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walking out of movies


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Guest Mirezzi
I walked out of Nacho Libre with about 30 other people.

Can you blame them? Then again, whoever bought a ticket got what they deserved.


I really, really wanted to walk out of Where The Wild Things Are. I had no expectations at all, but the movie failed in ways I never thought a movie could fail.


What an incredibly artistic, boring piece of shit. Spike Jonze's career had been a fluke up until that point.

I didn't walk out of it, but I did turn it off on Blu-ray after around 30 minutes. Appallingly bad.




Once upon a time, I *should* have walked out of The Majestic and What Dreams May Come, but didn't. I also should have walked out on Little Miss Sunshine. Instead, I stuck around to hate on the audience and daydream about murdering Paul Dano. I still daydream about that...acutely so through the three hours of There Will Be Blood.


Stranger Than Fiction, definitely my most hated movie, we stayed because we literally were expecting it to maybe redeem itself.


I remember a few people walking out on Four Lions haha.

I loved Stranger Than Fiction. :whistling:


Four Lions, on the other hand... :facepalm: . I wouldn't walk out on it, but Brass Eye, it's not.

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it's just an interesting phenomena, much like how people cheer/clap or boo after the movie's over. group mentality sort of thing.





people walking out of boogie nights and let the right one in is really weird to me.


almost everyone here loved LTROI, sometimes it makes me cry at night. I have gotten many good tips from the film threads and I think there are lots of people around who have a very similar taste to me. Which is why I wonder how the same people see a masterpiece here while I can only see a piece of shit. I mean, just look at this mess:





It would have been fine in a fun popcorn kind of film, but it takes itself so damn seriously and then pulls off THIS. It's not just that scene I found ridiculous, it was just the cherry on the cake. After 10-15 minutes in, it was a constant :facepalm:

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Guest Wall Bird

I've never walked out, though I recently watched a rip of Transformers 2 and I do not know what I would have done if I had been unable to fast forward to all of the robot fighting. It would have been :facepalm: the whole way through until something big happened. Luckily I had control of the transport for that one. That film is humiliatingly bad. Humiliating as in "The only reason I'm not wearing sunglasses and ball cap in the theatre is because everyone else here would be subject to the same social ostracism if we were ever discovered.


I did fall asleep towards the end of the third Bourne film - 'Ultimatum', I think. God, I could not care less about what happened in that one.


Let's see what else is there... oh yeah, once I sha- Wait. You walked out of Boogie Nights!? What(?) was '8 1/2' all booked down the hall and you had to settle for 2nd best? What the fuck?


I'll bet you didn't even stick around to see this masterstroke:




because if you had seen that scene you would have known you had a winner on your hands and hidden from the ushers in the back row until the next screening began.

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Guest Mirezzi

Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.

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Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.


Yeah. My issue with Wes Anderson is that his movies have a completely flat affect, that even major events in the story (Luke Wilson slitting his wrists, Owen Wilson crashing in the helicopter, all of Darjeeling Limited) really don't seem to matter at all. It's like he doesn't even want you to care about the characters, just be impressed by the costumes and production design while most of the actors phone in their lines stiff as a board. It's like watching a fucking puppet show.


And his "humor" makes me want to punch someone. Like "hey if you pay really close attention, you'll notice that this is slightly absurd". Yeah fuck that.

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Guest analogue wings

Deep Impact - We agreed that if Morgan Freeman gave one more moronic Americentric address we'd walk out. He did so we did.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - bunch of "gangstas" walked in and sat down the front in their doo rags, basketball gears etc. First subtitle appears on the screen the all get up and walk out. Trying SOOOO hard to do their gangsta leans and look tuff as they walk past the WHOLE theatre with every single person knowing EXACTLY why they're leaving.

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Guest Sprigg

Deep Impact - We agreed that if Morgan Freeman gave one more moronic Americentric address we'd walk out. He did so we did.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - bunch of "gangstas" walked in and sat down the front in their doo rags, basketball gears etc. First subtitle appears on the screen the all get up and walk out. Trying SOOOO hard to do their gangsta leans and look tuff as they walk past the WHOLE theatre with every single person knowing EXACTLY why they're leaving.


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I watched Kaboom last week at the local indi theater and a few people walked out, I don't blame them though, it was terrible.


I only walked out on one film and that was Robert Towne's heartless adaptation of Ask the Dust.

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a christian douche bag asshole annoying prick i went to school with got up and walked out of borat during the jew scene iirc. i was drunk and i threw popcorn at him because he is an asshole.


that's the only walk out, aside from the two hicks who walked out of brokeback mountain (i lived in a small redneck town), that i can recall. and the best one cause he was a prick and the fact that he was offended made me lol.

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i don't think i've seen a film in a theater, in which i reach the point that i need to leave. in the few recent cases where i gave up on a movie, i'd stick it out—at least for my girlfriend, in the worst case scenario. but i think i've managed to limit my filmgoing experiences to movies i think i'd enjoy in some sense.


that being said, though, i might have walked out of the harriet the spy movie, if not for that amazing hey arnold! opening cartoon.

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oh and btw i think my version of walking out of the theatre is getting fucking loser pissed. in the theatre. i would feel cheated paying to see a film and then leaving.

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Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.


Yeah. My issue with Wes Anderson is that his movies have a completely flat affect, that even major events in the story (Luke Wilson slitting his wrists, Owen Wilson crashing in the helicopter, all of Darjeeling Limited) really don't seem to matter at all. It's like he doesn't even want you to care about the characters, just be impressed by the costumes and production design while most of the actors phone in their lines stiff as a board. It's like watching a fucking puppet show.


And his "humor" makes me want to punch someone. Like "hey if you pay really close attention, you'll notice that this is slightly absurd". Yeah fuck that.


fantastic mr fox is really good. havent seen any of his other movies though

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There are these sneak preview nights when you are not told what they are going to show but that it hasnt been shown yet and the price is reduced. I remember leaving some of these

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