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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Guest KY

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Guest disparaissant

Amy Chua is a righteous bitch. That’s fine. She’s earned it. This self described tiger mother is a professor of law at Yale' date=' and she’s raised two overachieving daughters. Good for her, but is her parenting philosophy or her daughter’s achievements evidence of her superiority as a mother? Fuck no. They are merely evidence of her methodology, and her claim of superiority is pure arrogance.


Her entire argument is a sweeping value judgment, one that she’s free to make, but at the end of the day, one that’s entirely subjective, inherently egocentric, and even a wee bit racist. I know that’s a loaded word, but I mean it in a dry, academic sense. Chua’s heart isn’t filled with hate or anything. Just contempt.


Her article is titled, “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.” Well, imagine if another Ivy League professor had written a similar article. Imagine, for instance, if Cornel West had written one titled, “Why Black Musicians Are Superior” or if Paul Krugman had written, “Why Jewish Bankers Are Superior.” They’d be eaten alive for saying that shit, but Chua gets away with the same level of culturally biased nonsense because she’s an Asian woman.


Again, fine. Whatever. According to her value system, Chinese mothers are indeed superior, but her cultural values are different from mine, as is her definition of success. Quite frankly, I’m okay just to leave it at that. She’s not my mother, nor am I a parent with something to prove, so I feel no need to shred her to pieces.


She may look great on paper, but by her own admission, she’s not any good at enjoying life. Poor thing. I don’t need to waste my breath slamming the tiger mother. She’s hard enough on herself.

from coketalk

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Also. LOL at "Amy Ching Chong" which I can safely lol at because my dad was a ching chong.

similarly, i think my korean girlfriend would appreciate the context. btw, that korean girlfriend of mine smokes weed and gave way less of a fuck in high school than i did, so there are exceptions to the rule methinks

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I dated a Chinese girl for like 3 years. Her mom hated me with a passion and constantly ridiculed me and her for liking each other, even going as far as making fun of the babies we might have.


I don't really miss her mom too much these days.

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I dated a Chinese girl for like 3 years. Her mom hated me with a passion and constantly ridiculed me and her for liking each other, even going as far as making fun of the babies we might have.


I don't really miss her mom too much these days.

Eh, it just depends on the mom. For the first year I was with my girlfriend, her mom would always mention how her friend has a son going to school at UPenn, and how he's a lovely korean boy rather than whatever mixed breed I am. But after seeing her more often, she kinda digs me now. She might admire my interest in alcohol, not sure.

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My girlfriend is from Hong Kong and her parents are fine, they have readily accepted me into the family and treat me as one of their own.. its been only 4 years now. Wonderful family, sometimes their values piss me off but nothing to the extent of what is presented in here in this thread.


Her friend from mainland China on the other hand... her parents are fucking psycho.


Thank god for the British to take over HK haha

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Guest hahathhat

the article is right, but ignores the drawbacks of that parenting approach...


example: chinese lady was hired to assist c++ development. she was sharp, she had a good degree, but was also hardcore right out of china. cow orker that gave her tasks was musing to me: "it's funny with her, you have to spell things out in complete detail -- she simply can't fill in the blanks herself." like, the task would be "write up a settings dialog for this app" and she would be asking, "where do you want the slider? how should i lay it out?" and you'd have to draw a picture of it for her! if you didn't she'd just hound you about "where should THIS button go? how about this one?" but once you did the picture, she'd do it quickly, perfectly, exactly like the picture. she seemed completely unable to make creative decisions on her own... as such, chinese people probably make tenacious, successful assembly-line drones. whereas i'm simply too lazy to make proper use of my independent spirit.


collectivist, individualist... this has been debated before, i think.

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Basically it's a load of horse shit.

I go to a school that's about 50% East Asian in its make-up, with the majority of those being Chinese or Taiwanese. In any course where you have to apply a modicum of critical thinking, 90% of those kids who were raised that way are fucked. As hat3 says, there is very little creativity on display. It's the reason that even though there are thousands of kids who can play technically demanding pieces of music on whatever instrument, there are very few that have any personality in their playing.

It's also terrible for the kids development - when I was teaching in Korea there were plenty of kids whose parents pushed them like that. One i remember especially - he was in grade 3, and his memory was outstanding, he knew scientific names for all of the known dinosaurs, thousands of animals and plants, spoken and written English was very competent. By the end of third grade, he had a twitch so bad that he had to go to a center for relaxation. There was a famous case reported on the news in Korea of a first grader who collapsed due to exhaustion.


Amy Chua exhibits many of the same qualities as Ann Coulter, although Chua is a little more intelligent. Her book "World on Fire" is an example of that lack of creativity I mentioned above, as while it is at times thought provoking, it adds absolutely nothing new to a discussion of globalization. It is also poorly researched in terms of history and social context, and she probably got her professorship at Yale law by sucking a whole bunch of dick.


However chua at least admits in the article that she's not serious about the whole thing, as she clarifies that not all Chinese mothers are the same and not all Western mothers are the same. An anecdotal aside, in my Korean class today when the teacher was asking whose mothers nagged about what, all the Korean kids said their mothers complained and nagged about various things. Only one of the Chinese kids mentioned being nagged, and that was simply to clean the house.


Personally both sides need to meet somewhere in the middle: which is why half-breeds have it the best of all. LOL

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Guest Al Hounos

while i think we can all agree that this woman is a loon who uses her daughters to bolster her own self-image, let's look at the flipside:

Are American parents too easy on their kids? My opinion, after my own experience as a child and after seeing what's expected of my Korean students: hell yes, American parents spoil and don't ask much in return, and have created generations of mediocre, ignorant, self-entitled brats.

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Al: like I said - there needs to be a happy middle. You notice how on Korean playgrounds, you never see kids playing?


Another anecdote about creativity - last year, i was hanging out with this Chinese girl at school. I mentioned that I could play the piano, and she said she could too. So we went to the piano rooms in her dorm and she played some nice Chopin pieces..I sight read a couple of Mozart pieces, badly..but then I started jamming out a simple boogie-woogie blues, real basic shot i-iv-v with some modulations here and there...when I got bored i stopped and she asked what the name of the song was..I was like oh i just made it up right now and she couldn't believe it. She asked "How can you make up a song right now?" to which I had no answer....lol

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As a half-breed child of at least one parent who had similar draconian tactics, I can safely say that training your kid to fear you gets results, but can seriously end up fucking you the fuck up in trying to live a healthy and balanced life.


Fuck. I try really hard not to judge the way that people choose to live their lives, but this very opinionated and extreme approach just makes my blood boil. Yeah, if the goal in life to is to make the most fucking money and make the best grades (which are easily quantifiable), go ahead and treat your kid like a fucking racehorse. Just don't be surprised when they are lying on their gold plated death-bed, surrounded by their innumerable awards, stunning stock portfolio, and look back at what a wasted, terrified, egotistical existence they lived, untempered by kindness, compassion, or gentle love.




Also. LOL at "Amy Ching Chong" which I can safely lol at because my dad was a ching chong.


i actually had an incredibly dear and close friend to me die for similar grievances. it takes a toll.

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Bitch is crazy. Plus, she's disqualified from being a real Chinese mother because she's so bourgeois and she has half breed kids.

that was a bit harsh yegg, that makes me not a real white father then? (only about the half kids mind :trashbear: )

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i think it's basically playing the lottery. the author had a couple of kids who were talented in the areas she wanted them to be, and going all out on their asses made them realize their potential - in the areas she made them. she could have just as easily have had kids who would have been great carpenters, and they might have killed themselves before they ever got the chance to find out. by not ever looking for the child's true aptitude, i think she failed to help them reach their potential.


arguably, if the kids were strong, maybe they'd find a way to do whatever it is they want to do. then again, my grandfather inspired me to do the same thing by SIMPLY TELLING ME that he believed i could do whatever i put my mind to. it was a simple statement of faith that helped me through a great deal of resistance.


i do appreciate the sentiment of knowing your child is strong and helping them find a way to do their best. i want to have kids someday and this article has inspired me to try to find a way to do that with my kids. a fucking really different way.


chen, thanks for the points on creativity - that's interesting.

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lol articles like this and that school shooter who was Korean I think? I kind of get worried half of Asians could be like completely crazy the people who make anime are just drawing REAL LIFE etc. not really but like that like Asian culture is basically Scientology and you just have to try hard enough and you will grow awesome chi powers and become a 'good' piano player much like Tom Cruise is a 'good' actor. Also much like Tom Cruise nobody is ever crazy/depressive/homosexual


I'm also convinced Asians actually believe in experience points

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lol articles like this and that school shooter who was Korean I think? I kind of get worried half of Asians could be like completely crazy the people who make anime are just drawing REAL LIFE etc. not really but like that like Asian culture is basically Scientology and you just have to try hard enough and you will grow awesome chi powers and become a 'good' piano player much like Tom Cruise is a 'good' actor. Also much like Tom Cruise nobody is ever crazy/depressive/homosexual


I'm also convinced Asians actually believe in experience points


what is Asian culture?

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..so it's not cos they don't mind taking the constant rape and don't mind giving up all their children, bar one.. ?

yay, China!

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..so it's not cos they don't mind taking the constant rape and don't mind giving up all their children, bar one.. ?

yay, China!



Constant rape? I dunno what the fuck you're on about, but to be fair, you probably don't either.


As for the one child policy, some info and news:



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I read about this in The Sunday Times last weekend.


I can see her point regarding discipline; nothing worth having comes easy and you have to work at things. What I don't agree with, however, is the cramming every minute with a meaningful activity that that will supposedly benefit your future career or whatever. Whilst no one should be spending all of their free time playing video games and the like, kids (and adults) need time to kick back and do things for the sheer enjoyment of them, or to destress. I also think that when you're growing up and having little to do, or even being bored, is quite necessary.


I'm also concerned at the lack of social interaction afforded by her mode of bringing up children, and their seeming inabilty to be able to answer back. Submitting to authority is something everyone has to live with, but you should be able to voice your dissent about something if you feel it necessary.

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