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remember when the ipad came out, and everyone said "Lemur killer!"


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Jazzmutant Lemur is discontinued.


Since 2002, JazzMutant has been a acknowledged pioneer in the field of Creative Computing and Multi-touch technology, being the first-ever company to develop and bring to the market a product featuring a multi-touch screen as early as 2005. Since its market launch, the Lemur has been endorsed by a fascinating community of music and video artists. Nine Inch Nails, Richard Devine, Hot Chip, Ritchie Hawtin, Matthew Herbert, M.I.A, Mike Relm, Alva Noto, Ryuchi Sakamoto, Daft Punk, Bjork, ... : The list of prestigious and influent artists who have made the Lemur their favorite pet companion on stage would be way too long to be mentioned here. Its visionary concept and groundbreaking technologies allowed the Lemur to win numerous international press awards and was recently elected "Innovation of the decade" by Future Music.


During five years and despite the new fever surrounding touch technologies, the Lemur remained the only Multi-touch device capable to meet the needs of creative people. From now on, this ecosystem is evolving quickly : powerful consumer tablet devices are becoming mainstream, bringing the power of multi-touch to everyone. In the meantime, JazzMutant, renamed Stantum in 2007, has become a technology-centric company and developed partnerships with tier-one industrial partners to speed up this democratization. As a result, the need for a high-end dedicated hardware is doomed to vanish in the near future. This is why Stantum is announcing today that it will close its JazzMutant activity unit and stop selling its legendary Lemur Multi-touch hardware controller at the end of December while the stock lasts! The last batch of Lemurs just came out of the factory. These very last units are now available at a special discounted price from JazzMutant's webstore and from its authorized distributors and retailers. These very last units are now available with 25% discount! Moreover, the Dexter App and an original Lemur T-shirt will come along for free. Don't miss this last opportunity and grab the legendary Lemur from authorized retailers while the stock last! The Technical support and after sale service will be handled until December 31, 2011. The jazzmutant website will stay online in order to let the user community access support resources and share their projects.


We would like to thank all the people involved in this fantastic adventure: first of all the user community which exceeded our wildest expectations in creating the most amazing templates; our devoted resellers, who helped us to show the Lemurs all over the world; finally music software editors for their support.

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I spent some time this past weekend building a custom interface on my iPad using TouchOSC (which at some point got a full HD ipad release). I used the editor from the website to build the interface then map it across Ableton. It was a very pleasing experience over all.


Here is a pic:




I can only hope things will get better in the future.

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yeah, touch osc was what sold me on the ipad.


very awesome, but could be awesomer.


awesomer would be lemur ported to the ipad.


oh, btw iOS4 will have midi via wifi AND usb. awesome.


a touchMIDI would be nice too. cut out the middleman apps that you have to use with touchosc. less to keep track of. good old midi to the rescue!

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oh, btw iOS4 will have midi via wifi AND usb. awesome.


a touchMIDI would be nice too. cut out the middleman apps that you have to use with touchosc. less to keep track of. good old midi to the rescue!


this is exactly what i have been waiting for since the ipad was introduced. the day an app like this is released is literally the day i will head down to the apple store & buy an ipad.


ipad + midi = :emotawesomepm9:

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oh, btw iOS4 will have midi via wifi AND usb. awesome.

i wouldn't like to use MIDI over WiFi, personally. too much room for error/latency


Yeah man I can tell you that the wireless OSC implementation, altho twice as complex, has given me absolutely 0 errors, so thus I can only conclude that you are right wireless over MIDI will be far too buggy and latent to use.

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oh, btw iOS4 will have midi via wifi AND usb. awesome.

i wouldn't like to use MIDI over WiFi, personally. too much room for error/latency


Yeah man I can tell you that the wireless OSC implementation, altho twice as complex, has given me absolutely 0 errors, so thus I can only conclude that you are right wireless over MIDI will be far too buggy and latent to use.

your mileage may vary.


WiFi is susceptible to interference, not only from baby monitors, but also other WiFi access points in the vicinity.


also note that you're completely twisting my statement. i never said that it would be "too buggy and latent to use", i said that i personally wouldn't like to use it, as i feel there would be too much room for error/latency.


that's the difference between fact and opinion.

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Sometimes I just wonder if people actually try stuff out or just make wild claims like this. All wires are susceptible to interference. You'd think with digital communication you'd at least have error correction.

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at least 10. not sure if you can do more.


and no, that is one lemur, and one ipad.


also, the software that he is running on his ipad (and had input in creating) is shit. way over priced for what it does.

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at least 10. not sure if you can do more.


and no, that is one lemur, and one ipad.


also, the software that he is running on his ipad (and had input in creating) is shit. way over priced for what it does.


I can spot the difference between a Lemur and iPad dude :rolleyes: but didn't he have his Powerbook and two iPads snatched when on tour a little while back?



iPad 10 points? damn that demands a to be synth controller of some kind but will probably (like you say) be well over what its worth


shame the old G2 'windows' software can only respond to one touch at a time (mouse) as it would be the ultimate with 10 points, imagine all the sliders on each finger?


I'm getting a raging semi :cerious:

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oh sorry, I thought you were basing that question off the photo. i did not know that he uses two. i can see wanting to have 2 different apps open, doing different things... but that's still kind of dumb.


and it'll be pointless after the next iOS4 update... which will have multi tasking, so you could load up multiple MIDI apps, and go back and forth between them!


I really just want clavia to release a goddamn plugin version. that's ALL I want santa.

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wow, lotta g2 users here. nice. :smile:


i also want to use the ipad with my g2 engine. the g2 is like the swiss army knife of the synth/sound processing world. at any given time it could be performing completely different functions in a set, hence it only makes sense to have an interface that changes to suit whatever you're using it for at the time. the ipad (with midi) will be perfect for this. yeah, the ipad might be a little cramped in terms of size, but if apple ever releases a 17 inch ipad in the future i'll be first in line.


...and am i the only one who thinks those monomes are complete crap? i support the whole open source homebrew thing etc. etc., and they seem to get nothing but good press, but all those identically sized and identically spaced buttons? a total nightmare of an interface.


if you are changing the function of the monome from time to time, then how are you supposed to remember what all those unmarked square little buttons do? and if you use the monome for the same function all the time, then why not have an interface better designed and adapted to that one specific task? a touchscreen controller just seems so much clearer and easier to use to me.

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for the nord modulars I highly recommend a 2nd hand iTronix Gobook




you can get the basic P3 version for very little these days which tend to be ex police issue sold off on the cheap on ebay


the resistive touch screen is military spec and highly responsive even more so than my 23" acer the only problem being is the screen resolution misses off some of the morph groups on the G2 software but there are workarounds


arrange the sequencer modules for all four parts on the screen at once and you have quite a killer combo. its also very smooth for single finger editing if you file your fingernail the right way mrs :sorcerer:

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