened but I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up, I broke out into a cold sweat and temporarily went blind. I don't know if it was just coincidence but I've been too scared to listen to them since.

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God know's what happened but I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up, I broke out into a cold sweat and temporarily went blind.

That sounds like when I get migraines. You probably had a bad migraine dude..

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Guest virgil

i used to listen to them when i was little, back then i'd just grab any old record out of my dad's collection and listen to it on those old gigantic earphones


so of course i love them, along with any other band i grew up with


they're not for everyone but neither is BoC and i can see why they might have inspired mike and marcus

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Guest chromakey_dreamcoat

This doesn't look like incredible. Just watch their covers makes me no wanting to hear it! :omg:

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I have the hangsman´s beautiful daughter and thousand layers of the onion and I really like both albums.

The soundquality is really excellent, it´s nice and warm but still very open and the stringed instruments sounds great.

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This doesn't look like incredible. Just watch their covers makes me no wanting to hear it! :omg:


way to close your mind azzhole


ps. nice name fuckwad


5000 spirits or the layers of an onion is an awesome album.




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i love THBD. and with the rise and rise of 'free folk' as the wire likes to call it (devendra banhart, joanna newsom, cocorosie et al), i guarantee they'll be one of the 'cool' names to mention soon enough.


better hop on the bandwagon now before it becomes passé, lol.

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i prefer fairport convention or jefferson airplane
Fairport Convention are brilliant...have plenty of their records.


I was raised on music like the Incredible String Band, so I have a soft spot for it. My dad was/is a bit of a hippy celt. I still prefer Robin Williamson on his own, though. His rendition of Five Denials on Merlin's Grave is one of the best recorded bard narrations in existance...


If you're into this sort of thing, check out Steeleye Span as well.

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I don't think you even know what celt means.
That's your opinion, my friend.


And your opinion is grossly and unfortunately inaccurate.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Moebius

I listed to 5000 layers once, it was alright.


ISB went on a US tour a year or so ago, I almost wanted to go just to ask them afterwards if they know what big fans BoC are of theirs and if they have had any direct contact with them.

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