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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

Guest KY

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That's a gross word to use in relation to human beings. [using higher moral ground to set up insult and belittle]


Then again, you're Australian. [insult]


And you're a hyper sensitive PC ninny, that uses comments like this for passive aggressive jollies.


;-] :whistling:

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Also china is made up of 56 ethnic groups. And even those that classify themselves as Han are probably mostly hybrid.

But Chinese isn't a religion.



Parenting is complex as fuck.




meh - not really.

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Well in my experience - parenting is nowhere near as daunting as it seems to be from the outside. Although she's not a teenager yet, so get back to me in 6 years lol


Edit: - Don't get me wrong - it's tiring, and it takes patience, but it's not this incredibly complex struggle.

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Guest Hermann

i got 3 bullet points in before i got disgusted.

fuck her. never mind my children's happiness, i want to live vicariously through their success!


I think whoever wrote this should be killed. No, I´m being serious, there are a lot of assholes in the world that deserve to die and everyone stop being so goddam humanitarian.




Ah, i realise that it looks like I´m talking about the guy who wrote "i got 3 bullet..."

No I meant the person writing the article... But I was joking anyway

Never mind

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Yeah and their genotype is unique to them, but is certainly not representative of all Judaism.




So, again - Jewish is not a race, but a religion.


I certainly don't look english, and the people from poland that look like me are jewish. Also, i wasn't talking about religion but ethnicity.


But whatever, i've been avoiding this thread. And should have continued to do so. -sie-

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Yes cause those Ethiopian jews are the same ethnicity as the Ashkenazi jews.


Read back to what i was replying to, rather than what you think i was replying about, i can't be bothered going and quoting shit. really.

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delet - I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I have said repeatedly throughout this thread: it is a silly notion to talk about someone being Jewish in either a racial or an ethnic term, and expect that term to be universally applicable.

I have provided a link (and I provide another here) which helps support my position.

I'll try it another way - there are Christians who are Korean, Indian, Chinese, Slavic etc. We don't call them simply Christian and expect everyone in the world to know who we are talking about, whether it be by race or religion. By the same token, there are Jews who are Yemeni, Ethiopian, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, etc. Why then should the term Jewish be an acceptable descriptor for these diverse ethnic groups?


If you are referring to your bit about the ethnic diversity within the Chinese population - yes, there are a lot of ethnic groups, even within the majority Han Chinese. However, they live in what is known as China, so at a broad level the appellation "Chinese" makes some sense. There is no "Jew-land" so the term "Jewish" is nonsensical as a descriptor for anything but describing a religious belief.

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Why then should the term Jewish be an acceptable descriptor for these diverse ethnic groups?

because they're jewish ! you really got to get more phenomenological on this, it's a religion that calls for segregation from the non-jews (also a factor in persecutions) and a return to zion - a major unifying factor. my mom's family was never religious (in the last century at least) but they were always easily identifiable as jews in russia, i believe it can be true for other localities as well.


There is no "Jew-land"


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You goddamn right "orly" there's no such place as "Jew-land". There's Israel - thus Israeli is an acceptable and well-used appellation, for example Arab Israelis.

Dutch Jews, Russian Jews, Yemeni Jews, Ethiopian Jews - they have religion in common. However, as I've already stated, Christians around the world have that in common too, yet the term Christian is never used to describe any sort of ethnicity or race.

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christianity isn't judaism though..just because they're both regarded as religions doesnt mean that they both behave the same.

israel being a jewland doesn't contradict arabs living here, the point of zionism was to create a safe place for jews, they sort of succeeded (lol :facepalm: ). im against theocratic elements of israel but totally pro its jew-haven status

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christianity isn't judaism though..just because they're both regarded as religions doesnt mean that they both behave the same.


that could account to all religions. why would you single out judaism as a different kind of religion? is it more special than other religions? in what way?


you could take the argument of judaism being a special combination of religion-nation which calls for segregation from the non-jews as being a very racist one. which is of itself not unique to judaism either, btw. and very ironic seeing their history.




and chinese mothers are superior! this is my new religion.

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of course it can account to all religions, im not familiar with the gazillion streams of buddhism for example, but i have a feeling it doesn't call for buddhists to congregate in jerusalem and rebuild the temple, or to not mate with the non-buddhists. also, i don't think new testament calls for a formation of a nation for christians like old testament does for jews very specifically. generalizations don't help here, every religion is special in some way, it's not just a bunch of do's and don'ts.


it is racist if you read it literally, non-jews are often regarded as subhumans. it's full of contradictions as well, there are calls for loving thy neighbor and genocide on the other hand. personally i believe religions should have no place in democracies, it's a recipe for disaster.

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ok, fair.


you make it sound like judaism is closer to islamism than to christianity, btw. and not just geographically. also, christians have vatican city. ;p

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