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LOL. Best page of thread so far. I love it when granddad gets upset and moans about the members of his forum.

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I thought Prometheus had pretty stunning visuals. Definitely worth watching in 3D.

Still haven't figured out the plot though. I guess it's a team of scientists going on an expedition on a distant planet on which our human-alien ancestors happen to reside. Too bad the locals aren't friendly types though.


I also found out that Dr. Elizabeth Shaw is played by the same actress who played Lisbeth in the Stieg Larsson films - Noomi Rapace. She was hott in that movie.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I found it odd that they would get Lizbeth to play Elizabeth. little too closely named for my liking seeing as she is FAMOUS for playing lisbeth.


I didnt really like her up until she was running around fifth element style and bloody


Can we please fix the quotes with me saying "Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period."



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it's sad to see so many trolls on the net that only see what's spelled out in front of them. Like symbolism or religious iconography is lost on them, a generation raised on reality tv. If any movie deserves a second, open minded viewing this year, it's this one.


Nothing in this movie went over anyone's head. People are allowed to think that the suggested Jesus storyline is just plain silly and unappealing, but still think everything looks cool.

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it's sad to see so many trolls on the net that only see what's spelled out in front of them. Like symbolism or religious iconography is lost on them, a generation raised on reality tv. If any movie deserves a second, open minded viewing this year, it's this one.


wow are you full or yourself.


I can easily turn that around: It's sad to see a generation raised by reality TV respond to empty symbolism and religious iconography as if there was any thought behind it other than the equivalent of dangling a set of car keys over a baby's head.

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LOST is still pretty awesome though, i mean i love being dragged along for 7(?) seasons only to find out it was all a very half assed Stand clone religious parable. Since that didn't go over my head and i love the show, i am therefore not a troll. It's as simple as that

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I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment.


this thread is at least 60% pretentious assholery. and every 'cool guy' on the internet has forgotten that movies are made for enjoyment to make money.


and so many of you pretentious fuckers in this thread voted with your 10+ dollars! thanks guys!


EDIT: i wasn't originally enough a jerk, i thought i should add to that.

Edited by auxien
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And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that.


i just literally do not believe you are telling the truth, don't ask me how or why i feel this way i just cannot even process a sentence such as 'best scifi movie since bladerunner' please don't take offense

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If there's one thing this thread has proven, it's this: Prometheus is popular in Texas.







Where's my gun?


it's sad to see so many trolls on the net that only see what's spelled out in front of them. Like symbolism or religious iconography is lost on them, a generation raised on reality tv. If any movie deserves a second, open minded viewing this year, it's this one.


Iam seeing it again tomorrow for once last romp in space before I get my robot body and travel through space forever. or til my robot body gives out.




Robbie liked LOST, *mind blown*



just stomped in to say i'm still boycotting the MPAA for their sopa/pipa/cispa shenanigans (and you should too, fucker), and also to lol at any people who were expecting decent answers to the questions "where do we come from?" and "who created our creators?" from a 3d movie about aliens 5X265.gif


I don't think anyone went to this movie expecting answers to those questions, Luke.


Yes Sir Rexalot, they were expecting answers and they are pissed.


I was one of the ones that expected nothing and was pleasantly surprised.


I love space, space in 3D is even better.


I also enjoy the story.


Enjoying the story is what sets fans of this film apart from non fans.


Well Robbie hates the Engineer design.


So picky people with superior aesthetic choices also hate this film.


love ya Robster.



haha, Joyrex's lack of understanding of why this movie was mediocre as hell is basically 'haters gonna hate?'


Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period.


did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man


"Lack of understanding" Give me a fucking break - I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes (I'll let you decided for yourself if you're in that camp or not) who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment.


I enjoyed this movie - is it some great literary work? Fuck no. Is it enjoyable on a visual level? Quite so. Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so. Is the acting decent? Sure - no Academy Award-winning performances for sure, but were the characters believable and play their roles well? Sure.


Please, Oh Great Movie Expert™ - please educate a mongoloid like me on why I couldn't possibly have enjoyed this movie since it's so mediocre. Please explain to me why I felt satisfied and enthusiastically talked about this movie with my family.


And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that.


And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot, rest assured I'll pretend to hate movies for the sake of it along with all the other half-baked morons on the internet.




Don't mess with Papa.


I felt a belt hitting my ass with that reBUTTal.




drugs are bad mkay


good drugs are not all that bad.


juss sayin........


LOST is still pretty awesome though, i mean i love being dragged along for 7(?) seasons only to find out it was all a very half assed Stand clone religious parable. Since that didn't go over my head and i love the show, i am therefore not a troll. It's as simple as that


woh, these are lies right man?


ne'er would've thunk it.


And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that.


i just literally do not believe you are telling the truth, don't ask me how or why i feel this way i just cannot even process a sentence such as 'best scifi movie since bladerunner' please don't take offense





Nerd warfare at its most rare and vicious form.


Duck and cover.


and again,


Love ya Monsieur Robbe.



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Guest Mirezzi

I won't expect answers, so maybe there's hope that I will enjoy it. I will merely expect, as with all things Ridley Scott - yes, including Alien and Blade Runner, a few shits-n-giggles-n-grins. The amount of nerdalysis those films have been subjected to is frankly hilarious.

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haha, Joyrex's lack of understanding of why this movie was mediocre as hell is basically 'haters gonna hate?'


Best Sci-Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner. Period.


did you decide to sneak away and smoke some pot? holy shit man


"Lack of understanding" Give me a fucking break - I'm just sick to death of pretentious assholes (I'll let you decided for yourself if you're in that camp or not) who complain about movies mostly, from my perspective, for the sake of doing so instead of doing what movies were meant for - enjoyment.


I enjoyed this movie - is it some great literary work? Fuck no. Is it enjoyable on a visual level? Quite so. Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so. Is the acting decent? Sure - no Academy Award-winning performances for sure, but were the characters believable and play their roles well? Sure.


Please, Oh Great Movie Expert™ - please educate a mongoloid like me on why I couldn't possibly have enjoyed this movie since it's so mediocre. Please explain to me why I felt satisfied and enthusiastically talked about this movie with my family.


And, for your final act, please tell me how you can say I'm wrong if I think it's the best Sci Fi movie I've seen since Blade Runner, which happens to be my favourite movie of all time - I'd love for you to tell me how my own individual likes and dislikes couldn't possibly be right in stating something like that.


And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot, rest assured I'll pretend to hate movies for the sake of it along with all the other half-baked morons on the internet.


God bless you Joyrex

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I liked the abortion scene, the deepthroat snakes, the jockey vs squid fight, the super trippy storm, the T.E. Lawrence man-crush from a robot, reluctantly horny Charlize,

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the Orrery room scene is def my favourite.


the first scene.


the shots of flying through space towards RU-486.


the film looks and sounds amazing.

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And if the day ever comes that I would be retarded enough to smoke pot




Hey, it's a personal choice - for me, I would have to be Sup-level retarded to even consider smoking pot for any reason. You want to do it? Go ahead, knock yourself out. Not for me.


Does it have decent pacing, and plot progression? I'd say so.


really disagree with this, though. this was my biggest problem with the movie, apart from the other holes and weaknesses that could've been fixed relatively easily.


Really? What holes did you see, because I thought it was pretty well fit together plot-wise.

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