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Guest Coalbucket PI

I made a website with it and it's been fairly easy to work with, although I must discourage you in this case as personal blogs full of blather are the scourge of the internet

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I have a music review/dl type blog, haven't updated since july tho. Much nicer than blogspot, as somebody who used both for the same purpose.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Gary C

I'm suddenly considering Wordpress for a bored-at-work-type blogsite I'm musing over.


I've used blogspot before, but I wouldn't mind something a little more customisable. It will take time for me the get the hang of coding (although HTML isn't a problem), but I'm a perfectionist after I know what I'm doing.


I need to go and find blogs that I like already and pinpoint the features I want, but if anyone here has any advice it'd be greatly appreciated.

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Guest Gary C

Okay, so what's the real difference between Wordpress.org and Wordpress.com? It looks like WP.org requires you to download a program to build your site and WP.com is all online and more of a paint-by-numbers blog.

WP.com gives you a xxx.wordpress.com address that you can migrate to a xxx.com, but WP.org goes straight to a xxx.com?


Should I start with the paint-by-numbers as a test, as it's going to be a blog that evolves as I come up with new shit, or just take the plunge on WP.org?

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Pretty much. Wordpress.org just offers the software which can be installed on your server. Installation is very easy though, so if you have a domain and a server this might be the better option.


Wordpress.com is the same software but maintained by Wordpress so all you have to do is sign up and start blogging. The downside of using Wordpress.com is that you can't use custom themes (you can change the CSS however) or plugins.


You can map domains to either.

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Guest Gary C

Hm, the lack of plugins on WP.com irks me a little. I want my blog to be optimisable for use on phones.

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