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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Guest KY

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it's basically a population grab...you know that :)


That's why i was talking about being discriminated against if you moved there. As certainly they want to bolster numbers (and widen the cordon of sympathy) so have loosened definitions. But that still does that make you a jew? So i would run into trouble marrying the girl i liked, getting a promotion ect.


Maybe my view on this is old fashioned, cause they just take anyone that can hold a gun now. Who knows.

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Like I said, one of my friends who has the same situation as you, and he's moved to Israel. Never mentioned any discrimination. But fair enough. Anyways, i know...or think I know at least, your views on Israel...so won't press the matter. Back on topic.



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So that mother was short-changed by someone narrowly quoting from her book, which was really about a journey to realisation of balance between parental styles. bummer.


I do agree somewhat with her original methods though, at least the pushing and the work ethic instilling parts.

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Nothing wrong with instilling work ethic in kids, but like I said...balance. My kid does piano, but when it's a pain in the ass for her to practice, she gets to call it a day (she is only 6 after all).

Call me a cynic, but I don't believe she got screwed by the WSJ...I'm pretty sure it was a little press gambit to garner some attention for her book...

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

I bet when she's getting stuffed with that big old American Jewish dick she could care the fuck less about whether her kids could play "The Little White Donkey", 'cause she's getting her White Donkey right then and there! :emotawesomepm9:


You are getting funnier in your old age, by god!

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my dad is jewish, my mother is not. Therefore i am not jewish.


you're one of ours, don't fight it.


why can't they be jewish technically? judaism is not a race.


hitler said it's a race, so it's a race..it's funny like that.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Judaism is not a race, but there certainly ethnic groups that are historically Jewish.


It's a matter of clinging to semantics or accepting reality.

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Judaism is not a race, but there certainly ethnic groups that are historically Jewish.


It's a matter of clinging to semantics or accepting reality.

So what? There are ethnic groups that are historically Buddhist, but we don't call them "Buddhists".

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Judaism is not a race, but there certainly ethnic groups that are historically Jewish.


It's a matter of clinging to semantics or accepting reality.

So what? There are ethnic groups that are historically Buddhist, but we don't call them "Buddhists".


No, we don't.


But we call Jews 'Jews'.

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Which is fucking stupid.


edit: unless of course one is referring to a person of the jewish faith as a jew.


But people who live in Israel? Israeli.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Hermann

i got 3 bullet points in before i got disgusted.

fuck her. never mind my children's happiness, i want to live vicariously through their success!


I think whoever wrote this should be killed. No, I´m being serious, there are a lot of assholes in the world that deserve to die and everyone stop being so goddam humanitarian.



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Ashkenazi Jews are a distinct genetic group due to a highly conserved pedigree within Europe.


that's a nice way of putting it. Another way would be that they're inbred mutant carriers of tay sachs.

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Ashkenazi Jews are a distinct genetic group due to a highly conserved pedigree within Europe.



So then call them Ashkenazim, and give separate ethnic status to the Sephardic and Mizrachi. There are also Yemenite Jews, and Ethiopian Jews. (In fact Chua talks about them in her book "World on Fire" just to be vaguely on topic, and how they, along with the Chinese are ethnically dominant minorities - huh, starting to see a theme in her writing...)

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I think western parenting goes out the window when the teenager starts doing what the fuck they want, smoking weed and playing Playstation/Xbox all day with aspirations of being a rock star or something.


On the other hand I know a lot of 'mummys boys' who've grown up being told by parents that everything they do is ace which always comes a cropper when they grow up and find they cant cope with shit in the real world.

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Nothing wrong with being supportive as a parent. As long as you instil within them a healthy dose of scepticism and a realistic world view, so they can decide when to believe that father christmas doesn't exist. It's the constant meaningless giftgiving by selfish arse whores, that probably gives some kids who already have a genetic predisposition to be cuntlords, a good kick in that direction.




Also china is made up of 56 ethnic groups. And even those that classify themselves as Han are probably mostly hybrid.

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On the other hand I know a lot of 'mummys boys' who've grown up being told by parents that everything they do is ace which always comes a cropper when they grow up and find they cant cope with shit in the real world.


One of my friends is exactly like this, brought up believing he can do no wrong. He's just in a rut now because he can't do anything for himself, at 24 years of age and still can't cook, doesn't know how to wash his own clothes. The weird thing was that his ex-girlfriend who he was with for two years just became his mum, I mean he didn't bother looking fo a job for 18 months until she basically forced him to. When out shopping for clothes she dictated what he could and couldn't buy. Eventually she split with him and as soon as that happened he just didn't bother doing anything anymore without a mum figure to tell him what to do all the time. Fortunately mummy's still there to validate him. According to him life is shit and unfair though.


Great guy, but christ.. what a loser.

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Parenting is complex as fuck.


Either you are too nice or too hard on your child. A little misstep/saying something wrong to your child could damage your childs personality forever.


I honestly was kind of spoiled of as a kid. Which probably has made me a little lazy and with poor work ethics, and i'm not very good at dealing with adversity or misfortune. But they were loving and concerning to me, and I feel that overall has made me a good human being.


But I don't think I ever want to be a parent. The responsibility is crazy, and I don't think a lot of parents have that in mind when they decides to have children.

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Guest Iain C



That's a gross word to use in relation to human beings.


Then again, you're Australian.

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Fuck parenting, I don't want to do it - that's for sure. My mother was violent (but supportive, weirdly) and my father was supportive financially but emotionally non-existant. If I ever had any troubles with anything on a personal level it was basically grow up and deal with it. The weird thing is this has benefitted me completely, I don't get stressed easily, I'm self motivated and I work extremely well under pressure.


Would I raise my kids like either of my parents though? Fuck no.

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