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See this is what I don't understand. Has anyone here changed their mind about seeing the film? If not, then why are you still claiming it's gonna be shit? It's like whats the point again? Do you have some sort of build up in your brain of like anger and hate and when something doesn't go your way entirely you must release it like a river of diarrhea onto masses, so that they know how upset you are gonna be when you watch the film?


I just don't understand.

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i think people just have the tendency to take criticism, whether satirical, mean spirited, colorfully vulgar too seriously. That's why a bunch of sensitive a-holes have taken to the phrase 'haters gonna hate' because they are thin skinned pussies

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i think people just have the tendency to take criticism, whether satirical, mean spirited, colorfully vulgar too seriously. That's why a bunch of sensitive a-holes have taken to the phrase 'haters gonna hate' because they are thin skinned pussies


How can you criticize something you haven't experienced? You can say what you like after you've seen it, but just hold off for a bit. Relax, its just a movie.


I just don't understand the rush. I'm excited to see some cool sci fi things next friday and we'll see what I think of the film when its all over but for now I'm not really getting all upset. I mean take a look at Ridley's filmography, its not really entirely that amazing in my opinion. So i'm not sure why people are thinking this is gonna like better than anything he's done. I'm just glad he's giving Sci-Fi another try, in somewhat original IP. Thats good for hollywood. If it doesn't work out, there will be more movies.

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I've got my own ideas for what would be good sci-fiction films and such, and I working on that through head. No idea if they'll see the light day but that's really not the point. I think people take this route and they have these ideas that they think it will be better than a lot of stuff, so they think, oh I could make a film with all that money much better. But like its not about competing with things. It's not about saying, "oh this one is pretty bad" and going on about why its so bad and getting all upset. Its just one realization, once you understood how you feel about it, focusing on it and hating it really serves little purpose in terms of application to your ideas. Maybe you could say that it gives you insight in what not to do, but that just seems like a distraction. I think you should move on and take the bits of it, if there were any, that did impress and use those ideas or use the emotion that you felt from it as inspiration.


It's like when people interview Quentin Tarantino or whoever, they don't really sit there and talk about the stuff they hate... they'll mention it if its relevant but, its not the focus of their passion. They don't worry about it.


So that's my main point. The internet is like this place where theres all these topics and we just babble on and on about shit we don't even like because it's ... I just don't get it. In the past, those thoughts were internal and they weren't expressed or focused on too much cause no one cared. But now its like these thoughts are permanently on the screen and our personas need attention, so we just continue to talk about crap, even go pay and see what we think is gonna be shit... and thats exactly where our passions are headed. Towards hate.


And I'm not saying criticism is bad, what I'm saying is that criticism should be directed towards things that you've uh experienced and that you've enjoyed. Because if you enjoy it there's something to it thats significant, if it just sucks, you should just not waste your time.

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Do you have some sort of build up in your brain of like anger and hate and when something doesn't go your way entirely you must release it like a river of diarrhea onto masses, so that they know how upset you are gonna be when you watch the film?


the last 15ish pages of this thread have been exactly this. no clue why i'm still reading it, honestly.

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Guest zaphod

I've got my own ideas for what would be good sci-fiction films and such, and I working on that through head. No idea if they'll see the light day but that's really not the point. I think people take this route and they have these ideas that they think it will be better than a lot of stuff, so they think, oh I could make a film with all that money much better. But like its not about competing with things. It's not about saying, "oh this one is pretty bad" and going on about why its so bad and getting all upset. Its just one realization, once you understood how you feel about it, focusing on it and hating it really serves little purpose in terms of application to your ideas. Maybe you could say that it gives you insight in what not to do, but that just seems like a distraction. I think you should move on and take the bits of it, if there were any, that did impress and use those ideas or use the emotion that you felt from it as inspiration.


It's like when people interview Quentin Tarantino or whoever, they don't really sit there and talk about the stuff they hate... they'll mention it if its relevant but, its not the focus of their passion. They don't worry about it.


So that's my main point. The internet is like this place where theres all these topics and we just babble on and on about shit we don't even like because it's ... I just don't get it. In the past, those thoughts were internal and they weren't expressed or focused on too much cause no one cared. But now its like these thoughts are permanently on the screen and our personas need attention, so we just continue to talk about crap, even go pay and see what we think is gonna be shit... and thats exactly where our passions are headed. Towards hate.


And I'm not saying criticism is bad, what I'm saying is that criticism should be directed towards things that you've uh experienced and that you've enjoyed. Because if you enjoy it there's something to it thats significant, if it just sucks, you should just not waste your time.


people are just directing anger, rage, hate, whatever misplaced feelings they have throughout the day toward real things that actually matter, they're directing those feelings in an anonymous way toward something representative of a system they might not like, or something that irritates them. whatever. i doubt anyone in this thread that's been critical is really that serious about it. i know i'm not. i'll be there opening night to watch this thing and i'm sure i'll enjoy aspects of it and have a relatively mild reaction to the whole thing as it's just another muddled, transparent attempt to cash in on what used to be a meaningful experience that's been diluted down by corporate interests into something easy and boring and pretty. that's all movies are. the good ones are usually accidents where some aspect, as in the original alien or blade runner with the art direction, happens to shine through so strongly that we forget how bland the characters or story are. but then there are obviously things in the original movie to admire. the dirt on the ship, the way dallas is that resigned manager or boss you've had that just goes with it because he can't do anything else, the way there aren't any conventionally attractive people in the cast. i'm convinced that the integrity of film has dropped significantly since so much money is involved and it's probably miraculous that a movie like this got made at all, and i'm happy i live in a part of the world where i can watch attractive people run around and put life into an orderly context that it lacks in reality, all while surrounded by state of the art special effects and set pieces. so while i realize all that, i'm also going to make fun of it.

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Just got back from seeing it.


Looks amazing. Needs less science talk and less God complex. And more suspense and Tention. To be honest I didn't care for anyone on that ship. Even in alien you were a little sad when the maintainance guys died. This you couldn't care less

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Guest sirch

i think people just have the tendency to take criticism, whether satirical, mean spirited, colorfully vulgar too seriously. That's why a bunch of sensitive a-holes have taken to the phrase 'haters gonna hate' because they are thin skinned pussies


lol... are u serious?


everybody's skin is just as thin as the next persons. and "haters are gonna hate" is just funny, silly, mocking terminology.

of people like you, i guess?

and i'm not trying to be a dick... i really thought awe was cool... ?


i'll make up a new phrase right now, and that's 'dicks are gonna dick, you. in your face' .



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Guest sirch

i still ahven't seen it. and don;t care to anymore. will wait til the dvd comes out.



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Nah, I reckon I ain't ever letting a dick get near my face dawg. Unless it's my own, naw what I sayin?

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i think people just have the tendency to take criticism, whether satirical, mean spirited, colorfully vulgar too seriously. That's why a bunch of sensitive a-holes have taken to the phrase 'haters gonna hate' because they are thin skinned pussies


lol... are u serious?


everybody's skin is just as thin as the next persons. and "haters are gonna hate" is just funny, silly, mocking terminology.

of people like you, i guess?

and i'm not trying to be a dick... i really thought awe was cool... ?


i'll make up a new phrase right now, and that's 'dicks are gonna dick, you. in your face' .




yeah i was serious, im very sick of people complaining about complaining. including taking anything you say on this forum with a grain of salt


edit: and yeah about 10 guys having a sword fight in my mouth is on my bucket list definitely

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest sirch

i think people just have the tendency to take criticism, whether satirical, mean spirited, colorfully vulgar too seriously. That's why a bunch of sensitive a-holes have taken to the phrase 'haters gonna hate' because they are thin skinned pussies


lol... are u serious?


everybody's skin is just as thin as the next persons. and "haters are gonna hate" is just funny, silly, mocking terminology.

of people like you, i guess?

and i'm not trying to be a dick... i really thought awe was cool... ?


i'll make up a new phrase right now, and that's 'dicks are gonna dick, you. in your face' .




yeah i was serious, im very sick of people complaining about complaining. including taking anything you say on this forum with a grain of salt


edit: and yeah about 10 guys having a sword fight in my mouth is on my bucket list definitely


*straight over head*


don't know what..


just a film.. 'n stuff...

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Guest sirch

Nah, I reckon I ain't ever letting a dick get near my face dawg. Unless it's my own, naw what I sayin?


i salute you. it;s not easy for transexuals these days.

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It's not that I'm complaining, I'm just confused really... like I just don't understand the thought process and I think theres something to be said about the internet and the way we communicate now. I think its changing us and maybe its not bad that we sit around and we make fun of Skrillex or like Justin Beebar or whoever, maybe its just entertainment for some people. And I guess thats fine. I'm just not in the same mindset of that so it confuses me.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Training to eventually suck your own dick makes you a transexual?

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I've got my own ideas for what would be good sci-fiction films and such, and I working on that through head. No idea if they'll see the light day but that's really not the point. I think people take this route and they have these ideas that they think it will be better than a lot of stuff, so they think, oh I could make a film with all that money much better. But like its not about competing with things. It's not about saying, "oh this one is pretty bad" and going on about why its so bad and getting all upset. Its just one realization, once you understood how you feel about it, focusing on it and hating it really serves little purpose in terms of application to your ideas. Maybe you could say that it gives you insight in what not to do, but that just seems like a distraction. I think you should move on and take the bits of it, if there were any, that did impress and use those ideas or use the emotion that you felt from it as inspiration.


It's like when people interview Quentin Tarantino or whoever, they don't really sit there and talk about the stuff they hate... they'll mention it if its relevant but, its not the focus of their passion. They don't worry about it.


So that's my main point. The internet is like this place where theres all these topics and we just babble on and on about shit we don't even like because it's ... I just don't get it. In the past, those thoughts were internal and they weren't expressed or focused on too much cause no one cared. But now its like these thoughts are permanently on the screen and our personas need attention, so we just continue to talk about crap, even go pay and see what we think is gonna be shit... and thats exactly where our passions are headed. Towards hate.


And I'm not saying criticism is bad, what I'm saying is that criticism should be directed towards things that you've uh experienced and that you've enjoyed. Because if you enjoy it there's something to it thats significant, if it just sucks, you should just not waste your time.


people are just directing anger, rage, hate, whatever misplaced feelings they have throughout the day toward real things that actually matter, they're directing those feelings in an anonymous way toward something representative of a system they might not like, or something that irritates them. whatever. i doubt anyone in this thread that's been critical is really that serious about it. i know i'm not. i'll be there opening night to watch this thing and i'm sure i'll enjoy aspects of it and have a relatively mild reaction to the whole thing as it's just another muddled, transparent attempt to cash in on what used to be a meaningful experience that's been diluted down by corporate interests into something easy and boring and pretty. that's all movies are. the good ones are usually accidents where some aspect, as in the original alien or blade runner with the art direction, happens to shine through so strongly that we forget how bland the characters or story are. but then there are obviously things in the original movie to admire. the dirt on the ship, the way dallas is that resigned manager or boss you've had that just goes with it because he can't do anything else, the way there aren't any conventionally attractive people in the cast. i'm convinced that the integrity of film has dropped significantly since so much money is involved and it's probably miraculous that a movie like this got made at all, and i'm happy i live in a part of the world where i can watch attractive people run around and put life into an orderly context that it lacks in reality, all while surrounded by state of the art special effects and set pieces. so while i realize all that, i'm also going to make fun of it.


Its very true that a lot of films today I have little to no interest in... though I am hesitant to say that its some kind of downward sign for films or something. I think in the moment, especially now with the internet and such, we are just way more aware of everything so, we notice more of crap stuff. But to say like that good films today are accidents, is just a kind of odd opinion I think. You have Tarantino, Coen Brothers, PTA, Lars, Wes Anderson perhaps, Tim and Eric (your avatar), Cameron, Kaufman, etc... I mean you saying that all these blokes just make good films currently cause of like they dropped hot water on themselves?

Edited by compson
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Guest sirch

no i just picture u like a cute little girl with a dick , and a naughty mouth


edit: @ big hair girl

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Guest zaphod

I've got my own ideas for what would be good sci-fiction films and such, and I working on that through head. No idea if they'll see the light day but that's really not the point. I think people take this route and they have these ideas that they think it will be better than a lot of stuff, so they think, oh I could make a film with all that money much better. But like its not about competing with things. It's not about saying, "oh this one is pretty bad" and going on about why its so bad and getting all upset. Its just one realization, once you understood how you feel about it, focusing on it and hating it really serves little purpose in terms of application to your ideas. Maybe you could say that it gives you insight in what not to do, but that just seems like a distraction. I think you should move on and take the bits of it, if there were any, that did impress and use those ideas or use the emotion that you felt from it as inspiration.


It's like when people interview Quentin Tarantino or whoever, they don't really sit there and talk about the stuff they hate... they'll mention it if its relevant but, its not the focus of their passion. They don't worry about it.


So that's my main point. The internet is like this place where theres all these topics and we just babble on and on about shit we don't even like because it's ... I just don't get it. In the past, those thoughts were internal and they weren't expressed or focused on too much cause no one cared. But now its like these thoughts are permanently on the screen and our personas need attention, so we just continue to talk about crap, even go pay and see what we think is gonna be shit... and thats exactly where our passions are headed. Towards hate.


And I'm not saying criticism is bad, what I'm saying is that criticism should be directed towards things that you've uh experienced and that you've enjoyed. Because if you enjoy it there's something to it thats significant, if it just sucks, you should just not waste your time.


people are just directing anger, rage, hate, whatever misplaced feelings they have throughout the day toward real things that actually matter, they're directing those feelings in an anonymous way toward something representative of a system they might not like, or something that irritates them. whatever. i doubt anyone in this thread that's been critical is really that serious about it. i know i'm not. i'll be there opening night to watch this thing and i'm sure i'll enjoy aspects of it and have a relatively mild reaction to the whole thing as it's just another muddled, transparent attempt to cash in on what used to be a meaningful experience that's been diluted down by corporate interests into something easy and boring and pretty. that's all movies are. the good ones are usually accidents where some aspect, as in the original alien or blade runner with the art direction, happens to shine through so strongly that we forget how bland the characters or story are. but then there are obviously things in the original movie to admire. the dirt on the ship, the way dallas is that resigned manager or boss you've had that just goes with it because he can't do anything else, the way there aren't any conventionally attractive people in the cast. i'm convinced that the integrity of film has dropped significantly since so much money is involved and it's probably miraculous that a movie like this got made at all, and i'm happy i live in a part of the world where i can watch attractive people run around and put life into an orderly context that it lacks in reality, all while surrounded by state of the art special effects and set pieces. so while i realize all that, i'm also going to make fun of it.


Its very true that a lot of films today I have little to no interest in... though I am hesitant to say that its some kind of downward sign for films or something. I think in the moment, especially now with the internet and such, we are just way more aware of everything so, we notice more of crap stuff. But to say like that good films today are accidents, is just a kind of odd opinion I think. You have Tarantino, Coen Brothers, PTA, Lars, Wes Anderson perhaps, Tim and Eric (your avatar), Cameron, Kaufman, etc... I mean you saying that all these blokes just make good films currently cause of like they dropped hot water on themselves?


for what it's worth i don't think anyone in that list besides the coens and pta have made a good film in at least a decade, if at all. tim and eric have made one film and it was pretty bad. and i mean those films are accidents because film is a pretty impossible medium to work in and have an artistic voice actually get through to an audience. ridley scott was basically just a hack for hire who happened to make two really amazing science fiction movies and i don't think his direction had as much to do with that as the art direction and design did. but also, it's the internet, we're going to complain about things. it's an outlet. i'm critical of a lot of stuff but at no point did i say i was an authority on anything. you can choose to place weight on my opinions or you can just construct an argument and we can discuss this stuff because i'm pretty sure that's what this board is for.

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i want to know two things:


is it quite talky (like, tech sci-fi star trek bollocks and plot explaining)?


is there any genuinely funny banter shit (robo-fassbender being roboty doesn't count)?

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I've got my own ideas for what would be good sci-fiction films and such, and I working on that through head. No idea if they'll see the light day but that's really not the point. I think people take this route and they have these ideas that they think it will be better than a lot of stuff, so they think, oh I could make a film with all that money much better. But like its not about competing with things. It's not about saying, "oh this one is pretty bad" and going on about why its so bad and getting all upset. Its just one realization, once you understood how you feel about it, focusing on it and hating it really serves little purpose in terms of application to your ideas. Maybe you could say that it gives you insight in what not to do, but that just seems like a distraction. I think you should move on and take the bits of it, if there were any, that did impress and use those ideas or use the emotion that you felt from it as inspiration.


It's like when people interview Quentin Tarantino or whoever, they don't really sit there and talk about the stuff they hate... they'll mention it if its relevant but, its not the focus of their passion. They don't worry about it.


So that's my main point. The internet is like this place where theres all these topics and we just babble on and on about shit we don't even like because it's ... I just don't get it. In the past, those thoughts were internal and they weren't expressed or focused on too much cause no one cared. But now its like these thoughts are permanently on the screen and our personas need attention, so we just continue to talk about crap, even go pay and see what we think is gonna be shit... and thats exactly where our passions are headed. Towards hate.


And I'm not saying criticism is bad, what I'm saying is that criticism should be directed towards things that you've uh experienced and that you've enjoyed. Because if you enjoy it there's something to it thats significant, if it just sucks, you should just not waste your time.


people are just directing anger, rage, hate, whatever misplaced feelings they have throughout the day toward real things that actually matter, they're directing those feelings in an anonymous way toward something representative of a system they might not like, or something that irritates them. whatever. i doubt anyone in this thread that's been critical is really that serious about it. i know i'm not. i'll be there opening night to watch this thing and i'm sure i'll enjoy aspects of it and have a relatively mild reaction to the whole thing as it's just another muddled, transparent attempt to cash in on what used to be a meaningful experience that's been diluted down by corporate interests into something easy and boring and pretty. that's all movies are. the good ones are usually accidents where some aspect, as in the original alien or blade runner with the art direction, happens to shine through so strongly that we forget how bland the characters or story are. but then there are obviously things in the original movie to admire. the dirt on the ship, the way dallas is that resigned manager or boss you've had that just goes with it because he can't do anything else, the way there aren't any conventionally attractive people in the cast. i'm convinced that the integrity of film has dropped significantly since so much money is involved and it's probably miraculous that a movie like this got made at all, and i'm happy i live in a part of the world where i can watch attractive people run around and put life into an orderly context that it lacks in reality, all while surrounded by state of the art special effects and set pieces. so while i realize all that, i'm also going to make fun of it.


Its very true that a lot of films today I have little to no interest in... though I am hesitant to say that its some kind of downward sign for films or something. I think in the moment, especially now with the internet and such, we are just way more aware of everything so, we notice more of crap stuff. But to say like that good films today are accidents, is just a kind of odd opinion I think. You have Tarantino, Coen Brothers, PTA, Lars, Wes Anderson perhaps, Tim and Eric (your avatar), Cameron, Kaufman, etc... I mean you saying that all these blokes just make good films currently cause of like they dropped hot water on themselves?


for what it's worth i don't think anyone in that list besides the coens and pta have made a good film in at least a decade, if at all. tim and eric have made one film and it was pretty bad. and i mean those films are accidents because film is a pretty impossible medium to work in and have an artistic voice actually get through to an audience. ridley scott was basically just a hack for hire who happened to make two really amazing science fiction movies and i don't think his direction had as much to do with that as the art direction and design did. but also, it's the internet, we're going to complain about things. it's an outlet. i'm critical of a lot of stuff but at no point did i say i was an authority on anything. you can choose to place weight on my opinions or you can just construct an argument and we can discuss this stuff because i'm pretty sure that's what this board is for.


What about Steve McQueen? Or other indie filmmakers? Shame and Hunger were both good films I thought. In regards to Tim and Eric, I never saw the movie, but I was talking about their work in general. Your argument seems to be suggestion that the corporate structural problem with media today makes it impossible for things to be good besides on accident. Tim and Eric make funny things on a big network TV show though, so like I just don't follow exactly.


This board should be about creating a broader more richer culture in regards to music/film for a community by sharing creations or things we enjoy. Being critical should serve an intellectual purpose, not just be about blasting anything that floats on the screen.

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steve mcqueen was awesome in the great escape


just dropped in to tell you guys i bought alien on blu-ray, and found out upon unwrapping that i got ten dollars off a ticket to prometheus. BEATING THE SYSTEM ONCE AGAIN

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