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walking out of movies


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The Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

Schindler's List


The Dark Knight

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Fight Club

The Matrix

Toy Story 3

American Beauty


what list is this? please explain in detail.

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I remember wanting to walk out of that first Chronicles of Narnia movie. I remember feeling pretty embarrassed for the people who made it. It's like someone giving you all the ingredients to make an excellent ice cream sundae and making something that tastes like burned broccoli.

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The Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

Schindler's List


The Dark Knight

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Fight Club

The Matrix

Toy Story 3

American Beauty


what list is this? please explain in detail.





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The Shawshank Redemption

Pulp Fiction

Schindler's List


The Dark Knight

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Fight Club

The Matrix

Toy Story 3

American Beauty


what list is this? please explain in detail.







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The Shawshank RedemptionPulp FictionSchindler's ListInceptionThe Dark KnightThe Lord of the Rings: Return of the KingFight ClubThe MatrixToy Story 3American Beauty
what list is this? please explain in detail.




Meh.. Trolling or otherwise,most of these films didn't really get me all excited.


Shawshank is ok, maybe a bit over rated, Inception was pretty dull in my opinion, Dark Night is very over hyped. Chrisitan Bale's batman voice is fkn drilling, and all the bit part actors in that film suck serious arse. the bit when the cop shouted "no more dead cops!!" made me burst out laughing in the cinema, worst delivery of a line ever!


Oh, and I have a personal hatred for Toy Story 3, not because it's mediocre but because a guy I know having just seen it at the cinema proclaimed it "the best animated movie ever!!!". Comment lead to a full on argument.


Even matrix, it's a pretty cool film but it bugs me when people call it an original concept. That film borrows from all over the place.


I just think that sometimes people get a bit carried away by the cinema experience. when it's on a big screen with awesome sound it can make average films seem extraordinary. There's that moment as you're walking out of the screen, gut a bit achey from all the candy and fizzy drink and you're a bit buzzy from the experience, easy to loose your perspective. but I bet there's a shit load of people who go straight home and write a glowing review on IMDB or text their friends or whatever. Means Toy Story 3 ends up with (at time of writing) 8.6 on IMDB while something IMO faaaar better like Hotaru no Haka gets a lower score..


anyways, this is all ranting again, should learn to stop that, sorry!! :)

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

should have/wanted to walked out on:


- dude, where's my car (was too ... to be able to, was part of a large group of friends)

- coyote ugly (lulz)

- crash (haggis.. again with a large group of friends and ended up having a lively debate about its altogether shiteness afterwards so it was all good)


generally speaking, i'm not going to watch something i'd think i'd end up walking out of, and even without reading complete reviews it's pretty easy to tell nowadays whether not something is a complete pile before you go to the cinema.


so, none :whistling:

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The Shawshank RedemptionPulp FictionSchindler's ListInceptionThe Dark KnightThe Lord of the Rings: Return of the KingFight ClubThe MatrixToy Story 3American Beauty
what list is this? please explain in detail.




Meh.. Trolling or otherwise,most of these films didn't really get me all excited.


Shawshank is ok, maybe a bit over rated, Inception was pretty dull in my opinion, Dark Night is very over hyped. Chrisitan Bale's batman voice is fkn drilling, and all the bit part actors in that film suck serious arse. the bit when the cop shouted "no more dead cops!!" made me burst out laughing in the cinema, worst delivery of a line ever!


Oh, and I have a personal hatred for Toy Story 3, not because it's mediocre but because a guy I know having just seen it at the cinema proclaimed it "the best animated movie ever!!!". Comment lead to a full on argument.


Even matrix, it's a pretty cool film but it bugs me when people call it an original concept. That film borrows from all over the place.


I just think that sometimes people get a bit carried away by the cinema experience. when it's on a big screen with awesome sound it can make average films seem extraordinary. There's that moment as you're walking out of the screen, gut a bit achey from all the candy and fizzy drink and you're a bit buzzy from the experience, easy to loose your perspective. but I bet there's a shit load of people who go straight home and write a glowing review on IMDB or text their friends or whatever. Means Toy Story 3 ends up with (at time of writing) 8.6 on IMDB while something IMO faaaar better like Hotaru no Haka gets a lower score..


anyways, this is all ranting again, should learn to stop that, sorry!! :)


No problem with me, I'm pissed off at most of the movie industry.

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Only walked out of one movie and it was Pasolini's Salo: 120 days of Sodom. It it hadn't even gotten to the poop eating scene. It was no biggy, as it was a day where you could see two movies for the price of one. The first one was O, Brother were art thou, so it wasn't all a waste.


But, yeah I don't understand walking out of movies, do you not read up on the movies you go watch? Or say no if you are being dragged into watching some shit? If there is pussy involved then it's understandable, but bitch better give out if you suffer through some dreck.

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Guest 277: 930-933

I walked out of the third part of the LoTR trilogy.

We were watching the entire trilogy, first 2 on a big screen at someone's house and then the third at a theater but it was just too much for me.

I'd pretty much had it after watching the first movie so I'd already skipped the second one and decided to get drunk in the theater's lobby after 30 minutes into the third.

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