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Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia


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this is important because i haven't since but i swear to God that i remember a short stretch of time during freshman year of college where i heard people say things were the "funniest thing i've ever seen in my life" all the god damn time! it's like an epidemic with these people!



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see I mean it has been said before; any rhetoric throwing around universalist dogmas gets filtered out by my conditionally biased postmodern grounding. The relevance of 'truth, meaning, and values' is stripped when viewed from the perspective that all those things function in a modular theory of mind.

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i've recently been considering a one off drug experience to "reawaken" myself, or as a shortcut to a clearer/cleaner mind. i feel like taking salvia or DMT on a special evening could act as a sort of cleansing agent for my soul.


Dude.. salvia will not feel 'cleansing' in the least. You'll freak the fuck out and lose your world for 5 minutes, snap into sobriety over the next 5 minutes, then spend the rest of the evening feeling weird and 'off' and want a drink to take your mind of the possibly unpleasant psyche-rape that occured.


DMT.. maybe (i haven't tried it)

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i'd say it's correct to think that people should have complete respect for the possibilities of salvia and to feel it's irritating that most do not.


by one's own personally determined moral code, yes. but I hesitate to push my own personally-fitted modules of thought on others because of that very code, which, fittingly I consider the product of experimentation.


OK no. you can hesitate but don't hesitate to re-evaluate your hesitation.


you can find a way to draw a connection between disrespect for the power of that experience and a certain lack of morals inside of these same people. you can draw a connection between a person who reveres the salvia trip and the possibilities it brings to light with a person who is enlightened and who is more self conscious and aware. i think a person who is enthusiastic about an LSD trip and its implications on a cosmic scale could potentially have a very interesting and respectful conversation with an old Catholic Nun for instance who has themselves never touched LSD but who is quite in tune with those sorts of shit!


so, the point i'm trying to make is that perhaps it is appropriate to cautiously assume that people who disrespect the cosmic and "EXISTENTIALY" important shit of Salvia could also lack a bit of soul and a bit of love in their hearts. now that is a big stretch but i do think there is something to see in it.

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i'd say it's correct to think that people should have complete respect for the possibilities of salvia and to feel it's irritating that most do not.


by one's own personally determined moral code, yes. but I hesitate to push my own personally-fitted modules of thought on others because of that very code, which, fittingly I consider the product of experimentation.


OK no. you can hesitate but don't hesitate to re-evaluate your hesitation.


you can find a way to draw a connection between disrespect for the power of that experience and a certain lack of morals inside of these same people. you can draw a connection between a person who reveres the salvia trip and the possibilities it brings to light with a person who is enlightened and who is more self conscious and aware. i think a person who is enthusiastic about an LSD trip and its implications on a cosmic scale could potentially have a very interesting and respectful conversation with an old Catholic Nun for instance who has themselves never touched LSD but who is quite in tune with those sorts of shit!


so, the point i'm trying to make is that perhaps it is appropriate to cautiously assume that people who disrespect the cosmic and "EXISTENTIALY" important shit of Salvia could also lack a bit of soul and a bit of love in their hearts. now that is a big stretch but i do think there is something to see in it.


it is the words: 'disrespect' 'power' 'possibilities' 'enlightened' 'aware' 'implications on a cosmic scale' 'existentially' that point out the issue at hand to me. The idea that respect and all those other traits are, without question, the ideal and normative sociological effects of a psychedelic experience indicate a deeply-seeded conjugation that (to me) goes at odds with the nature of the experience—indicating a pre-trans fallacy at the core of the common approach to psychedelics.

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Thanks for the link. I heard about this Wilber guy but I've never read anything till now. I think I avoid reading stuff like this because of how much work it takes me to process the terms they use.


"Freud was a reductionist, Jung an elevationist - the two sides of the pre/trans fallacy. And the point is that they are both half right and half wrong. A good deal of neurosis is indeed a fixation/regression to prerational states, states that are not to be glorified. On the other hand, mystical states do indeed exist, beyond (not beneath) rationality, and those states are not to be reduced."


I agree with this. Trying to sit comfortably in the grey area without straying into the danger zones - avoiding clinging to any single belief or thought system.


This was pretty LOL for me:


"Many of the elevationist movements, alas, are not beyond reason but beneath it. They think they are, and they announce themselves to be, climbing the Mountain of Truth; whereas, it seems to me, they have merely slipped and fallen and are sliding rapidly down it, and the exhilarating rush of skidding uncontrollably down evolution's slope they call "following your bliss." As the earth comes rushing up at them at terminal velocity, they are bold enough to offer this collision course with ground zero as a new paradigm for the coming world transformation, and they feel oh-so-sorry for those who watch their coming crash with the same fascination as one watches a twenty-car pileup on the highway, and they sadly nod as we decline to join in that particular adventure. True spiritual bliss, in infinite measure, lies up that hill, not down it."




I think it's important to remember that 0% of living people can claim to know. I prefer to strive for eliminating all the hierarchies that I hold close in my thinking patterns but I really actually have no idea how to do that. I think it would be extremely difficult, but it also seems like it's among the most important goals for me personally these days.

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Guest David R James

Did she even take a drag? I'm sceptical. And man, don't think i could listen to that horrible voice on a regular basis.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

It must be difficult to be a celebrity and to have "friends". Also, she wasn't really tripping, just doing as if she was tripping.

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Guest fiznuthian

that's a truly great idea. i'm not going to do it but someone here definitely should. i'm pretty sure you can make money from those things if they do succeed.


help me out and i'll make a track out of it.

what's the site that rips youtube audio?

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Guest David R James

It must be difficult to be a celebrity and to have "friends". Also, she wasn't really tripping, just doing as if she was tripping.


I'm pretty sure she never even took a drag. I'd say it was more of a viral thing to try and break out of the teen market, some shit like that...

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Between us ok, My sister is a masseuse and she massaged Gavin Rosdale. This was a couple years ago maybe and he was begging her to fuck him and go on tour with him. haha.

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Pffft, you're not a man at all.




Im not seeing the downside. Id do it just to say I have.



Well, she DOES look better in that photo, but there's still something completely messed up about her face (btw how can she go from looking like what I posted to what you posted???), and the fact that everyone is running around with their dicks out whenever her name gets mentioned is beyond me? I can easily point out 100 more beautiful women than her in an instant and I would gladly do so.


EDIT: Maybe it's her teeth?

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