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So Tron Legacy Sucks right?


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Avatar was shit.


District 9 was good.


Moon was decent.


Star Trek was okay.


Tron will suck.


Tintin will be fucking great. I have no doubt.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Star Trek - pleased the old fans and created new ones, I really don't know how else they could have made a new Trek flick any better?


the red letter media review was pretty good

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Guest disparaissant

tintin had goddamn well better be good

iirc, herge said spielberg was the only guy he trusted with it? but that was in 1983. so.

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several weird decisions made on Tron Legacy


-to make a sequel to tron in the first place, who would decide to launch this? are they just totally running out of franchises to reboot?

-why bring back jeff bridges, he is not what most people remember about tron. especially don't do a CGI jeff bridges

- why make the world look so much more bland and colorless than the original? i feel most people who remember tron remember the way the landscape looked, so why remove so much color and brightness from it?

- cast as the main character someone with absolutely no charisma

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Guest Beefuncle

several weird decisions made on Tron Legacy


-to make a sequel to tron in the first place, who would decide to launch this? are they just totally running out of franchises to reboot?

-why bring back jeff bridges, he is not what most people remember about tron. especially don't do a CGI jeff bridges

- why make the world look so much more bland and colorless than the original? i feel most people who remember tron remember the way the landscape looked, so why remove so much color and brightness from it?

- cast as the main character someone with absolutely no charisma


i think i can answer your questions


- the nerds have inherited the earth, you can't hype a movie to the the general public because they're not so heavily engrossed in the internet, nerds are the ultimate target market these days so nerd films are where the moneys at.


- everyone loves jeff bridges, EVERYONE. he is literally impossible not to like if he wasn't in the original they probably would've cast him anyway.


-cgi porn, each new 3D film boasts some new bullshit cgi technology, they can now render a turtles anus in full resolution or whatever and a lot of people are intrigued by the new stupid cgi advances and want to see how they look.


-as for the main character, I really don't know. That's been happening a lot lately, casting some nobody, regular john, bland as fuck actor in the lead role of a hugely expensive film, maybe they thought 300,500,000 was enough money spent all ready and just hired this guy to save a couple of quid? I doubt it obviously but i don't why otherwise.

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several weird decisions made on Tron Legacy


-why bring back jeff bridges, he is not what most people remember about tron. especially don't do a CGI jeff bridges

well Kevin Flynn was the main character in the film, regardless of the fact that the film was called TRON after the security program that was created by Alan Bradley. so it's understandable that they would want to bring back Kevin Flynn. as for him "not being what most people remember about tron", i too can make a generalising statement that holds no factual weight other than hearsay - most of the people i know who have seen TRON do remember the Kevin Flynn character.

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Dont really want to turn this into an Avatar thread though.


Point is: What movies have lived up to hype?


Lord of the Rings.

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A film like this is all about collaboration and connection - you can't make a film like this by yourself, there's literally thousands of people working on the shoot, in places like India, Mexico City, Vancouver. The way I worked with a lot of people on this film was through a purely digital connection - conference call, cell phone connection or a videophone connection - in order to make a movie like this you need that collaborative teamwork.


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Guest Gbiscuit

So I just watched Tron Legacy. I liked it. A lot.


Haters gonna hate.


EDIT: I'm guessing this is pretty easy to figure out though...

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Whats with quibbling about putting Jeff Bridges in it? Not only was he the lead in the original, but moreover and furthermore he's Jeff Bridges.


I'm going to go for the Imax treatment if possible. 3D made me enjoy Avatar which was then subsequently quite shit on my home TV, so even if this film is a bit shit I should be able to plaster over the cracks with technological japery.

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I don't get all the shit about "needs more orange" and "there are way less colors" and shit. Sark's suit was orange in the first one, Clu's is orange this one. All the "bad guys" are either orange or red. There is a bit more bluishness than the first one I'm sure but to be frank that's like complaining about someone's lightsaber being the wrong color.


Fuck. Shit.


And yeah, haters gonna hate. I had fun. Would see it again, just for the big theatre experience. Guess it all depends on what people feel like they should get out of their cash.

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Guest Beefuncle

I don't get all the shit about "needs more orange" and "there are way less colors" and shit. Sark's suit was orange in the first one, Clu's is orange this one. All the "bad guys" are either orange or red. There is a bit more bluishness than the first one I'm sure but to be frank that's like complaining about someone's lightsaber being the wrong color.


Fuck. Shit.


And yeah, haters gonna hate. I had fun. Would see it again, just for the big theatre experience. Guess it all depends on what people feel like they should get out of their cash.


It's 13 euro in ireland to see a 3d movie now,

For that kind of money 3 years ago I'd expect one of the staff to suck me off while i watch it.

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I don't get all the shit about "needs more orange" and "there are way less colors" and shit. Sark's suit was orange in the first one, Clu's is orange this one. All the "bad guys" are either orange or red. There is a bit more bluishness than the first one I'm sure but to be frank that's like complaining about someone's lightsaber being the wrong color.


Fuck. Shit.


And yeah, haters gonna hate. I had fun. Would see it again, just for the big theatre experience. Guess it all depends on what people feel like they should get out of their cash.

Sark's suit was red



and yes, there is gonna be a lot of hate due to the fact that a lot of people grew up with the original film. like what George Lucas did with Star Wars, Disney is doing the same with TRON. it is already blatantly obvious that it is just a cash cow.

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Guest ruiagnelo

we are getting fooled by special fx each day that goes on in this industry.



the tron 3d world seems very well done and seems to have a deep atmosphere.

i am not expecting to be impressed by the story tho.


gotta see it first

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Guest analogue wings





*Gives money to fuckwads who didnt even try to make a good movie*

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the entire thing has been desaturated in color to make it look 'dark' which it fails miserably at, it has more in common with the color palette and visual aesthetics of Underworld Rise of the Lychins than it does with the original Tron.


If it had something visually appealing about i'd go see it even if it had a shit story. for some reason what i've seen so far it seems like Phantom Menace did a better job of bring back the old star wars universe. And i'm not even that much in love with the original. Still weirded out by the hype for this as if people forgot what was done to Indiana Jones and Star wars

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Guest disparaissant

the desaturation probably has more to do with the 3D process than it does any sort of conscious aesthetic, tbh. 3D drains the colour out of everything.

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the desaturation probably has more to do with the 3D process than it does any sort of conscious aesthetic, tbh. 3D drains the colour out of everything.


i've always heard, convincingly so that brighter colors amount to a more immersive 3d experience. This is why Avatar worked so well for audiences

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