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Similarities in aphex songs


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Sloth and Stone in Focus have the same melody.


Analogue Bubblebath and .247.... (first song on AB3) have the same beat.


Ptolemy and N.Iasp have the same beat as well.



And yet I still love all of these songs.

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4 for starters is played on the black keys, or at least in a pentatonic scale.


goon gumpas can be played on the white keys



girl/boy is a c major i think


in terms of scale they're simple but its how he uses the notes in the scales that is so fantastic

not like any of this is bad, coming from someone who knows a good bit of theory. It's not about simplicity, its about sound at the end of the day.

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this is why i dont make music

i dont want to haev to think about this type of shit "omg omg he's playing all black keys in stfu minor"


Lol. brilliant post!


this is why i dont make music

i dont want to haev to think about this type of shit "omg omg he's playing all black keys in stfu minor"




"stfu" = Shut The Fuck Up (incase you din't know) :)

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Well I think if you use the black keys AND white keys you can play ALL of his music. Actually that's not true either because many of his songs are microtonal and/or not aligned with A 440.


Anyone want a Thor patch I made that is octotonic instead of dodecatonic?

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Well I think if you use the black keys AND white keys you can play ALL of his music. Actually that's not true either because many of his songs are microtonal and/or not aligned with A 440.


Anyone want a Thor patch I made that is octotonic instead of dodecatonic?


Octatonic is very nice. In which song does he use it?

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Personally I've always loved finding all the self-referential bits in RDJ's stuff. Especially when it's across different monikers, like when the beat from Analog Bubblebath shows up in Audax Powder. Hell, the pad loop in Audax sounds like it could very easily be a non-slowed down version of Blue Calx. Love it.

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i love not noticing this shit

hell, it was some asshole on watmm who accidently made me notice that d sho qub and nth daugursara have the same beat

i would haev never noticed


and now i cant listen not thinking about it


i dont want to know this shit

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