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A Question About Your Way Of Life: Do you find best results are experienced by consciously seeking a certain feeling/sensation/emotion or by letting the content of your life/world affect your exactly as they do at all times?


I am stuck in a frustrating place where I am generally obsessed with seeking thrilling beautiful feelings through experiences of various kinds, however my rampant desire to experience said sensations often times gets in the way. Moments of perfection are generally accomplished when I am distracted and have forgotten to chase after them momentarily.


P.S. Right after posting this Sherbet Head was playing and I got a glimpse of my unbelievable Pajama Sam avatar and it was pure bliss!!!

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A Question About Your Way Of Life: Do you find best results are experienced by consciously seeking a certain feeling/sensation/emotion or by letting the content of your life/world affect your exactly as they do at all times?


95% of the time I am the option in bold.


Some people fancy themselves something like a log floating the down river of life. Nothing wrong with that...I wish I could find as much enjoyment just existing.


I feel more like a sailboat in a vast ocean of possibility...if I seek nothing or strive toward nothing, I feel like I'm letting the water carry me slowly to somewhere I might not like. That goal or "purpose" if you will is like a strong wind for my sail.

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Guest morphis2525

i think for me from what I've learned from my experiences, which have included quite long stints of incarceration and rehab and pain from banging my own head against the wall(metaphorically of course) is that strangely, everything can be enjoyable. even the shitty shit. even turds float some times.


Henry Rollins said, "when life hands you lemons, say I LIKE LEMONS. WHAT ELSE YOU GOT?"


So i don't consciously seek a "certain" feeling or emotion, i just fucking do what i can when i can and try to make small additional steps everyday to better my station in life and to help others.


idk if that answers the question.

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A Question About Your Way Of Life: Do you find best results are experienced by consciously seeking a certain feeling/sensation/emotion or by letting the content of your life/world affect your exactly as they do at all times?


i guess a combination? i really love a peaceful, joyful feeling of openness, but i find the only way i ever get there is to accept however i'm feeling at the moment.

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  • 7 months later...

If you haven't read it yet, this might be of interest: a psychologist wrote a book about his research on optimal experience. It has become a bestseller since, and you've probably already heard of the "flow"-concept.


To me it's one of those books which explains the things which were somehow already familiar, but in a subconscious sort of way. It makes you conscious of the things you didn't know you knew them already. (horrible sentence...)



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