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Fluorescent Grey - Ambiente


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mods please move this thread to an appropriate subforum - http://forum.watmm.com/forum/32-ekt-new-releases/

this is a release by a watmm member, it doesn't belong to this sub and it is very unfair to the people who properly use EKT new releases.

thanks for bumping my thread, and it seems no one has a problem with it besides you, so please kindly fuck off



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mods please move this thread to an appropriate subforum - http://forum.watmm.com/forum/32-ekt-new-releases/

this is a release by a watmm member, it doesn't belong to this sub and it is very unfair to the people who properly use EKT new releases.

Nope, it's staying where it is.


I see this as a viable place for 'established' artists (e.g. 36, awepittance, wisp and lots of others I've forgotten) especially those who are pressing physical versions of their albums

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mods please move this thread to an appropriate subforum - http://forum.watmm.com/forum/32-ekt-new-releases/

this is a release by a watmm member, it doesn't belong to this sub and it is very unfair to the people who properly use EKT new releases.

thanks for bumping my thread, and it seems no one has a problem with it besides you, so please kindly fuck off




the problem is this thread being in the wrong sub, it's not "anyone's problem", it's is simply against the rules/common sense of decency. the are others who do it but it's never too late to bring justice, i think an example should be set with this thread.

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mods please move this thread to an appropriate subforum - http://forum.watmm.com/forum/32-ekt-new-releases/

this is a release by a watmm member, it doesn't belong to this sub and it is very unfair to the people who properly use EKT new releases.

Nope, it's staying where it is.


I see this as a viable place for 'established' artists (e.g. 36, awepittance, wisp and lots of others I've forgotten) especially those who are pressing physical versions of their albums



Errmm yeah, what's his beef?


This thread bump has reminded me that I need to add this to me new ipod. Great fucking album.

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mods please move this thread to an appropriate subforum - http://forum.watmm.com/forum/32-ekt-new-releases/

this is a release by a watmm member, it doesn't belong to this sub and it is very unfair to the people who properly use EKT new releases.

Nope, it's staying where it is.


I see this as a viable place for 'established' artists (e.g. 36, awepittance, wisp and lots of others I've forgotten) especially those who are pressing physical versions of their albums


i don't see how he's any more "established" than people who post their stuff in ekt, and this guy also releases stuff on physical media for example: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/79199-rvr0127-the-worm-in-your-eye-is-the-image-you-cant-unsee-perhaps-forming-a-petition-is-highest-priority-over-actually-doing-something/


ekt is for watmmers, "new releases" is other people providing info about other's upcoming releases, not hyping up their own.

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not at all, it's very unfair to people who regularly post their stuff in "ekt new releases". it's either move all of their stuff here, and remove that subforum altogether or move this one over there. the "established-ness" is too subjective of an idea, maybe if other people felt like posting their stuff here they'd be considered "established" as well. the rules are very clear after all: your own stuff goes to ekt new releases or ylc where you can feel free to hype it as long as you wish. i did mention the same thing in one of data's threads as well so it's nothing personal against gb3.

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i did mention the same thing in one of data's threads as well

You also posted a torrent to an album by data in one of his threads so you're not really on good standing there.
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i did mention the same thing in one of data's threads as well

You also posted a torrent to an album by data in one of his threads so you're not really on good standing there.


my standing is irrelevant, im not making this stuff up just to troll awep. this practice has been ignored for a while but it something that can definitely demean people...those in-watmm hierarchies on who's allowed to post stuff in a subforum with better exposure and who's not (i even wrote a paper about that for uni a couple of years ago !).


i don't think it's you decision anyway mcbpete, joyrex made ekt new releases subforum for a reason, so the most reasonable thing to do is to move it there until you mods/admins/stockholders (lol) decide how to proceed with this.

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im not mucking up anything, this thread should have been moved to ekt after my first post about the issue and you wouldn't see me in the thread again. im just replying to people who question my motives/reasoning.


obviosuly i won't have a problem with the removal of my posts about the issue after the thread is moved so you can continue talking about the release.

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so for anyone who hasn't been paying any attention, Eugene has beef with me because he has horrendous political opinions that i constantly defeat in other threads elsewhere on this forum (often I get labeled by him as a 'hippy' etc for not agreeing with Israeli or US government policy). This continues his passive aggressive and immature methods of expressing his butt hurt from those political discussions into other spheres of my existence. Please Eugene just take your butt hurt somewhere else, you singled me out for no other reason than your immaturity. Regardless you've just brought more attention to my album so i guess i can't complain even though i find you a nuisance to common decency.

this has absolutely nothing to do with the reasons he stated, just to make that clear for anyone who took Eugene's comments remotely seriously in the first place.

If you don't like it, file a complaint. Trying to make a case for your point of view again will not work (like it often doesnt in political threads for similar reasons) because the majority of the people and this forum agree with my point of view.

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look mr. opinion defeater, i have no problem differentiating between those debates in genban you fill with your utterly idiotic, ignorant and juvenile political ideas and this particular issue that has been bothering me for a while (and im sure there are others). you and some other watmmers simply exploit this platform (ie new releases subforum) to grab more exposure for your releases, while many other watmm musicians are pushed into the miserable ekt releases subforum with almost non-existent exposure. somehow you feel entitled to completely ignore the rules (i.e own stuff and own promotion goes into ylc or ekt new releases) which demeans other talented musician who do follow those. so, do you think that your music is somehow more worthy of relatively high exposure of this subforum than that of people who post in ekt new releases ? do you think they don't want that exposure ?


there has to be something done about it, either enforce the existing rules and move this thread into ekt new releases or maybe merge the two subforums or otherwise come up with some proper measure for musician's "worthiness of new releases subforum" because as it is now it can seem very unpleasant for some music makers who are probably not too comfortable speaking about it.


the reason for picking on you is because your thread is simply the most recent example, as i already said i mentioned this problem in one of data's thread here in new releases but didn't feel like going through with it for whatever reason (dont remember).

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or otherwise come up with some proper measure for musician's "worthiness of new releases subforum"


it seems that the mods opinions are the measure, as is the case with most things on WATMM. if they say it's okay (as at least mcbpete has), then it is. whether or not this is fair is a separate discussion, but i'm pretty sure it's going to continue being that way for quite a while.


in other words, because they said so. move on.

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or otherwise come up with some proper measure for musician's "worthiness of new releases subforum"


it seems that the mods opinions are the measure, as is the case with most things on WATMM. if they say it's okay (as at least mcbpete has), then it is. whether or not this is fair is a separate discussion, but i'm pretty sure it's going to continue being that way for quite a while.


in other words, because they said so. move on.


that makes it an awfully biased measure in such case, mods may simply like a particular watmm musician a lot and keep a blind eye on his transgression. they/joyrex also say this under the description of ekt new releases subforum after all: "Just finished a new EP or LP you'd like to share or announce to your fellow EKTers? This is the place for it! Please only post about "finished" works, no one-off tracks or WIPs - that's better suited for YLC or EKT General Discussion". so is it just me or this case of awep's release fits the description perfectly ?

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it's amusing to see eugene pretend to have a "common sense of decency." he trolls around these forums calling people" idiots" and "retards" when he doesn't like their political views and then comes into a new release thread with this bs. flol man. seriously.

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this is the internets, deal with it man. i can troll in one thread and be completely serious in another, this issue deals with the "soul" of watmm, a forum i spend/t a lot of time with. even if you if hypothetically the whole purpose of this tirade of mine was to troll awepittance, you can't say that the issue i point at doesn't exist.

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the reason for picking on you is because your thread is simply the most recent example, as i already said

you can keep pretending it's for this reason, but i think most people who've seen your horrendously unpleasant history on this forum know that it's far from the truth. Just stop bullshitting and be a man. You're making yourself look even more like a fool by pretending you aren't just butt-hurt for days on end when I slam your shitty political opinions

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