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As far as Alien / Prometheus comparisons go, there were repeated moments in Prometheus where the characters acted in such a 'what-the-fuck' manner, it bought me way out of the movie.


I can't think of anything like that in Alien - maybe if straight after the alien bursts out of Kane's chest Dallas lent in to give it a stroke going 'hello there, little fella' you'd have a point. One of the joys of Alien is watching this fairly disparate group of co-workers trying to get to grips with this awful situation - I'm not sure they make the right choices (NO FUCKING WAY would I have gone into those tunnels with a home-made flamethrower), but their reactions, and the way they try to deal with this threat are consistent and believable, it makes all the difference.


Some people are able to look past the fact that all the characters in Prometheus are inconsistent cyphers, goofing around like 12-year olds in space and behaving in utterly bizarre ways just to move the plot forward - good for them, there's some great stuff in that movie and I'm glad they can enjoy it. It's a deal-breaker for me I'm afraid.


well that's understandable. the sci-fi stories i enjoy are much more plot driven than character driven; just what i prefer. that's definitely not a lot of people though, which is cool. that doesn't mean i don't wish the characters in Prometheus hadn't been more interesting, realistic and complex, but it's not a deal breaker to me. chalk it up to reading lots of Lovecraft and whatnot.


there were a few interesting shots and events that seemed to call back to previous Alien films scattered throughout. the first one that comes to mind is the 'de-briefing' towards the beginning, reminded me of the same scene in Aliens.

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agreed its a fun film to watch. has it not gone down in your estimation since you thought about it afterwards though?


me too. but thinking about it now it makes some sense. you want something that is difficult to do, or at least not just pressing a 'on' button. david can activate it as he can learn quickly AND he saw the hologram thing. a dumbass human would struggle, unless they knew music. right? but even saying that a flute is dumb, just have a PASSWORD!


Nope, if anything I like it more that I think about it, and read peoples interpretations etc. It's just a movie.


And yeah, the flute didn't ruin the film for me or anything, it just seemed off. It could have been some awesome hologram interface that was an instrument, and they could have done a simon says type thing, enter the right pattern/melody. It just would have seemed more appropriate seeing as there were all of these holograms and crazy green electricity energy waves etc. What happens if the engineer lost the flute whilst sitting around a campfire getting high?


flol! Damn dope smoking progenitors!


just learned the movie was shot in real 3d with red cameras, im quite shocked actually since it looked very 'dialed down' to me. The live action scenes compared to James Cameron 3d photography looked super weak in comparison. Compare something like Aliens of the Deep to Prometheus and youll see what i mean. I feel like it's very unfortunate that people making films in 3d are afraid to do 'pop out' style depth, and instead opt for the 'looking through a window' feel. I dont know about you but when i pay $7 extra for a movie i dont want some half assed 3d designed to be comfortable for people with impaired vision or heart conditions


i feel the same way with movie sound now too, maybe its for liability reasons? The only movies i can recall in recent memory that jarred me with sound and were actually very intense (audio wise) were Drag me to hell and spiderman 3, probably because sam raimi made his sound mix louder on purpose.


I wish I would have seen Aliens of the Deep in 3D, oh well. Hopefully in the future.


I thought the sound in Prometheus was perfect.


I bet we disagree on that as well.


I also appreciate the depth more than the pop out unless it is Piranha 3D, that was a fun experience, haven't seen the new one, not going to.


The sound design in Drag Me to Hell was amazing. So much metal on metal. Scares me thinking about it.


As far as Alien / Prometheus comparisons go, there were repeated moments in Prometheus where the characters acted in such a 'what-the-fuck' manner, it bought me way out of the movie.


I can't think of anything like that in Alien - maybe if straight after the alien bursts out of Kane's chest Dallas lent in to give it a stroke going 'hello there, little fella' you'd have a point. One of the joys of Alien is watching this fairly disparate group of co-workers trying to get to grips with this awful situation - I'm not sure they make the right choices (NO FUCKING WAY would I have gone into those tunnels with a home-made flamethrower), but their reactions, and the way they try to deal with this threat are consistent and believable, it makes all the difference.


Some people are able to look past the fact that all the characters in Prometheus are inconsistent cyphers, goofing around like 12-year olds in space and behaving in utterly bizarre ways just to move the plot forward - good for them, there's some great stuff in that movie and I'm glad they can enjoy it. It's a deal-breaker for me I'm afraid.


well that's understandable. the sci-fi stories i enjoy are much more plot driven than character driven; just what i prefer. that's definitely not a lot of people though, which is cool. that doesn't mean i don't wish the characters in Prometheus hadn't been more interesting, realistic and complex, but it's not a deal breaker to me. chalk it up to reading lots of Lovecraft and whatnot.


there were a few interesting shots and events that seemed to call back to previous Alien films scattered throughout. the first one that comes to mind is the 'de-briefing' towards the beginning, reminded me of the same scene in Aliens.


I saw a lot of parallels between the films as far as plot points go. The entering of the pyramid vs the entering of the ship in Alien. The debriefing vs Aliens' debriefing. The waking up from hibernation. The last scene in Prometheus vs the last scene in Aliens. Many more I am sure.


Yeah, Lovecraft did not do much character development but has tons of amazing detail and over arcing story, this is why I love his writing.


And yes Compson, the abortion scene vs Shaw's most likely pro lifer Christian fundamentalist beliefs is a very interesting point.

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i thought the sound design in Prometheus was excellent, i was just remarking on how even when i go see a movie in Imax now it's not loud enough for me. Drag me to hell was the last movie i saw where the sound was so loud it actually made me involuntarily twitch up out of my chair a couple of times.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

the cesarean scene was lame. people were laughing at my screening. when that claw came down i thought it would pull one of these guys out:




movie gets more retarded the more i think about it


bollocks that scene was incredible you joyless wank

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I hope I never turn into a jaded anal retentive hipster internet critic.

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the cesarean scene was lame. people were laughing at my screening. when that claw came down i thought it would pull one of these guys out:




movie gets more retarded the more i think about it


Finally. Someone else gets it.


Pizzeria Toy Claw Machine Abortion.

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it doesn't bode well for this movie's quality at all, that the people who 'love' it so much seem to be the most butt hurt when other people find flaw in it

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I didn't love the movie, I understand and agree with what most people have pointed out as it's flaws, but I thought it was an entertaining film and I didn't take it too seriously. I'm confused and annoyed with the all internet critics trying to impress the gods of interwebs by trying to make sure everyone thinks they hates every Hollywood movie more than any other internet critic in teh 01010s cyber space.


I would wish that people could relax a bit more, it's just entertainment, try your best to enjoy things as much as you can and move on if you can no longer gain any enjoyment from it.

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I didn't love the movie, I understand and agree with what most people have pointed out as it's flaws, but I thought it was an entertaining film and I didn't take it too seriously. I'm confused and annoyed with the all internet critics trying to impress the gods of interwebs by trying to make sure everyone thinks they hates every Hollywood movie more than any other internet critic in teh 01010s cyber space.


I would wish that people could relax a bit more, it's just entertainment, try your best to enjoy things as much as you can and move on if you can no longer gain any enjoyment from it.


that. i enjoyed it a little bit more than you maybe, but these statements are totally true.



it doesn't bode well for this movie's quality at all, that the people who 'love' it so much seem to be the most butt hurt when other people find flaw in it


there's been a couple that seem hurt when people don't like it, but honestly it seems more that the people who hate it are upset by people who don't. which is quite odd and, to me, agrees with Kimmie Gibbler's statement above.

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it doesn't bode well for this movie's quality at all, that the people who 'love' it so much seem to be the most butt hurt when other people find flaw in it


It doesn't bode well for this movies quality? Haven't you seen the film? There's no definitive answer to this films quality... or at least theres no point to it. My interest in this thread are akin to having a discussion about a film in the theater lobby with your friends. Some people will say, they didn't like this or they liked that... or what not... and unless you think that films never grow on someone or the opposite, ones outlook on something can change through discussion and re-watches. Its an exercise for the brain to analyze a film.

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Shaw warns Weyland her ambitions were worthless considering the dangers on this planet, then she departs alone to discover the origins of those Greek statues.

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just watched aliens directors cut. Didn't know the scene with David was taken from the original Aliens screenplay, except it was supposed to be Bishop playing basketball and watching movies. Also Cameron plays the music from 2001 a space odyssey on the opening shots of her escape pod.


i have a high level of appreciation for the movie Aliens especially after watching Prometheus, jesus christ.. now that's a movie. You have what, 10-12 characters that all have distinct personalities and you can keep track of who they are, the dialogue is really silly but fast paced and engaging.

Edited by Awepittance
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yes. It was filmed in 3D and I thought it looks beautiful. It may be dialed back a bit in comparison to Avatar but it is still quality 3D and worth the extra money if you are going to a nice IMAX theatre and not the mass produced ones that are being built everywhere.

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by dialed in back, I actually meant that I thought it was more tastefully done than Avatar, also considering the content is far more mature than Blue Smurfs in Space.

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Everyone I know who watched this in IMAX thought it was great, those who stuck to 2D saw it for the bollocks that it is. Time will not be kind to this film.

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