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Small Midi Controllers


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Blah... my trusty oxygen 8 busted. The pitch wheel endlessly jiggles and causes my music apps to crash and whatnot, so I'm in the market for a small 2 octive(ish) keyboard. I been putting serious thought into this one:




Play controls

Beat pad (MPC styles)

Endless Rotary Knobs

2 Octives



I'm a cunt hair away from buying it, but i was curious if any of you guys knew about a better 2 octive keyboard for EKT'ing. I have a gigantic synth and shit already so thats irrelevant, i just like having a small thing next to my computer keyboard for working out thoughts and playing with sounds real fast.






ps . anyone know a good vst that will turn my computer keyboard into a midi controller for the time being?

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woah chill man i didn't know it was such a sensitive subject



put away your weapon i mean you no harm


i still think the price is beyond my wallet atm

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Guest blicero

step 1: stop buying m-audio... it might as well be playskool or fisher price.



novation remote 25 SL.


best there is.


bar none.


this man speaks the truth...



400 dollars for a few sliders, more knobs, and a joystick



no thanks


this man has no idea what he's talking about. you forgot to mention the touchpad, lcds, automapping, aftertouch, and that it pwns all other midi controllers.

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Guest blicero

it really depends on your needs/usage, what programs do you plan on using it with? what do you want to be able to do with it?


you gotta understand though, some people don't have five to six hundred dollars to spend on these things.

m-audio makes decent products for the price.


i got my remote25 for $250.

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No you guys are 1000% right, I was ignorant about this midi controller. I pretty much looked for it on sweetwater, looked at the price tag (gasped), looked at the picture, then browsed through the bolded features. The picture on thier site was crappy and I couldn't even see the touch pad.


But since this thing had such a loyal following from you guys I did some research.


I figured the remote mode was similar to the way the access virus ti has a remote mode so that it can control your entire studio and computer. I guess the automap feature is a bit different, but is pretty nice because I do infact use some of those vsts it supports. I do not however use any of the sequencers it supports. maybe you guys can tell me if I don't have the sequencers, if the automap features will still work on the vsts in other vst loaders.


I do like the LCD's. My friends all have midi controllers, and all have pieces of tape with marker on them above all the knobs to remind them when they are doing shows what knob does what. That is cool that if I wanted to do a live show I could program that kinda thing in ahead of time and not worry about it (and see it in the dark). Will the automap feature figure out these names automatically or do i have to program them in?


The touchpad, joysticks, and pad buttons are all really cool interfaces. I love bizarre midi controls which is one of the reasons I love my v-synth so much (for the d beams and time trip pad). Although I don't believe i'd use them a lot, it is nice to know that they are there if infact something comes along where it could be used. Sytrus and Zeta for instances could use the touchpads I think for its morph pads; joy sticks in cameleon, korg legacy, logic pros sculpture, that kinda stuff. Beat pads and rotary knobs are definatly features I'd perfer in my next midi controller. I don't think I'd ever use the sliders.


Yes I really do like this midi controller but most places have it listed at 400 dollars. If I could infact get one for 250 I'd be very pleased. Sorry for making early assumptions without doing research.




As mentioned above, "i just like having a small thing next to my computer keyboard for working out thoughts and playing with sounds real fast." Id use this for browsing through vst synth stuff, getting sounds ready to be sequenced, working out small melody ideas sometimes. I like to keep a midi controller to the left of my computer keyboard so i can interface with the mouse and the midi controller at the same time. I typically don't bring much gear to shows. WHen I'm ready to make my melodies I usually go over to my synth and write the melodies there. This is of course different for all people. It still makes having a small midi controller an essential part of my process.

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Guest blicero

i don't have the SL (w/ lcds) i have the basic remote25:





if you don't need sliders you should consider the novation remote LE. basically the remote25 w/o sliders! and it's only about $199!


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those two are pretty cool but are there no midi trigger pads?



also are you familiar enough with the automap to tell me if it would work in an unsupported sequencer?



like if i loaded up Gmedia Oddity in energyxt would it still auto assign all the knobs?

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Guest blicero
those two are pretty cool but are there no midi trigger pads?



also are you familiar enough with the automap to tell me if it would work in an unsupported sequencer?



like if i loaded up Gmedia Oddity in energyxt would it still auto assign all the knobs?



i don't know much about automapping, as it is a new feature to the SL, which i don't own.


but... you can manually map to any midi software.


most software can "listen" for midi, which makes it snap.


as for trigger pads...


i just bought a korg padkontrol, the perfect compliment to my remote25. a bunch of fully programmable pads (adjustable velocity curves) and another x/y touch pad, with auto-roll and flam.

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am more then familiar how to bind ccs to controller knobs and midi learn stuff... the automap makes it so you don't have to do that step which is attractive


if i find out it can work my current set up and the led programming isn't a pain i'll put some serious thought into financing one

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Guest blicero
am more then familiar how to bind ccs to controller knobs and midi learn stuff... the automap makes it so you don't have to do that step which is attractive


if i find out it can work my current set up and the led programming isn't a pain i'll put some serious thought into financing one


~ism could address the led programming issue better, but the novation software for editing templates on the computer and uploading them to the device is very slick .


you do NOT want to manually enter text with a rotary...

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you do NOT want to manually enter text with a rotary...


:laughing: hahah yeah I can imagine what that would be like

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