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Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM !! !!-11-11


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Hm. I think it lacks the wholeness of the world that Gothic has. Things in Skyrim just seem placed so that the world is filled, while in say Gothic 2 every piece of land felt good. It's my personal experience this, I don't want to hate something so many of you love but I really want to explain why it doesn't work for me. Also characters seem a bit flat. I don't know I'll wait and try it out after a while.


If anyone can help me out, please do, I'd like to have a positive experience here.


How long have you played?

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dont look at it as if its trying to be gothic or something. thats silly talk. its a game with different strrentghts than that. its like if you said HEY WHY ARENT THE CHARACTERS AS GOOD AS DRAGON AGE because duhh... the world is frickin massive and you can run any where you want and the graphics are awesome and its first person and theres so much depth to all the combat systems of any type of game play style and all the caves and dungeons and temples and villages and cities are different and theres hundreds of them and theres zillions of random encounter things that can go on as your just adventuring randomly.

here letm e give you an example of what this is like, ill make a metaphor so its like if you are goin to play minecraft and ur like well why isnt there a story in minecraft DUH. its a frickin building and mining game its not a story game. notch is putting a bit of story in it but thats NOT the point. the point of skyrim is different than gothic or dragon age or any other great rpg game that has its own style and focus. dragon age has great story and characters and what skyrim does amazing is atmosphere and the feeeling of having your own true adventure


its like just so awesome let me tell you something that happened today that i didnt expect at all i am level 26 and ive never witnessed something so cute in a game before so i had just finished killing a dragon right? ok so the dragon evaporates and i take his soul and then i take his dragonscales and i become over uncumbered and so i drop the dragon scales and some guy runs up and hes like YOU SHOULDNT LEAVE STUFF LYIN AROUND LIKE THAT and he picks it up and gives it to me LOL

my own dragon scales that i dropped


then he presumes to tell me that he was attacked by burglers and that i should escort him to his camp cuz hes afraid and im a true hero . so i escort him and he tells me the way and he says HA I GOT YOU and his burgler friends were waiting there to ambush me so i killed them all

but i thought him pickin up my dragon scale was really cute and it was so neat that that random encounter happened and it just seemed so natural and you never witness things lik ethat in games. theres just so much work put into every nook and cranny and the reasons you dont like it compared to gothic are the reasons people like us love it because its focused on something that u arent that interested in for what ever reason. thats my post and i worked really hard on it and i hope you liked it because it was just for you gaarg , have a nice day :)


PS. also i want to say i am level 26 and i am like maybe 5 missions into the main story quest, and i have been doing side quests the entire time and i found it really fun doing them and all of them were interesting and i havent come upon a single cave or dungeon or temple or ruin that seemed similar to the last in a way that i was taken out of the immersion. everything i have seen so far and ive seen like maybe a 3rd of the entire map has been totally unique

whats wrong with you gaarg if you dont like this game seriously...

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Hm. I think it lacks the wholeness of the world that Gothic has. Things in Skyrim just seem placed so that the world is filled, while in say Gothic 2 every piece of land felt good. It's my personal experience this, I don't want to hate something so many of you love but I really want to explain why it doesn't work for me. Also characters seem a bit flat. I don't know I'll wait and try it out after a while.


If anyone can help me out, please do, I'd like to have a positive experience here.


How long have you played?


4-5 hours all together

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Short answer: give it some more time then. You will get hooked. Explore by yourself. Don't just follow the main quest path. Try out some different skills and specialize in what you think is most fun.

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Thinking about getting an Xbox just for this game. Wife's about to start nursing school so I will have a lot of time on my hands.


How does it compare to Morrowind? I played the heck out of Morrowind but just couldn't get into Oblivion... Hopefully Skyrim is much better.

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Thinking about getting an Xbox just for this game. Wife's about to start nursing school so I will have a lot of time on my hands.


How does it compare to Morrowind? I played the heck out of Morrowind but just couldn't get into Oblivion... Hopefully Skyrim is much better.


Skyrim = Morrowind >>>>>Oblivion, by far.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I haven't played any Elder Scrolls games other than this and Oblivion, which I really didn't think much of, so if I say it's an improvement on that then it really doesn't mean much. I play games on the PC and I've lost all interest in shooters so when something like this comes out I am glad, even if it isn't all that great.


I'm not sure if the Nords are famously boring in Elder Scrolls lore or what the deal is. Dialogue is really quite tedious and I've yet to fuck things up or piss anyone off with what I've said to them. Sometimes you might have an option to <persuade> someone, but speech may as well not be a skill. Playing this has made me realise how good the characters and interactions were in Dragon Age. Cicero has been the best character so far I think. I guess it's mostly a hack and slash, but I'm missing out on that by playing a sneaky character. My sneak is 70+ so I can crouch right in front of someone, shoot them in the face and they'll think it's just their nerves. I've spent close to 30 hours playing now and the story is ok, the quests are ok. I don't have a great urge to do things and find out what happens next. Arcanum is really the best RPG I've ever played, prefer it even over the original Fallout games. Incredibly intriguing, packed full of mysteries, interesting characters etc. Edge of my seat playing it for months. It's painful how dumb Skyrim can feel knowing how great it could be 10 years on from Arcanum. Todd Howard should be strung up with Jeremy Soule's guts.


It's a fairly entertaining, decent looking pile of crap that I'll probably spend another 30 hours on.

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are you playing on easy?


also i looked up arcanum lol it looks like diablo but what i was gonna say is dragon age's main focus is story and characters. thats why they couldnt have a living breathing open world that you can do whatever the F you want in at any possible time

with games like these there are things they have to do differently and some aspects wont be as grand as other games that focus on that completely

you cant expect a game like this to have as amazing characters or story as dragon age, its just a completely different thing

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no i play it on normal cuz thats how its MEANT to be played if ur playing it on easy thats a true shame cuz ur gona be just breezing thru it and obviously u didnt care about the game from the beginning or were out to scorn it cuz u just wanted to breeze thru it

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are you playing on easy?


also i looked up arcanum lol it looks like diablo but what i was gonna say is dragon age's main focus is story and characters. thats why they couldnt have a living breathing open world that you can do whatever the F you want in at any possible time

with games like these there are things they have to do differently and some aspects wont be as grand as other games that focus on that completely

you cant expect a game like this to have as amazing characters or story as dragon age, its just a completely different thing


arcanum is not at all like diablo. it's more similar to the infinity engine games, but with a steampunk/magic theme. i loved it. the combat was awesome and it had awesome questlines. still haven't finished it though :(

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Guest disparaissant

@ftrgf that's pretty much the elder scrolls in a nutshell. it's like the antithesis of dragon age. where dragon age focuses on characterization or whatever, the elder scrolls has always pretty much been about HEY HERE IS A GIANT WORLD YOU CAN EXPLORE! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, OH THERE ARE SOME QUESTS FOR YOU TO DO TOO I GUESS IF YOU WANT TO BUT NO FEEL FREE TO SPEND 40 HOURS MAKING POTIONS AND STEALING EVERYTHING IN THE TOWN WE START YOU IN!


i'm not hating though, i like that aspect of it.

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Guest disparaissant

literally though i havent even seen the greybeards yet and im nearing level 30, i have just been exploring, hunting, smithing, doing random dungeons i stumble across, travelling to the other capital for no reason, killing orcs in the name of nordic purity...

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thats awesome im like 2 missins ahead of you with the main quest and i recently joined the storm cloaks which is pretty fun


if theres one thing that i dont like about the game its that it has the same problem as oblivion where you can notice that they use the same voice actors for like 1000 ppl and its so annoying.

but i guess thats probly a trade off of fitting so much stuff into the game.

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