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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Guest KY

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She can raise the girls jewish, but they are never going to be technically. And she seems to be big on technicalities. :trashbear:



why can't they be jewish technically? judaism is not a race.

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Guest MortstoX


- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html


So what are your thoughts, watmm?


It's also obvious in Japan and Korea that the culture around success starts very young—dare I say it, studying is the national past-time—but do you think it's a good idea for Westerners to start calling their kids fatties and functionally retarded until they can drop some Chopin-level talent by the time they're in kindergarten?


My thought is that the culture around success you mention is why japan and S Korea have some of the highest suicide rates in the world.

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the one good point she makes is that american culture is way too relaxed around education. when i was a kid, getting a B was never really an option. my mom would never call me "garbage" if i did, but she told me that she knew i was smarter than that and made some fun of it. now, in college, getting shitty grades is still not an option--but because i personally know i can do better, not because i'm afraid of my mom.


my point is that the drive to do well carries over from wanting to please a parent into a personal desire. a lot of my friends (not all) never cared much about grades because their parents just wanted them to pass. these smart kids developed habits of mediocrity because of their parents' indifference or the "everyone's a winner" attitude that american society embraces.

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Guest disparaissant

i hung out with asians all the time when i was in elementary school because i was the only gringo good enough at street fighter II to be in their presence.

you're white?!?!?

i feel so misled

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Guest disparaissant

misled? do you think hoodie is black too?

yeah :(

and chengod is a statue.

and sup is a giant floating yellow smiley face with sunglasses.

are you telling me this is all lies?

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"I was very surprised," she says. "The Journal basically strung together the most controversial sections of the book. And I had no idea they'd put that kind of a title on it. But the worst thing was, they didn't even hint that the book is about a journey, and that the person at beginning of the book is different from the person at the end -- that I get my comeuppance and retreat from this very strict Chinese parenting model."


While the Journal article was unquestionably good for sales and awareness of the book, which has already hit #7 on Amazon and is only headed upward, it has been painful for Chua. "I've gotten scary messages. Death threats. All from people who haven't yet read the book," she says. "And while it's ultimately my responsibility -- my strict Chinese mom told me 'never blame other people for your problems!' -- the one-sided nature of the excerpt has really led to some major misconceptions about what the book says, and about what I really believe."


She points out that while she uses the term "Chinese motherhood" as shorthand for her neotraditionalist style of parenting, she states early on that many people of Chinese background don't subscribe to such methods, and many non-Chinese do. She also asserts that this is meant to be her own tragicomic story, and not a recipe for others to follow.


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misled? do you think hoodie is black too?

yeah :(

and chengod is a statue.

and sup is a giant floating yellow smiley face with sunglasses.

are you telling me this is all lies?


unfortunately these are but tiny pellets from a very, very deep rabbit hole


actually i think you're spot on about sup though

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Asian culture

I'm with chengod—it's easy to lump together some qualities of life and culture between S. Korea and Japan, but those two countries are so different from one another as well as China, and even more different from southeast Asian countries.

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Guest disparaissant

I envision sup as a construct much like Max Headroom, but with less hair.


you are absolutely on to something there.

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She can raise the girls jewish, but they are never going to be technically. And she seems to be big on technicalities. :trashbear:



why can't they be jewish technically? judaism is not a race.


Technically, you need to come out of a Jewish womb to be legit Jewish, reap the benefits of Birthright or whatever.

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She can raise the girls jewish, but they are never going to be technically. And she seems to be big on technicalities. :trashbear:



why can't they be jewish technically? judaism is not a race.


Technically, you need to come out of a Jewish womb to be legit Jewish, reap the benefits of Birthright or whatever.

Now I expected this article to be a list of evil money lenders and Semitic film producers, but it pretty clearly states that you can be a jew by converting, and once you are a jew, you can't ever not be a jew.




Aww look at Chua -"oh no, the media distorted my claims and now I'm selling tons of books"

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were never allowed to do:


• attend a sleepover


• have a playdate


• be in a school play


• complain about not being in a school play


• watch TV or play computer games


• choose their own extracurricular activities


• get any grade less than an A


• not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama


• play any instrument other than the piano or violin


• not play the piano or violin.


wow sounds awful, all this restriction so that your child can grow up to be an automaton.


and yeah she must be insecure as shit for not being a true chinese mother, this is some fake shit right here

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This is funny. I know two exceptional musicians. One didnt really have strict parents they just motivated them really well, also lived in a rural area with not much else to do.


The other did have a strict mother, but his dad is cool. But he goes completely bonkers at times and does mad shit when we go drinking.

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yeah sorry my post was horrible, was saying at least in USA we seem to have a more open-ended idea of what success is even if we're not as persistent about encouraging success, you can be successful at many things not just doctor scientist non-IDM musician. And it seems like this weird conflict between SKILLED and creative and articles like this are basically what was on my mind

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She can raise the girls jewish, but they are never going to be technically. And she seems to be big on technicalities. :trashbear:



why can't they be jewish technically? judaism is not a race.


Technically, you need to come out of a Jewish womb to be legit Jewish, reap the benefits of Birthright or whatever.

Now I expected this article to be a list of evil money lenders and Semitic film producers, but it pretty clearly states that you can be a jew by converting, and once you are a jew, you can't ever not be a jew.



my dad is jewish, my mother is not. Therefore i am not jewish. Sure i could get an israeli passport if i were to be so inclined, but if i were to go, there would likely be some discrimination and intolerance due to my status.


as to converts, lol.


extra lol, my grandfather was a film producer/ect.

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Only according to the Halakhic perspective. And even that's changed. The liberal perspective allows for one born of only one jewish parent, either mother or father, to claim jewish identity. I have a few friends who are Jewish this way. One of them even went and did his stint in the Israeli military (which is a frightening thought, as he should never be allowed anywhere near a firearm)...it's basically a population grab...you know that :)

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