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mcbpete's [rather pretentious] indie game of the month


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As titles go Activate The Three Artefacts And Then Leave isn't the most succinct, but it pretty much sums things up for before you start. So yeah it's a game where you basically (using normal FPS style mouse/WASD controls) have to go in some place, touch the three things, then leave again. Sounds pretty simple (and a bit dull), but somehow due the visual and aural aesthetic it manages to bring emotions of alienation, isolation, bewilderment and calmness in equal measures -


Here's some pictures I took on my journey (spoilered as to be honest it's best to go into this game blindly):





Fig. 1 - Your new home for the next half hour



Fig. 2 - Artefact Got !



Fig. 3 - A moment of peace



Fig. 4 - Completely lost




You will get lost, you will get frustrated, but I think that's exactly the point. It's like that sensation you get when in a dream you're stuck in a place and with every turning it seems to get you even more lost, or your perception of a location after indulging in rather dubious substances - and you're getting more and more freaked out as you were sure you knew exactly where the exit to the club was but you keep on going up and down the same two corridors.




You may hate it. I really liked it. But I'm a pretentious twot.

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