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I am going to Vancouver tomorrow. Enslaved and Dimmu Borgir are playing Sunday night and I am so there. Dimmu is having a signing somewhere on Sunday; I was told by a friend and didn't bother asking where.


Any how, this seems a good excuse to start a thread about Vancouver. Love the city. Love the Canucks. Anyone here in/from Vancouver? Any one been?


PS It is snowing here at the moment, which means it is probably snowing in van city, or at least was snowing in van city a short while ago.




or something. basically i am super stoked to see enslaved live in two days.

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Lived in vancouver for a couple years. Didnt really enjoy it. Rent/everything was too expensive, found myself very bored a lot of the time. It seemed like there werent a lot of places to just hang out in the neighborhoods but ive cultivated lots of nostalgia for the city and wish i hadn't left school there.

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Guest beatfanatic

lol, i didnt think I could have been anymore clear-er with my earlier post.


ET - were you at the Caribou gig in Edmonton like a month ago ??

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I went to Vancouver a few years ago. I remember tramps. That's about it. I did like the place though. It seemed very real to me. One other thing I remember was a steam powered clock that went crazy every hour. Anyone know that?

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got back from the tim hecker/loscil show. Good times. I live in New West, but i go all the way through Vancouver every day to get out to UBC. Rents is crazy expensive which is why I'm happy as a pig in shit to pay 250 a month and live in my mom's fully self contained basement suite.

decent beers although a little pricey. Great weed for decent prices.


it was snowing a fair bit, and that's coming from someone born and raised in edmonton.


spratters, that's the gastown steam clock



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i've been there a lot and what i see is a super big place with not many friendly people, and everybody is always busy looking.


i much prefer seattle... it's the vancouver that vancouver should be.

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How expensive are the rents in Vancouver? I want examples!


Good job for those who attended Tim Hecker/Loscil's performance, by the way.

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rental examples: http://apartmentguide.ca/Apartments/Vancouver/rentals.asp


yek: Vancouver's not really a big city, I do think that people here are not necessarily so friendly, but that's probably because of the make-up, lots of people from all over the place come here. Once you live here for a while though, you get to know some people and it's decent.

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From what I have heard, Vancouver seems like the world's ultimate destination for student exchange programs. This city has by far the best reputation in Canada, also. So you know you're cool when you're a young student in Vancouver. :cool:

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From what I have heard, Vancouver seems like the world's ultimate destination for student exchange programs. This city has by far the best reputation in Canada, also. So you know you're cool when you're a young student in Vancouver. :cool:


What about when you're a heading into middle-age student in Vancouver?


Oh and apologies to all the watmms from edmonton, but damn I'm glad I don't live there anymore.

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the world's home of hydroponics and industrial musiccc... eghhh


You must be referencing Skinny Puppy. Officially, industrial music started in London, and the phrase was coined by an American.

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