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Guest rumbo

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i can stomach silent hill and the like only because i have half a chance at killing the creepy shit...id probably die of a heart attack before i finish a game like this

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Guest rumbo

I haven't played penumbra, but have watched some videos. Compared to Amnesia, it appears pretty poor. The sound design and atmosphere in Amnesia is very immersive. I don't tend to scare easily in games, but have jumped numerous times so far.

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It's not bad. Good atmosphere but I hate games that have you relying on items that are constantly running out, like with the oil for lamps and stuff. Didn't add to tension so much as make me rush through the game.


Need to get back to playing it actually, only had one two hour session on it.

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Guest rumbo

It's not bad. Good atmosphere but I hate games that have you relying on items that are constantly running out, like with the oil for lamps and stuff. Didn't add to tension so much as make me rush through the game.


Need to get back to playing it actually, only had one two hour session on it.


I think I play the opposite way. I tend to hoard my supply and try to get as far as I can until I really need to use it. It's so dark that it adds to the scare factor when you try to navigate without lights, maybe bringing the lamp up in short bursts. I tend to spend my tinderboxes first when I can. Im pedantic about searching for things and missing something. I can't help but open every single drawer, cabinet and closet just in case.

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Guest abracadabra

Im pedantic about searching for things and missing something. I can't help but open every single drawer, cabinet and closet just in case.


I'm like that with every game I play.

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Guest rumbo

My only annoyance is the amount of notes you pick up to read. It breaks the immersion somewhat. That's one thing I liked about Doom3 when it came out long ago, once you accessed a voice recording, you could minimise the inventory screen and walk around while the voice kept talking.

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My only annoyance is the amount of notes you pick up to read. It breaks the immersion somewhat. That's one thing I liked about Doom3 when it came out long ago, once you accessed a voice recording, you could minimise the inventory screen and walk around while the voice kept talking.


Yeah that does my head in too. I'm also a hoarder in games, I think the day I was playing might have been a bit bright. Think I'll start again from the beginning at night.

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there was much talk about this game, was about time there's a thread for it.


I played it, it was unbelievably scary, I yelled - Most paranoid gaming experience. Let me copy-paste the thing I wrote for Brandi B:


Amnesia - The Dark Descent




If you don't know much or nothing at all about it, here's the most important bits:

  • it's a first person game, but not a shooter
  • it's set in a castle some time in the 19th century, but there's enough variety regarding the settings
  • there is no combat at all - you're equipped only with a lantern
  • it's creepy as fuck, and I do mean CREEPY as FUCK. probably the scariest game I've played
  • there's puzzles in it (not as complex as Myst or Monkey Island, but some are quite creative - not just key/door)
  • if you hang out in the dark for too long, you loose your sanity, you'll start imagining things ...
  • it's subtle, very atmospheric and has a quite disturbing story (for me anyway)
  • it was made by Frictional Games (indie game studio, essentially five or six guys from all over the world), released in September on Steam for 15 bucks (might have dropped in price since)


One important warning: Do not ever look at the American box "art" or google image search the title of the game! The studio responsible for the physical US-release are idiots and put a MASSIVE spoiler on the cover. You know how American box art of any game sucks ass, but this is even worse. The developers had nothing to do with it. The cover I posted was a half-official promo cover from before the physical release.


Oh btw it's not Dead Space-scary where things jump at you or startle you, it's proper scary as in you're afraid to move.


I tend to hoard my supply and try to get as far as I can until I really need to use it.


I finished the game with 51 spare tinderboxes cause I was too afraid to light the candles:shuriken:

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^ slight scare-spoiler because you see a little too much imo. If I hadn't played the game already, I wouldn't watch past the 4 minute mark (listening to the guy freak out is fine) - Hilarious anyway, I was just like him, and I'm usually calm, might twitch a little at most.


"just picked up a note as soon as I heard thescarynoise" :biggrin:

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this game was a letdown for me.


i couldn't immerse myself. i just wanted to find all the fucking oil and i actually found it kind of boring.




when it comes to most video games i almost always find myself saying 'this sucks' after about 10 minutes of playing...


Fatal Frame games were pretty fucking scary for me actually.

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The last time I was even slightly creeped out by gaming (or television or movies) was a good 13 years ago, or so, except for that time I watched Return to Oz alone a few months ago. Am I too badass and hard and just too totally bitchin for this game? y/n

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Guest rumbo

I think its important to not read too much about the game. Or read too much hype for it. Which is why my original post was vague. I played this game not knowing much about it, on recommendation by a friend. All he told me was that it's a survival horror where you can only hide or run from monsters. That intrigued me so I got it and played without knowing anything more.

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Guest abracadabra

Just got it.


The file is only 1gig...?


Anyway, I will be playing tonight, in the dark, with my cousin's cat

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Just got it.


The file is only 1gig...?


Anyway, I will be playing tonight, in the dark, with my cousin's cat


sad indictment of the state of gaming there


yes it's only one gig

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Just got it.


The file is only 1gig...?


Anyway, I will be playing tonight, in the dark, with my cousin's cat


sad indictment of the state of gaming there


yes it's only one gig


so true lol. It's so big it would have come on 2 cd roms!

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it's only half the size of the westwood point n click blade runner game that came out in 1997ish

think of it like that! and it has nice graphics and it's not too demanding on the ol hardware

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