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Why The Snares Forum Was Removed


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Guest Lube Saibot

No really, fuckin lol, poor VS fans who go all excited. I totally understand that he may not want to be associated with a forum that has BOC fans and OMG-NeW AFX!!!! / What astro signs are AE ???? threads.


1. snares is correct.


2. this place is full of meek nerd boys who want desperately to be macho. some of the boob and ass threads are proof of that. if i was a touring artist, i wouldn't want a forum for discussion of my music being hosted on what equates to a manga forum.




in fairness, I have come across some mature posts here. but the overwhelming majority of the posts sound like they're being expressed by a clueless, dorky, moody teenager.


ooh, i figured it out! this whole site is like the idm subforum of a music subforum of an asperger's subforum of a manga forum.

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Guest Lube Saibot

You're starved for a contribution? I'm here to help. Let me contribute by expressing the following (although it certainly shouldn't need to be said):


The solution is for someone who has power of this place take control and turn it into a resource, not an embarrassment. You know, so artists won't have to email the admin saying stuff like, "Attention site administrator: I do NOT want to be associated with your site. I do NOT want a free subforum on your site so my fans can exclusively discuss my work." I mean, who does that unless they truly feel the place is a wasteland content-wise, member-wise, etc.? Does this happen a lot?

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Guest David R James

4780 members isn't the worlds electronic music fan base, i would hope not anyway. Here we have an electronic music version of the Daily Star newspaper.

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I think it's like Kim Jong saying he doesn't want to be associated with CNN or Julia Roberts saying she doesn't want to be associated with People magazine. Too bad.

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It must be quite a complement to know that someone with his reputation thinks a forum could have such profound affect . Quite scary actually. The problem here is, people (myself include from time to time) have to try and get there 'dislike' of something across with aggressive hateful posts, when really its just a dislike of something or simple opinion. Like Marmite sort of thing.


I don't think he feels it will have an 'effect', just he doesn't want to see hate directed towards him concentrated in one place. Would YOU want a forum about you and your music where the majority of posts would be slagging you off?


1. snares is correct.


2. this place is full of meek nerd boys who want desperately to be macho. some of the boob and ass threads are proof of that. if i was a touring artist, i wouldn't want a forum for discussion of my music being hosted on what equates to a manga forum.




Nice to see you figured us out, Miss Eleven Posts To Her Rather Pompus User Name.


he's alienating his fan base. i would be offended if i were a snares fan... but i'm not, so i'm not offended.


I'm more so frustrated that everyone on WATMM that dislikes the dude has to have a stick up their ass and troll anything related to his music.


That was one of the problems - Snares was too polarizing to have a forum dedicated to his music, as there would be as many haters as there would be fans.



no disrespect to Joyrex or the rest of the moderators as this is a very busy forum and I'm sure they have real jobs or more important things to get on with however some of the behaviour on here wouldn't pass on some other forums I've visited which maybe the problem


folk should value being a member here on WATMM as there are plenty of cool in informed dudes but it sometimes it seems more of a place to exercise ones dick


maybe some more moderators with more time on their hands or something....I dunno? :shrug:


Y'know - I agree with you - I think the Mods should really police more, and curb some of the unwarranted abuse and trolling that sometimes gets out of hand here. The problem with that though is then we're accused of running a police state and I'm encouraged to grow a small mustache...


You're starved for a contribution? I'm here to help. Let me contribute by expressing the following (although it certainly shouldn't need to be said):


The solution is for someone who has power of this place take control and turn it into a resource, not an embarrassment. You know, so artists won't have to email the admin saying stuff like, "Attention site administrator: I do NOT want to be associated with your site. I do NOT want a free subforum on your site so my fans can exclusively discuss my work." I mean, who does that unless they truly feel the place is a wasteland content-wise, member-wise, etc.? Does this happen a lot?


Snares is the first to do so - I've had requests to remove personal info, threads that contained slanderous commentary, and the like, but never "please don't discuss me". Snares was never concerned about the content on WATMM (or lack thereof), but more that the forum would be a concentrated base for anti-Snares fans to use as a platform to spew their hatred, and for him to hear about it (directly or indirectly).

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Aaron said that around 8 or so years ago, he had found WATMM and thought it would be a great place to discuss electronic music, but the amount of hate here drove him away (side note: I find it oddly ironic that an artist who makes brutal (at times), ear-piercing music that would probably get Buddist monks riled up and want to throw their prayer beads and piss on the prayer wheels from the tops of the pagodas would be put off by any hate on an internet forum). I can understand this, and that's the main reason I removed the forum - if people can't moderate their petty feelings to discuss the merits of an artists' music (especially one so polarizing as Snares' music seems to be on here), then it's best not to have a dedicated place to do so.


That being said, I think Aaron had the misfortune that it somehow became "hip" to hate on his music, it became a bit of a meme too, or at least a running gag. But to be honest it used to be much worse than now, and that goes for the whole state of watmm imo. Around 2008 when I signed up, people got beaten up about everything, every new member got the read the rules thing etc. It was kinda nasty and I was reluctant to post. Now I think it's not so bad. Or maybe I just got used to the irony and enabled to see behind the harshness? I don't know, but I do know that VSnares got much more hate a while back. Now there's quite a bunch of people who openly like him, as I see when reading this thread (and look at the poll) and the ones who don't mostly write about it for the lols. Yeah the 7/8 thing is a bit predictable with him but that's just a fact, he knows about it and chooses to stick with it, it doesn't mean he can't do anything else. And he's made some nice albums. Cavalcade artwork is crazy btw. I still think a VSnares subforum wasn't very fitting for watmm as it's just a different style of music he's going for. But the whole watmm situation ain't that bad, no one should over-react about it.


By the way I never thought of Aaron Funk as some kind of brutal viking guy just because of his music or the themes he chooses, he doesn't really sell himself as that either, as I've seen in the interviews he's quite a joker. It's rarely the people who creatively deal with controversial subjects that are the real psychos, I do have a certain fondness for macabre and insane themes in my creative work as well, and I've scared some people to death on my last project, but I'm not that horrible of a guy in general. Imo anyway. Also Snares likes cats and I do too.



No really, fuckin lol, poor VS fans who go all excited. I totally understand that he may not want to be associated with a forum that has BOC fans and OMG-NeW AFX!!!! / What astro signs are AE ???? threads.


I'd actually be quite interested in their astro signs.



this whole site is like the idm subforum of a music subforum of an asperger's subforum of a manga forum.


New motto

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Guest David R James

It must be quite a complement to know that someone with his reputation thinks a forum could have such profound affect . Quite scary actually. The problem here is, people (myself include from time to time) have to try and get there 'dislike' of something across with aggressive hateful posts, when really its just a dislike of something or simple opinion. Like Marmite sort of thing.


I don't think he feels it will have an 'effect', just he doesn't want to see hate directed towards him concentrated in one place. Would YOU want a forum about you and your music where the majority of posts would be slagging you off?




yeah obviously not. And I agree with it being removed. My point is overly hateful threads/posts are pointless and only created to try make others take notice of their opinion which might not be quite as extreme as they portray.

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I always assumed the "ultra macho hardcore breakcore shithole" thing was done with tongue firmly in cheek.


I always assumed 99% of hate/trolling/rules for any individual on watmm (except Craig Anderson) was given with tongue firmly in cheek.


Ergo, Craig Anderson is Snares.



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Guest ansgaria

I'm having a hard time figuring out why it's such a horrible thing that people happen to get some sort of amusement out of hating on Funk and his music. WATMM does seem like yet another internet hate machine sometimes (from what I've experienced in my short lifespan in this place), yes, but - as mentioned - most of it is just harmless "Hurr durr I'm on the internet, trolling away"-behavior. I can see why Funk wouldn't want to be associated with seemingly mindless haters on the internet, but then again, why would he even care.


Where there's likers, there's going to be haters. And those haters are most definitely gonna hate.

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what is this "venetian snares stairs" that everybody is talking about?


It's basically to match any venetian blinds which you may have in your living room or kitchen. You will soon be able to get venetian banisters (stair rails), stair flooring etc. so your house all matches nicely. It's very exciting


Here you are


Coming to a stockist near you.

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too bad about the subforum


i was hoping to repost my old snares photoshop there



great job son, thats some quality photoshop skill right there.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

vsnares will be forever thought of favourably by me for creating 'A Giant Alien Force More Violent & Sick Than Anything You Can Imagine' and asking for his subforum to be removed.



breakcore wasteland

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