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walking out of movies


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Guest AcrossCanyons

Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.

That jaguar shark/sigur ros scene is probably my favourite in any film ever.

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Guest Mirezzi

fantastic mr fox is really good. havent seen any of his other movies though

I would have walked out on that, too. Instead, I stopped it after probably 45 minutes when one of the foxes, I think the Meryl Streep one, started crying.

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I walked out of the 1998 version of Godzilla. I remember it was right around some moment where some male reporter was crying and being all emo cuz his boss told him he couldn't do the story on Godzilla for the newspaper.


That being said I probably would have walked out of Garden State too if I had to see it in the theatres.

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Guest disparaissant

the only film i have ever walked out on was "my giant" starring billy crystal and that eastern european 8 foot tall guy. it was horrific. the only reason i saw it was i bought a ticket for it, intending to sneak into something r-rated (the big lebowski, i think) but very nearly got caught and figured i might as well see SOMETHING. aw god. it was terrible.

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I refuse to walk out of movies. I or someone in my group paid good money for me to see this particular movie so I'm going to stick it out for better or worse. That said, I've endured some pretty awful movies.

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Guest couch

I don't go to movies unless other people drag me along so if I were to leave they'd be all "wtf?" So if a movie sucks I just browse the net on my phone.

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Guest disparaissant

I refuse to walk out of movies. I or someone in my group paid good money for me to see this particular movie so I'm going to stick it out for better or worse. That said, I've endured some pretty awful movies.

yeah i mean what i listed was the only movie i ever walked out of, ever. in the 13 or so years since i've stayed through countless mind-numbingly bad films. the secret is: bring booze.

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almost everyone here loved LTROI, sometimes it makes me cry at night. I have gotten many good tips from the film threads and I think there are lots of people around who have a very similar taste to me. Which is why I wonder how the same people see a masterpiece here while I can only see a piece of shit. I mean, just look at this mess:






I saw the American "Let Me In". A lot of people hated on it, but it didn't have a fucking cat attack scene. That looked so bad.


fantastic mr fox is really good. havent seen any of his other movies though

Wow, if you liked the flattest Kid's movie I've ever seen, you'll like his other stuff, probably.


I, myself, am a Wes Anderson Fanboy.

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i never felt the need to walk out, except when friends dragged me TWICE to see Adam Sandler movies



goddamn fuck, i hate everything about his fucking unfunny shitmovies, i can get pretty annoyed watching them



i really should have walked out, causing a scene, yelling ARE YOU ALL FUCKING RETARDED? and the run over people with a go-cart or something

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Yeah, I've seen people walk out of movies (eg being The Aristrocrats), but I've never done it myself. A movie might pick up, or turn out completely differently than how the first 30mins are, so I never walk out.

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Guest Billov

I really, really wanted to walk out of Where The Wild Things Are. I had no expectations at all, but the movie failed in ways I never thought a movie could fail.


What an incredibly artistic, boring piece of shit. Spike Jonze's career had been a fluke up until that point.

I didn't walk out of it, but I did turn it off on Blu-ray after around 30 minutes. Appallingly bad.




Once upon a time, I *should* have walked out of The Majestic and What Dreams May Come, but didn't. I also should have walked out on Little Miss Sunshine. Instead, I stuck around to hate on the audience and daydream about murdering Paul Dano. I still daydream about that...acutely so through the three hours of There Will Be Blood.


Stranger Than Fiction, definitely my most hated movie, we stayed because we literally were expecting it to maybe redeem itself.


I remember a few people walking out on Four Lions haha.

I loved Stranger Than Fiction. :whistling:


Four Lions, on the other hand... :facepalm: . I wouldn't walk out on it, but Brass Eye, it's not.


Thats pretty strange... I fucking loved Where the Wild Things Are.

I'm not even gonna argue, those films must be a love/hate thing.


edit: okay fuck you Overlook, just read through the thread and you actually hate all films that are good. Cept you like Stranger Than Fiction... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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I only walked out on one film and that was Robert Towne's heartless adaptation of Ask the Dust.


Did you last long enough to see Salma's beautiful breasteses? That's the only thing I remember about that film.

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Guest beatfanatic

Ive walked out of Sweeney Todd and Scott Pilgrim. wanted to walk out of Miami Vice but ended up staying hoping it would get better. It didnt.

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Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.
Yeah. My issue with Wes Anderson is that his movies have a completely flat affect, that even major events in the story (Luke Wilson slitting his wrists, Owen Wilson crashing in the helicopter, all of Darjeeling Limited) really don't seem to matter at all. It's like he doesn't even want you to care about the characters, just be impressed by the costumes and production design while most of the actors phone in their lines stiff as a board. It's like watching a fucking puppet show.And his "humor" makes me want to punch someone. Like "hey if you pay really close attention, you'll notice that this is slightly absurd". Yeah fuck that.
fantastic mr fox is really good. havent seen any of his other movies though


Fantastic Mr Fox was easily his warmest and most likable film. Life Aquatic is less flat than Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore, and the plot (Jacques Cousteau homage) is one most "appropriately" absurd.


Okay, Life Aquatic is on IFC right now and I can confidently say that is the one movie I most definitely should have walked out on...and long before I was subjected to the scene with the shark and Sigur Ros. Fucking brain damage, that.
That jaguar shark/sigur ros scene is probably my favourite in any film ever.




I've never walked out of a film, though me and 6 other people, all of whom had varied tastes in film, stopped watching Pauly Shore is Dead and Nobody Cares after about 20 minutes. It was way beyond being "so bad it's good." My parents told me they walked out of Pulp Fiction but I can't recall why exactly. Closest I came to leaving was while watching Cursed with Christina Ricci and vintage-2005-era Jesse Eisenberg. :cerious:

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edit: okay fuck you Overlook, just read through the thread and you actually hate all films that are good. Cept you like Stranger Than Fiction... :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I agree that Stranger Than Fiction is better than Where the Wild Things Are. Where the Wild Things Are was fucking awful, just a bunch of hairy biped's, and a little boy, jumping on each other to shitty indie music lol. The book was fucking different and magical, magic was not found.

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I only walked out on one film and that was Robert Towne's heartless adaptation of Ask the Dust.


Did you last long enough to see Salma's beautiful breasteses?

Indeed I did :)

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Guest hahathhat

went to see bubba ho-tep with two friends. one guy hated it! he walked out in the middle and demanded his money back. so there's why you might want to walk out -- if you bitch at the manager, you can get your money back like he did.


on some level, i suspect it wasn't about him hating the movie so much as it was about making a scene and arguing the manager into a refund. i mean, i've seen far worse movies than bubba ho-tep -- what was that one with demi moore as a stripper? -- and i didn't walk on those....

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Guest Calx Sherbet

yea, holy shit, i'm surprised there isn't more bitching about the ridiculous prices these cinema's are charging.


lol, it's only 6.00 USD here


i do so much research on a movie before going. i'm never disappointed

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I got a handjob during "Object Of My Affection" in 1998. Long-distance girlfriend and we met halfway in a no-name town. It was gross really--just over-the-top diddling and sucking in my car next to the grease trap and trash bins of Applebee's. We picked any movie and just got nasty during it. I came into some McDonald's napkins placed on my stomach. What was that movie anyway? some gay guy and Jennifer Aniston wants his ass as much as he wants another man and something about babies :shrug:


have you considered sharing this dream with your therapist? :cisfor:



surreal experience. I think I used McDonalds napkins before, it's kinda mangy



i never felt the need to walk out, except when friends dragged me TWICE to see Adam Sandler movies



goddamn fuck, i hate everything about his fucking unfunny shitmovies, i can get pretty annoyed watching them


yeah they suck way too much



if a movie sucks I just browse the net on my phone.

Oh, you're one of those fuckin people.


there was a girl in 300 who was messing around with her phone constantly. she was about 5 rows further to the front. it was a bullshit movie but it still got very annoying cause the phone was so bright. We made friends with two random guys sitting behind us and all started pelting her with balled up napkins, and I did the old Frisbee-move with the top plastic bit of the soft drink cup. She started bitching about it to her boyfriend and eventually he stood up and gave us an evil look, then we just pointed at her making angry gestures, and he sat back down and told her to put away her phone. :lol:


a couple weeks later we accidentally sat next to those two guys again in another movie, and we got all nostalgic about how we threw stuff at that girl.

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