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should Pilip K. Dick books be adapted into film?

Rubin Farr

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with the latest adaptation, The Adjustment Bureau seeing imminent release, and now Michel Gondry wants to make Ubik, should we keep mining this man's work for our cinema entertainment? the results have been somewhat split:



Blade Runner

Minority Report

Total Recall (iffy)

A Scanner Darkly







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with the latest adaptation, The Adjustment Bureau seeing imminent release, and now Michel Gondry wants to make Ubik, should we keep mining this man's work for our cinema entertainment? the results have been somewhat split:



Blade Runner

Minority Report

Total Recall (iffy)

A Scanner Darkly







just goes to show that film taste is subjective

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yeah, they should be....


with the right adaptation and director, his works could make for the best cinema ever....


just depends on how much people are willing to risk for great art.


VALIS will be one of the strangest yet most beautiful film ever made once done right, but who is willing to take it on?


I am....

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There have been a few shit ones but overall his books have been successfully adapted into some great movies. He's my favorite author so as long as directors pay their respects and live up to the high standards, I'm all for more! I'd love to see someone do The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. What a weird fucking book.

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A Scanner Darkly is the only one I've seen that was really faithful to the book. Pretty good film as I recall, one of the last movies I ever saw in the cinema before I decided that going to the cinema sucked.


Put The Truman Show in the GOOD pile. Loosely based on Time Out of Joint.


loosely inspired, maybe. loosely. i don't think that really counts.

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Am I the only one that thinks this topic is a little late?

I think the news of UBIK being made into a film is why this thread exists so it is pretty current actually...


and a lot of people are not Dick fans...


maybe because the film adaptations usually suck imo...


Blade Runner and A Scanner Darkly are the only ones I really enjoy....


Total Recall is its own entity entirely imo, but I love it...

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i did not like "a scanner darkly "and thought they did not do the book justice

and i really wanted to like it because i loved the story

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Gondry doing Ubik is giving me wood.


Thing is, Dick's ideas were consistently great but his prose wasn't (IMO, sorry, don't tase me bro!, it was a product of cranking these puppies out so fast, I know), so making a pulpy flick out of some of his pulpier stuff doesn't bother me too much. But, man, with a lot of care and attention and love you can get a Blade Runner, so there's so much potential. It's all perfect screenplay starting-point material, one way or the other.


Atop, please do Valis. Nah, fuck it, do the full Exegesis.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I've only seen Blade Runner and A Scanner Darkly and both are great. Only read A Scanner Darkly and I thought it was adapted very well. This has just reminded me how I want some new books to read.

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Gondry doing Ubik is giving me wood.


Thing is, Dick's ideas were consistently great but his prose wasn't (IMO, sorry, don't tase me bro!, it was a product of cranking these puppies out so fast, I know), so making a pulpy flick out of some of his pulpier stuff doesn't bother me too much. But, man, with a lot of care and attention and love you can get a Blade Runner, so there's so much potential. It's all perfect screenplay starting-point material, one way or the other.


Atop, please do Valis. Nah, fuck it, do the full Exegesis.


I agree actually...


as much as I love certain novels of his, some are not as good as others because of his obsessive need to write....


he was working on becoming who he is was meant to be and from UBIK on are the works that resonate with me the most.


yeah...the whole exegesis?


that would be almost like trying to put Finnegan's Wake




Crowley's Equinox into a film version....


maybe if I programmed a robot to write screenplays?


it could go on long after we are all dead...


then is might get made...


VALIS is a bit more feasible as an adaptation even though it is quite lofty as well.

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Yes because i like to see other peoples takes on the world i have created in my head from his books. The only film to be 100% true to one of his books so far is a scanner darkly all the rest either take parts or have a "Hollywood ending"

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There was a thread about this a few months ago.




Ridley Scott is producing a 4-part tv adaptation. This could be something great, I really liked reading about that twisted alt-history world. Plus a 4-part thing would probably work better than a movie, this book needs a lot of room for scope and with so many different protagonists to follow.


Also, if you scroll down:


In a 1976 interview, Dick said he planned to write a sequel novel to The Man in the High Castle: "And so there's no real ending on it. I like to regard it as an open ending. It will segue into a sequel sometime." Dick said that he had "started several times to write a sequel", but progressed little, because he was too disturbed by his original research for The Man in the High Castle and could not mentally bear "to go back and read about Nazis again."


Scanner Darkly and Blade Runner are among my top 10 films. Gondry directing Ubik? Cool, was thinking of reading it. Any good??

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i'm not to up my Philip K Dick, but i'm surprised to see you list 'scanner darkley' under 'good' Dick, most of the fans i know hated or very much disliked the Linklater adaptation.



the only upcoming PKDick adaptation i'm excited about is the biopic 'Owl in Daylight' movie with Paul Giamati playing an aged PKDick


Gondry also seems to have peaked years ago, The Green Hornet was an abomination, an unforgivable movie of epic proportions. Be Kind rewind looks like an Oscar contender compared to Hornet

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with the latest adaptation, The Adjustment Bureau seeing imminent release, and now Michel Gondry wants to make Ubik, should we keep mining this man's work for our cinema entertainment? the results have been somewhat split:



Blade Runner

Minority Report

Total Recall (iffy)

A Scanner Darkly








everything well thought out should be adapted to film/episodic mini-series/anime, if they make a good go of it.


I likes my moving pictures.

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