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The Anatomy Of RoboCop


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Guest Coalbucket PI

black box in the top of the head seems risky

Where's the ghost carrying option, and the backflipping off a spike stabilizers?


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Guest ansgaria

"Digestion organ pot".


Wait, RoboCob eats? What the fuck.


Watch the first movie.


I don't remember anything from the movies, it feels like a lifetime since I last watched them. But I just didn't expect ROBOCop to eat. What does he eat then? Donuts?

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"Digestion organ pot".


Wait, RoboCob eats? What the fuck.


Watch the first movie.


I don't remember anything from the movies, it feels like a lifetime since I last watched them. But I just didn't expect ROBOCop to eat. What does he eat then? Donuts?


He eats baby food.

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Guest ansgaria

"Digestion organ pot".


Wait, RoboCob eats? What the fuck.


Watch the first movie.


I don't remember anything from the movies, it feels like a lifetime since I last watched them. But I just didn't expect ROBOCop to eat. What does he eat then? Donuts?


He eats baby food.





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"Digestion organ pot".


Wait, RoboCob eats? What the fuck.


Watch the first movie.


I don't remember anything from the movies, it feels like a lifetime since I last watched them. But I just didn't expect ROBOCop to eat. What does he eat then? Donuts?


He eats baby food.





he really does eat baby food. at least, he's meant to.

throughout the film he shows a disdain for it though.

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I wouldn't fancy that get-up myself, not enough USB ports. And I don't remember his hands looking as gay as that.


Yeah, who the fuck draws Robocop with little pussy girl hands?


The way I looked at is that these pictures look quite primitive and not really like the finished product. Is this like that rough work art (forget the name) the shit they draw along with story boards?

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i think some people are viewing this picture in the wrong way.


view it in comparison to a 'cut-away' picture of the human anatomy, with the 'bones' on the left and 'muscle tissue' on the right

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The proportions are completely off anyway, his arms are fuckin short as hell... I somehow doubt that a concept artist did this, this is probably something that was done by a fan after the films were made :/



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