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Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM !! !!-11-11


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i discovered another way to power level on the ps3. you need to find someone weak to attack you. the trick is finding someone whose attack is weak enough when blocked that they can never kill you. it helps to have a strong shield, health regeneration boosters, enchanted armor, etc.


then, hold down the block button, pause, and save your game. when you reload, you'll still be blocking, even without holding the button... whoever is attacking you will merrily swing away for hours, leveling your blocking skills to 100 and pushing you up a bunch of levels at the same time.


alternatively, an elastic band around the controller will achieve the same thing.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

man i'm in love with this game. i'm on thanksgiving break, so i've been playing skyrim like it's my job. as in i've been playing skyrim 8 hours a day. i just completed the quest where...




the stormcloaks attack whiterun. it was cool to see a battle outside the whiterun gates, even though the battle was totally pathetic. there were like a dozen guys on each side lol.

though it got me thinking of how badass it will be when battles in games can be programmed to play out like a LOTR movie battle scene. 10000 vs 10000.



what's y'all's favorite city so far? i haven't been to them all yet, but i'm in love with Markarth:








design is beautiful.

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ya i havent been to that city yet but i did the whiterun thing recently SO AWESOME i agree but even though htere was only like 15 guys running at the tower it still felt like a battle becuz of the sounds and stuff. but still there were a lot more guys in white run attacking how many were there? i think you fight through like 30 or 40 guys at least

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what's y'all's favorite city so far? i haven't been to them all yet, but i'm in love with Markarth:

design is beautiful.


Markarth, as well. Absolutely gorgeous city... only place that beats it thus far is maybe Shimmermist Cave, or this cave I found with a forest in it just southwest of the Throat of the World mountain. This game has some of the greatest scenery I've seen.

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I did the rubber band thing playing Oblivion, to level the sneak skill. It took forever long to level that fucker after level thirty.


nice, i was thinking of trying that next, just leave it walking towards a wall or something.


i remember when i was a kid, playing some nes game that required holding the button down to shoot, and there was some area where you could continuously shoot a reappearing enemy for points or something. i just stuck the controller under the leg of a table... good to see enemy ai hasn't really advanced in 25 years ;p

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A question about that transparent-blue weapons : do they disappear at some point or something ? Because my transparent blue-sword makes more damage, sucks more stamina, and costs and weights less than my "hard" one ; I'm suspicious. Too easy, there might be a trick. Is it ? Is the sword going to explode in my hand with pigs' farts sounds at the 1000th hit ?

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Guest Ricky Downtown

what's y'all's favorite city so far? i haven't been to them all yet, but i'm in love with Markarth:

design is beautiful.


Markarth, as well. Absolutely gorgeous city... only place that beats it thus far is maybe Shimmermist Cave, or this cave I found with a forest in it just southwest of the Throat of the World mountain. This game has some of the greatest scenery I've seen.


shimmermist cave? is that the one with the dwemer centurion at the very end, or the one with the giant tree you have to use nettlebane on? if you're talking about the nettlebane one, i have to agree, that cave is ridik. compare the oblivion dungeons to that cave:




i mean jesus christ.


also, i love Solitude. check out the view from the river that runs underneath the city. it's built on a natural arch over a giant river, so cool.

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I'm lvl 44. over 90 hours in. am doing the college of winterhold mages guild quests right now. Pretty cool. Am still having tons of fun playing it. Cmon lvl 50!

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Level 50 is a soft-cap. Gaining skill points after that will go a lot slower. You can get all skills up to 100 but I'm not sure how much time that would take.

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I have 3 skills at 100 now. and a few more that are close. I find myself having to use other skills to continue levelling. For instance, I have my one-handed at 89 right now and it takes forever to level it up, so I'm using two-handed weapons, to level up faster. I've been going back and forth between two-handed and one-handed to level them both up. I have my two-handed up to 70 now. I also switched to light armor because my heavy armor is at 100.

Ego, are you sure you can go beyond lvl 50? The only reason I have to think that it stops at 50 is because that's the last trophy to get for the game on PS3. And that isn't a solid reason. I'd love to be able to go beyond and get to some crazy level. I know that your skills will continue to rise and you can get everything to 100. I just don't know if you'll get any more perc points to spend on percs.

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they should do an rpg where if your player dies once its for good. Then you'll allways have that survival feelign everytime, you would have to eat and cauterize bleedings so you dont die and shit, THAT would be cool

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