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walking out of movies


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i've been reading the imdb forums for the past 45 minutes, and i don't think there's one single movie on there that doesn't come with a "walked out" thread.


is this really such a regular occurence in american (or british?) movie theatres? granted i haven't been to the movies for years, but i can't recall one single time, ever, where i saw someone walk out of the movie and not come back.

i remember when i was like 10 years old or whatever, my friend told me his dad had walked out of king kong, but that's about it (and i guess the reason i still remember it is because it sounded so strange).


from imdb forums:


I walked out of Nacho Libre with about 30 other people.


something like that happening here would probably make the evening news.


why the fuck would you go and see a movie that you have absolutely no idea whether you're gonna hate (to the point where you have to get up and leave) or not?









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Once. Saw III.


Thats your own fault. How could you see a trailer and think it was going to be good?


My ex wanted to see it. :shrug: I just strolled around the building smoking a joint for the last 30 min or so while she finished.


outside the building i mean

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Once. Saw III.


Thats your own fault. How could you see a trailer and think it was going to be good?


My ex wanted to see it. :shrug: I just strolled around the building smoking a joint for the last 30 min or so while she finished.


outside the building i mean


Should have smoked it and gone back inside :cerious: :cerious: :cerious:

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I really, really wanted to walk out of Where The Wild Things Are. I had no expectations at all, but the movie failed in ways I never thought a movie could fail.


What an incredibly artistic, boring piece of shit. Spike Jonze's career had been a fluke up until that point.

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there have been many a shit film I have wanted to walk out of and should have... but didn't.... at least there are none I can think of....

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Once. Saw III.


Thats your own fault. How could you see a trailer and think it was going to be good?


I actually want to see all of these movies after I read an article that compared their formula for success to that of LOST. Apparently it has a very sophisticated and deep storyline that becomes more and more apparent as the series continues, culminating with SAW7(or SAW: The Final Chapter in 3D). I've also heard that some of the later ones are considered some of the best in the series. They just seem so stupid and over the top and the trailers are very shallow.

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My brother and i wanted to talk out of avatar, and really should of. You see data, there are things that going in you think will be ok, barely passable, but you'll be able to keep them down. And then you start watching them and a growing anxiety of 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE' starts building in side you.


It's not down to the money wasted, that's already lost to the market, you won't get it back. It's about your precious time being wasted by some fucking cunt lard of a shitstain of a movie. You come out of the experience worse off than when you went in. So just leave.


Then again are you trying to tell us that you only watch non-hollywood arthouse cinema that you just 'know' that you'll enjoy no matter what. Cause it's soo amazing darling >?> drlol.

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Guest Dirty Protest

pirates of the caribbean, and the 2nd one I walked out of as well cus it was so boring not even acid :wacko: could help keep my interest in the movie :sleep:


Let me get this right. You walked out of the first one, then went back and walked out of part two as well? Is this one of them internet joke things?

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Guest mikew5th

when i was a kid, i remember alot of people walking out of arachnophobia


when dave chappelle's music movie with dead prez, kanye west, reunion of the fugess, all those bnads played

about half the theatre walked out - i think they were expecting funny skits and not a concert movie

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yea, once. it was Babylon AD. lol vin diesles closet gay ass.


other than that, i've never seen a movie i wasn't sure i'd like


pirates of the caribbean, and the 2nd one I walked out of as well cus it was so boring not even acid :wacko: could help keep my interest in the movie :sleep:


Let me get this right. You walked out of the first one, then went back and walked out of part two as well? Is this one of them internet joke things?

sounds like:

saw the first one; walked out.

saw the second one, on acid; walked out

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I actually want to see all of these movies after I read an article that compared their formula for success to that of LOST. Apparently it has a very sophisticated and deep storyline that becomes more and more apparent as the series continues, culminating with SAW7(or SAW: The Final Chapter in 3D). I've also heard that some of the later ones are considered some of the best in the series. They just seem so stupid and over the top and the trailers are very shallow.


Fuck no. Confusing, convoluted, and unlikely does not = sophisticated and deep, at least not in this case. Stupid and shallow indeed, but even THAT isn't always a bad thing. IMO, in this case, it is.

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Then again are you trying to tell us that you only watch non-hollywood arthouse cinema that you just 'know' that you'll enjoy no matter what. Cause it's soo amazing darling >?> drlol.


I don't even watch trailers anymore to avoid spoilage, but I'm rarely so disappointed that I want to walk out. I'm usually like "oh there's a new aronofsky out, I'll go to the cinema to see it then" - so I rarely end up in shitty films. Unless of course I KNOW I am going to see a shitty film with friends just for fun, like when plstik, phil and me went to see Hostel 2 cause we thought the first one was hilariously bad, but then of course I wouldn't want to walk out either.


I think I walked out on a film once but I don't remember which one it was. I was really young and with at least one of my parents plus a friend. When we found out nobody was enjoying it we all left. Wonder what that was. Some comedy I think.


And I was about to walk out on Let The Right One In, that wannabe-artsy car crash of a film, once they brought on the ridiculous cgi cats. On that one occasion, my non-trailer-philosophy failed me, I didn't even know it was gonna be about vampires. I was fooled by the fact that A) they were showing a Swedish film in a German cinema and B) the screenshots lookeed interesting, camera-wise. Oh how wrong I was.


I actually want to see all of these movies after I read an article that compared their formula for success to that of LOST. Apparently it has a very sophisticated and deep storyline that becomes more and more apparent as the series continues, culminating with SAW7(or SAW: The Final Chapter in 3D). I've also heard that some of the later ones are considered some of the best in the series. They just seem so stupid and over the top and the trailers are very shallow.


Fuck no. Confusing, convoluted, and unlikely does not = sophisticated and deep, at least not in this case. Stupid and shallow indeed, but even THAT isn't always a bad thing. IMO, in this case, it is.


Yeah man, where the hell did you read that ... Saw 1 is the only good film in the series, it was done by two friends on a pretty low budget. One of them played Adam, the other one directed it. They wrote it together and I think their motivation was that they like horror films and wanted to give it a shot.


After the surprise-hit, it was adopted by some soulless idiots to milk it dry. So there was never intended to be a big storyline in the first place.


Last one I saw was Saw 4. My friend has seen Saw 6 and he told me he recognized an actor from a gay porno flick.

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I walked out of "The Replacements" with Keanu Reeves. Don't ask why I went to see it in the first place, because I don't know. I think I also went to Hooters that night too.


you needed to see some boobies to make it all better.


No I've never done it, but I've had some amazing naps in the cinema



Ahh you see there's the solution and the problem, if only i could sleep seated upright.

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Then again are you trying to tell us that you only watch non-hollywood arthouse cinema that you just 'know' that you'll enjoy no matter what. Cause it's soo amazing darling >?> drlol.


like i said i haven't gone to the movies in years, but back when i did go, it was pretty much always some big budget hollywood spectacle. i don't really see the point in watching arthouse films (generally lots of dialogue, not so much enourmous robots from outter space and explosions) in the theatre, unless of course you want to support the movie, but there's dvd and blu ray for that.


anyway, i guess what i wanted to know was if this is something that people in the us sees all the time, crowds of grumpy people walking out of movies and demanding refunds etc, since that's the impression i got from all those imdb threads. it's just an interesting phenomena, much like how people cheer/clap or boo after the movie's over. group mentality sort of thing.

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Guest Billov

I've felt like walking out on a couple movies before... Stranger Than Fiction, definitely my most hated movie, we stayed because we literally were expecting it to maybe redeem itself.


I remember a few people walking out on Four Lions haha.

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